Chapter 94 - Alisa's Change


---The next morning---

On the bed,

As the sun rises from the horizon, two people can be seen lying naked on the bed. These two people were none other than Lev and Alisa who spent the night together. Not before long, the silence and peacefulness of the room suddenly broke after Lev woke up from his slumber.

Lev looked at the unfamiliar ceiling first before realizing where he was. He then looked around the place and saw Alisa sleeping soundly in his arms which he couldn't help but have a faint smile on his face before caressing her head waiting for her to wake up.

Not long after that, Alisa then also opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Lev caressing her head while looking at her with a warm smile. Seeing Lev early in the morning, she then immediately remembered what happened last night and it made her hurriedly grab the blanket and cover her body with her face brimming with redness.

"Good morning." Lev greeted as he got up with a smile. He then just looked at Alisa and found her reactions cute. Though they had spent the night together, it wasn't enough for her to be part of his harem upon seeing the status above her head.

[Love: 20 %]

"G-Good morning." Alisa shyly greeted back while thinking about what came into her mind last night that she did such a thing. She then just looked at Lev before her eyes shifted toward the sword that was pointing at her.

"Hehe." Lev laughed evilly. It wasn't his fault that his cock could be seen just like that since it was Alisa's fault in the first place after she pulled the blanket that was covering the both of them.

Following that, Lev then just smiled before starting his attack by embracing her tight first, moving her closer, and letting her back lie comfortably on his chest.

"What happened last night was real. So, let's not get shy anymore." Lev teased before moving his hands toward her breasts and started kneading them.

Surprisingly, Alisa didn't struggle and let Lev do what he wanted as she just leaned comfortably with her eyes closed while letting out cute moans. She doesn't want to think why this is happening anymore as she doesn't know what to do.

"Alisa, did Dr. Oguruma do something to you?" Lev then suddenly asked as he wanted to know if the brainwashing had started even though it was still not the time or if maybe the plan had changed.

"N-No. Nothing." Alisa replied while breathing heavily as Lev's hands were still kneading her breasts without stopping. Her moans even started getting louder after Lev occasionally pinched her nipples.

"Hmmm, that's good. However, just be careful with your doctor as he wasn't a good person." Lev then said before his left hand moved toward her face and made her face upward. Doing so, Lev then saw Alisa's seductive face before kissing her lips.

"O-Okay." Alisa replied while kissing back. Though Dr. Oguruma didn't do something to her, she admitted that she felt creepy about him even before they were in the Russia Branch, and just like that, Lev's words then printed her mind as if she was hypnotized.

"Good." Lev said before letting her go and saw her suddenly turn around to face him. Seeing such a scene, he then smiled widely and his mind run wild after seeing Alisa suddenly leaned toward his cock.

Alisa, who was already drowned in lust, lost herself and only wanted to feel good. She looked at Lev first before taking his cock in her mouth and started giving him blowjobs. Recalling what happened last night makes her think about how this thing entered inside her.

Lev, on the other hand, leaned comfortably on the wall with his hand helping Alisa move her head up and down. He has already tasted her blowjob last night and it feels really good added by her clumsy actions that were making her cute.

"Alisa, I will cherish you from now on." Lev declared. Alisa was already within his grasp after what they did last night and seeing her now still doing it, then nothing would ever stop the both of them. What he just needs to do is to continue giving her care and love before reaping the rewards.

Following that, Lev and Alisa then started having a good time inside before finally stopping. Lev thought that the place was very lonely for Alisa to stay so he told her to follow her back to the headquarters and meet the rest. Dr. Oguruma tried to stop them after they got out but Lev intercepted from he could only comply after seeing that Lev was really serious about getting her out.



After arriving at the headquarters, Lev then called Sia and the others to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. Sia and Shio excitedly headed to the cafeteria as Lev hadn't come back last night and were curious about where he had gone.

"Alisa, are you okay now?" Sia suddenly asked and shifted the topic after seeing that Alisa was already fine and seemed normal, however, her eyes had a hint of interest seeing her blushing before looking at Lev with her all-knowing eyes.

Shio and Kanon were also there and were happy and surprised to see Alisa together with Lev especially Kanon as she knew Alisa and Lev really didn't get along well, however, seeing them together and seeing Alisa acting weird, she could not help but think something must have happened between them.

"Mmm. I'm good now." Alisa replied but her cheeks were getting red as she looked at Sia. She was actually feeling conflicted at the moment as she knew that there was something going on with Lev and Sia. She then just took a glance at Lev and felt embarrassed even more upon seeing him smirking at her.

"Hmm. Since everyone was here. How about heading out and roaming around the town." Lev then suggested. Though they could head out for a mission, he still felt like wanting to relax and spend the day without seeing and fighting Aragami.

"How about coming to my place then?!" Kanon immediately suggested it upon hearing Lev's suggestion. She has been wanting her unit to visit her place sometime, but she was very shy to ask about it and could only bring it up now thinking that it was the right moment.

