Chapter 83 - Disappointment


---The next day---

Just like what Sakuya had said, Lev, Sia, and the others were already on their way for a mission. They were now inside the vehicle while talking to each other especially Eric as he didn't stop opening his ask and asked Lev why he would still allow Sia to come with them from time to time especially now seeing her sitting beside him harmlessly.

"We'll go in a group again today. Alisa will be with Lev and Sakuya's group, Kota will be with Soma and Eric, and Lenka will be with me." Lindow announced the arrangement of this mission which the others just nodded after hearing him. Lev, however, thinks of another thing seeing that the groupings have changed.

"Lenka, you might already know this, but I will tell you again, remember, this is your last chance." Lindow followed while looking at Lenka seriously. He was given an order to strictly observe him since his future was at stake if he ever performed poorly in this mission.

Lenka, upon hearing it, nodded while clenching his fist as he knew about it as Major Amamiya told him that they would revoke his God Arc if he didn't improve and show some promising performance.

"Today's target is Gboro-Gboro. Six of them. Each team will take two and don't fail to extract the core." Sakuya then started explaining their mission for today to let the three members get well-informed so that they wouldn't be surprised later.

Following that, Lev and the rest of the 1st unit then continue moving their way toward their destination.


In the wasteland,

After arriving at an abandoned place, each and everyone then dispersed towards their target location with their respective groups wanting to efficiently use the time and not waste it.

"This will be an easy task so just follow my orders." Lev took the position to be the leader of his group. Sakuya didn't even complain even though she was the second-in-command since she had known that Lev was more capable than her. They then just keep on walking while looking at the surroundings with vigilance.

Alisa, on the other hand, did not take his words seriously and just mind her own business while looking at the surroundings.

Seeing such an uninterested reaction, Lev sighed and just let her be before he summoned Sword Infinity, and casually cut the incoming Aragami in half.

[Small Type: Ogretail has been killed.]

[1,000 God Coins earned.]

[Small Core has been collected.]

After killing the Aragami, Lev then summoned the core and gave it to Sakuya which made Alisa shocked seeing how he got the core from the Aragami without devouring it or searching for it on its body.

"Let's finish this early and head back already as I still have things to do back in the headquarters." Lev said before he jumped up towards a tall building to see more of the place which Sia, Sakuya, and Alisa also followed him from behind.

After getting to high ground, Sakuya then spotted a group of Gboro-Gboro which Lev ordered the group to stay put first to see more of the situation. He could actually take them down by himself but considering that it was a mission to let the newbie get experience, he holds himself back.

Lev looked below and saw a group of Gboro-Gboro while other types of Aragamis were also in the vicinity. He thought that the situation wasn't in their favor since fighting it head-on would alarm the Aragami in the vicinity.

"Well, l--" Before Lev could give an instruction, Alisa already jumped down from the building, and the Aragamis immediately got alarmed by the sudden commotion.

"Tsk." Lev could only click his tongue while looking at Alisa who was now surrounded by the Aragamis on the ground. He had known how stubborn she was in the early phase of the story, but he did not expect that it was to this extent.

"Lev, what should we do?" Sakuya asked while frowning at Alisa's behavior seeing her acting recklessly without waiting for instruction. Her behavior as a soldier is something that would harm the rest of the group but despite that, she still wanted to know about Lev's opinion about this.

"Just let her be and only act when her life is in grave danger. This is something she had done to her so she better pay the consequence." Lev answered while observing Alisa fighting the Aragamis with her God Arc.

Alisa, who was on the ground, did her best to deal with them, transforming her God Arc and doing the best combo she could make while also evading their attacks at the same time which shows that she really has ample experience in fighting.

Time passed by, and Lev, Sia, and Sakuya could now see Alisa's movements starting to slow down due to exhaustion after getting constant attack by the Aragamis added that there were more and more Aragamis that were coming after her upon hearing the chaos that was happening.

"Lev." Sakuya worriedly said after seeing Alisa get a clean hit and flew back.

Lev looked at the situation and thought that this shouldn't have happened if she wasn't in her group or maybe because their location was a little bit far from the others or maybe not the same as the original.

"Sakuya, give support." Lev said as he transformed Sword Infinity into a spear before jumping from the building and landed right in front of Alisa.

Meanwhile, Alisa hardly stood up and looked at Lev with her injured body.

"I told you to wait for my orders." Lev said while looking at Alisa with disappointment even though he knew that this was her personality from the very beginning. Right after that, he then started to stride forward toward the Aragami while Sakuya gave support from above while Sia stood right beside her, and kept on looking at them.

Alisa didn't take Lev's words seriously and just gripped her God Arc as she thought that it only resulted in this situation because she was surrounded. She then could only watch Lev and Sakuya protecting her while seeing how the two of them killed every single one of the Aragamis at the same time and it didn't take long before they killed them all out with ease.