Sia and the others looked at each other first upon hearing Kanon before nodding as they also wanted to know where Kanon was living.

"How about you, Lev?" Kanon asked seeing that Lev didn't reply that he was going to.

"It's good." Lev replied with a smile. Since they have nothing better to do, then why not visit the place Kanon was living and see her situation.

Following that, Lev and the others then enjoyed the meal before heading out. They spent the rest of the day in Kanon's place where Shio found a new friend, Kanon's little sister. They did nothing but eat and have a relaxing time as a unit before finally parting ways at night.



Tsubaki's room,

After playing outside for the day, Lev then started her midnight job seeing him and Tsubaki lying on the bed nakedly. The temperature of the room has been rising ever since they arrived, and it only continues to rise seeing Tsubaki on top riding Lev's cock. They had been in that position for a while now before the two climaxed at the same time. They already did it a couple of times and this would probably be the last as Tsubaki was now very weak.

"You really pushed yourself too hard, Tsubaki." Lev said while caressing her head seeing Tsubaki use almost all of her strength this time. It's not like he hated it since it was the wish that he promised before he left.

"Lev. Hehe. I told you my wish was to get pregnant with your child. So, doing this is just a given." Tsubaki replied before leaning weakly in Lev's chest still feeling the hotness of his cock and semen inside her.

"By the way, I observed Alisa earlier and feel like she became closer to you. Did you do something?" Tsubaki asked with a cheeky smile after remembering what Alisa's actions looked like to her. She was very familiar with it since she experienced the same thing with Lev.

"Maybe." Lev vaguely answered while smiling.

Hearing Lev, Tsubaki then just smiled faintly before getting up and positioning herself on all fours presenting her wet pussy to Lev.

"I don't care how many women you have. Just don't forget about this pussy of mine." Tsubaki said thinking that Lev's time with her would again lessen upon Alisa's joining his harem however, she also felt the need to do so since she could not satisfy him alone.

Hearing that, Lev then immediately get up and thrust his cock inside Tsubaki once again and started another round of debauchery. Tsubaki also pushed a little more to have their last round before Lev left the place and headed back to his room.


Lev's room,

After spending some quality time with Tsubaki, Lev then was welcomed by four beautiful women upon heading back to his room. Sakuya, Shio, Sia, and surprisingly Alisa were there to greet him. He was wondering what was running through her head seeing how she could get along with the others fully knowing what was happening.

"Hehe. Are you surprised, Master?" Sia suddenly asked after seeing Lev. She was the one who persuaded Alisa into spending the rest of the night in Lev's room upon having a conversation back in Kanon's place.

Shio was just there smiling together with Sakuya who was greatly surprised by this revelation after hearing it from Sia after heading back from her mission. However, she did not complain about it and was just surprised since it was Alisa they were talking about.

Lev then just looked at Sia, Shio, and Sakuya before staring at Alisa. He smiled before joining them on the bed for which each and everyone then started occupying positions on Lev seeing Shio and Sia lying on his chest with Sakuya and Alisa occupying his side.

"This place really is getting cramped." Lev said while looking at the ceiling. He was surprised that they all fit together on the bed. He then immediately thought that they really needed to move out soon.

"By the way, Tsubaki told us about living in town. Is it true?" Sakuya suddenly asked after remembering the conversation she had with Tsubaki after their mission.

"Yes, and we will move out soon and finally live in one place." Lev then answered while caressing Sakuya's head.

"I also had something to tell you after we move out." Lev followed as he thought that it was now time to tell them the truth about being him coming from another world similar yet different from theirs.

"Why not tell us already?" Sakuya asked once again as she was curious about what would Lev say to them after moving out.

"Well. It would be better if you were all there so I could explain it at once." Lev replied.

Following that, Lev and the others then just talked to each other, especially about Alisa who was silently occupying Lev's side without saying anything probably because of embarrassment.


Somewhere in town,

Meanwhile, Kanon was still awake even after it was already late at night, and she found herself being bothered. After staring blankly at the ceiling, she then just decided to get out and head toward their small living room while looking at the scenery outside.

"Sister, why are you still awake?" A voice then suddenly echoed which surprised Kanon.

"And why are still awake?" Instead of answering, Kanon asked while looking at the person who was none other than her younger sister.

"You must be thinking about Brother Lev. He's handsome after all. Hehehe." Kanon's sister teasingly as she has been staring at her ever since her companions visit their place. She also felt very generous abnormally which is weird, especially to her handsome captain.

Hearing her sister's words, Kanon immediately saw Lev's face appearing in her mind and she couldn't help but blush.

"I'm right. You like brother Lev." Kanon's sister immediately said seeing Kanon blushing hard.

"Stupid." Kanon cursed before pushing her sister toward her room before also heading back to her own room to rest.