Seeing that the situation was already okay, Sakuya decided to jump down but became out of balance as an Aragami suddenly followed her from behind. She was wondering if it must have climbed the building without them knowing which resulted in this situation.

Sakuya could only widen her eyes seeing that she couldn't react on time, she was about to use her God Arc to defend herself when suddenly the Aragami was cleanly cut in half right in front of her eyes. She looked towards the person who killed the Aragami and saw that it was other than the harmless Sia with two spears in her hands before she safely fell to the ground with surprise.

Sia, on the other hand, smiled before also jumping down and moving towards Lev and standing next to him. She kind of wants to see his reaction knowing that she just disobeyed his order of not using their abilities.

"It's alright, Sia." Lev said while patting her head seeing that she just saved Sakuya from danger. He then looked at Sakuya with a smile seeing the unbelievable expression on her face.

"T-That." Sakuya could not believe seeing Sia killing an Aragami as she always thought that she could not fight and more especially her weapon as she didn't even know where it came from.

Alisa, on the other hand, also looked at Sia and could not be helped but felt shocked seeing what she just did as she also thought the same as Sakuya.

"There is no need to be that shock. The reason why I kept on letting her join was that she was strong and could protect herself." Lev said while looking at Sia.

Following that, Lev then looked at Alisa before saying, "A lot stronger than you, of course."

It was actually unnecessary to say such a thing, but he still says it to make Alisa wake up to reality in hopes that she would change her attitude after this.

"Let's go." Lev said thinking that it was now for them to leave after they already finished their quota for today and even collected much more cores than expected.

Following that, Sakuya then immediately followed while asking Lev and Sia some questions. Alisa, on the other hand, stayed still as she looked at their backs for a while before following them with her head down.


Somewhere in the same area,

While Lev easily but with casualty completed their quota, Lindow and the others also did their best to help the new member of their group especially Lindow who helped Lenka how to devour using his God Arc.

Kota, on the other hand, was having a hard time as he still did not have any experience fighting a real Aragami but with the help of Eric who was also a Gun Type God Arc like him, he was then starting to get the gist of it.


On the vehicle,

After a long day, Lindow and the others were already heading back as the sun started to set but the atmosphere inside the vehicle was very awkward for some reason after seeing Alisa having several cuts and bruises on her body.

"Lev, what happened to your side?" Lindow said as he wanted to know how Alisa got such wounds while he and the others were fine. Soma and the rest also looked at him as they wanted to know what happened.

"Alisa rushed towards the Aragamis without waiting for instruction." Sakuya answered after seeing Lev didn't say a word. She was also disappointed with Alisa's performance as such kind of attitude would only harm the rest of the group.

"Did you not even help?" Lindow asked again while looking at Sakuya as he wanted to know the whole situation.

"No, we didn't as we wanted to leave it as a lesson and to make her realize that fighting recklessly will only lead to death." Sakuya replied while looking at Alisa through the mirror while still not forgetting the way she acted earlier.

Following that, they then looked at Lev who was patting Sia's head before looking back at Alisa as they knew that it was originally her fault.

Lindow, on the other hand, could only scratch his head after having another problem on how to explain it later back to the headquarters since Alisa was someone that the higher-ups valued the most.

Alisa, who was listening to them, just clenched her fists with her head down as she didn't want to look at how they stared at her. She admitted that the injuries she acquired were all her fault, but it was only because she was surrounded by Aragamis.

The atmosphere then became heavy in an instant when suddenly something came flying towards Alisa. Alisa caught it and then looked where it came from before seeing that it was from Lev.

"Eat it." Lev said without even looking at her. Alisa is by far a good heroine however, her behavior at the start is kind of bad and will only develop through many difficulties. Thus, only time will tell and change her for the better.

This time, Lindow and the others also noticed this situation and looked at what Lev had thrown at Alisa.

Alisa, upon hearing Lev, opened her hand and saw that it was an ordinary bean. She then thought about why Lev would want her to eat it however, despite not knowing what it was, she still ate it since it was also a kind of food.

Right after eating, it only took seconds before the wounds on Alisa's body closed and healed. Sakuya who was driving suddenly stopped after seeing it while the others were also looking at her as they couldn't understand what just happened.

Seeing this, Lev just smiled at them after seeing that the magic bean that he bought still always comes in handy. He actually was planning to give her one all along as he also didn't want to get scolded later back to the headquarters, especially by her personal doctor.

"I hope everyone can keep it a secret." Lev said after seeing them looking at him guessing what was running through their minds right now. He knew how important such a thing especially in this world since getting injured was something normal to get when heading outside.

Upon hearing this, Sakuya then continued driving while the others kept silent while having many questions on their mind, but they could only swallow and keep it in their mind after seeing that Lev didn't want to explain a thing.




After completing the mission, Lev and the others were now in the cafeteria eating their meal while Lindow was being called into Johannes's office and the others were already doing their own business.

Meanwhile, Lev, Sia, Shio, Sakuya, and even Licca were eating dinner while the latter kept on asking what they had done that day as she was also curious about what was happening outside. Lev, however, was thinking about what happened to those people they were supposed to meet today like in the original story as they didn't meet them on their way back, but he couldn't think of any reason and just let it be.

Just like that, they then just enjoyed the food before they parted ways as Sia and Shio already went back to Lev's room while Lev surprisingly followed Licca to her workshop for a special inquiry.


Johannes's office,

This time around, Johannes, Lindow, and Tsubaki could be seen inside the office with serious expressions on their faces.

"How're the New-Types?" Johannes asked directly what his purpose of calling Lindow into his office. He was thinking about what kind of performance they did since it was their very first mission.

"Hmmm, Lenka was still improving but there's no harm in letting him use the New-Type and I think he will do a great job later after seeing how eager he was to learn and to get stronger. Alisa, on the other hand, was also doing great but her attitude and behavior sometimes hindered the mission." Lindow answered what he and the others observed about them but did not elaborate deeply on what really happened especially in Alisa's case.

"Nice work then. Continue to bring them to missions so they can get used to it." Johannes said with satisfaction before dismissing Lindow and Tsubaki at the same time.


On the elevator,

After being dismissed, Tsubaki and Lindow were silently standing inside waiting for the elevator to stop. Though the two were siblings, they hardly had any conversation inside the headquarters as they only talked about important things.

"I know something must have happened, what is it?" Tsubaki suddenly asked as she had a feeling that something must have happened earlier seeing how quiet her brother and the others were after coming back to the headquarters.

"Mmm. A lot of things happened earlier." Lindow replied as there was no harm in telling her sister the truth about it. Following that, he then explained in detail what really happened while Tsubaki's expressions were changing from time to time.

"I think It would be better to ask Lev in person later." Tsubaki said after hearing only a small detail about what happened. She thought that hearing it from Lev's mouth was more believable and accurate.

"Sister, Is there something going on with the two of you?" Lindow curiously asked as he noticed that his sister became more interested every time Lev was on the topic. He also notices her change of attitude if Lev is present every time they are having a meeting.

"He was the most important person to me right now. I'm his woman. So, better treat him well, or else you won't be having a good day inside the headquarters. Got it?" Tsubaki told him the truth before leaving the elevator first after seeing it opening.

Lindow, on the other hand, was surprised while looking at her sister's back as he could not believe what she just said but he did not ponder more about it as they were already old enough and just let her be. He then just shook his and didn't want to think about it anymore before he also got out of the elevator and left somewhere.


Licca's workshop,

Right now, Lev and Licca could be found standing in front of some machine while looking at the sword in it. The sword inside the machine was kind of strange and ordinary. Licca could only ask with curiosity, "Where did you get this sword, Lev?"

"It's a secret." Lev replied while keeping the truth of where he got the sword. His purpose for coming to Licca's workshop was to ask her if she could get some data about it since she must be capable of doing it.

"Hmm. Well, no matter how the machine scans the sword, it doesn't give responses and could only perceive it as an ordinary sword." Licca was not hurt by Lev's words as she then told him the result that the machine provided.

"That's a shame then." Lev said with a little disappointment though he kind of expected it since it was no ordinary sword. This sword was actually the weapon he got after he used his last Weapon Summoning Card upon thinking about it for a while now.

"Is it the same with your weapon, Lev?" Licca asked once again as she thought that it must be of the same type since Lev was very interested in it seeing the appreciating and happy expression on his face.

"No, It's entirely different." Lev replied as the sword that he had right now was a weapon that a particular person used in another world and it was kind of weak and powerful at the same time if used properly though he needed to buy a certain skill for it to be more effective.

"Is there something special about it then?" Licca asked. She wondered if it was really just an ordinary sword, but something was telling her that it was not since Lev's eyes were glowing while looking at it.

"Yes, it has." Lev answered with a smile before he tried using the sword's power inside the workshop which made Licca's eyes widen by surprise after seeing what it did. They both then stayed and carefully looked at the weapon before parting ways.


In the training room,

After heading back, Alisa directly heads to the training after eating dinner as she wants to release her pent-up frustration from her mission. Lev's words completely angered her especially after being compared to Sia.

At this moment, Alisa could be seen fighting several Aragami while being surrounded just like what happened back in their mission, but it only took a minute before she got hit by one of them before the virtual training ended. She then grabbed her God Arc once more and remembered Lev's disappointed look on his face before standing up to try again.