---Three days later---

Time passed by like a blink of an eye. During the past three days, Lev and the others didn't head out to hunt Aragamis and just stayed in the headquarters instead. They took their time resting and Lev used it to deepen his relationship with his women, especially with Alisa.

During the days that had passed, Lev has come to know as to why Alisa accepted things so easily despite not being officially part of his harem and that is because she became overly dependent on him probably due to what happened in the wasteland and their night together.

Right now, on the other hand, Lev and the others could be found on their way to the town as it was now the day Tsubaki and Lev planned to move out to their new home.

Tsubaki's place was not so far from the headquarters as it only took them a couple of minutes before they arrived in a seemingly tall building in town. They then just entered and followed Tsubaki inside as they were very excited to see the place.

Following that, the group then entered the elevator and climbed up to the highest floor.


Inside the apartment,

When Lev and the others arrived, they could not help but feel surprised to know that the whole floor was owned by Tsubaki alone. The scenery of the place was also very good as they could see the entirety of the Far East Branch due to the wall was all made of glass. There were also several rooms inside enough for all of them even though they probably didn't need them.

"This is my first time seeing such an apartment." Sakuya said with amazement after comparing her small apartment to this which she could only tell how poor she was. Shio also had the same thought and couldn't believe that they would now be living in this place.

"Well, let's move our things first." Lev then said before embracing Tsubaki's waist which the others immediately left and found a room that they liked leaving him and Tsubaki alone in the living room.

"Thank you, Tsubaki." Lev said while looking at Tsubaki's eyes lovingly. Though it was not hard to find a place to stay in the town, upon seeing Tsubaki's place, he felt like it was enough and suitable to live in.

"If you're really that grateful, how about you help me move my things into my room." Tsubaki replied while moving her hands to Lev's pants and grabbing the hard thing hiding inside it.

Lev then just smiled before picking her up and carrying her towards her room. He then immediately cast Soundproofing before different kinds of sounds echoed in the room leaving everyone clueless.



In the dining room,

It was already noon when everyone finished sorting out their things. Lev and the others were now at the dining table eating the food that Lev made which caused his lovers to cry after eating such delicious food, especially those who ate it for the first time as they could not believe that Lev was not just strong but also an incredible chef.

"Lev, what is it that you wanted to say to us again?" Sakuya suddenly asked after she remembered what Lev told them back then that he would say something after they moved into Tsubaki's apartment.

"Hmm. Let's finish the food first before we talk about that as I know that you will be greatly surprised by then." Lev replied while looking at their faces who could not wait anymore as they were very curious.

Just like that, they then just waited and enjoyed the food before heading into the living room with curiosity and anticipation.


Living room,

After eating lunch, Tsubaki and the others then found a seat and were now only waiting for Lev to tell them.

"Hmmm. To tell you the truth. I came from another world." Lev then decided to tell them directly as it really doesn't matter. He then stared at the expression on their faces and was amused by their confused reactions.

"To be more precise, I came here with a mission." Lev followed and told them another thing which made them more confused. He could actually just use one of his skills to do the work but he decided to do that later and enjoy himself looking at the expression on their faces.

"A-Another World? Mission?" Tsubaki asked with great confusion about what Lev was talking about as she could not follow him. She has heard and seen several absurd things in her life but it was the first time she had heard something like this.

"W-Wait. Back to what you said that you came from another world. Can you elaborate on that part?" Sakuya asked with her mind not functioning well as this was the part that really confused her. It was not just her as this was also happening to the other women in the room and was just listening to them.

Since they all had the afternoon, Lev then just smiled as he looked at Sia before telling them the whole story. He started by telling them that he also came from Earth but a different Earth from this world. He then also showed them how powerful he really was by showing them some of his memory through the skill 'Memory Manipulation'. He also explained his weapon 'Infinity' the biggest mystery in the headquarters and shared how he could summon things out without having anything around him.

Following that, Lev then answered all their questions one by one. He took the whole afternoon explaining things that greatly impaled his lovers from thinking straight from hearing such things aside from Shio who was not taking his words properly.

"T-Then, can we come with you to your world after you complete your mission?" Sakuya then suddenly asked. She believes Lev was telling the truth not because he was a mystery but because he was her lover however, she also found a problem together with it.

"Sadly, for now, you can't but it would be possible in the future." Lev then answered truthfully after hearing the first question that they asked after calming down.

"Then what about the others? Can they also leave this world with us in the future?" Tsubaki asked after hearing that they could leave this world someday from which she then wanted to know if the others could also leave this forsaken place together with them.

"They can." Lev replied with certainty since the system already told him about it.

Upon hearing this, Tsubaki and the rest then felt happy and were excited to see how another world would really look since they had just seen it in Lev's memories and all they could say was that it was beautiful.

Following that, Tsubaki and the others then shifted their attention to Sia and asked her several questions, especially about the worlds outside theirs as they really wanted to know more about them. Lev and Sia then answer them until dinner.



Dining table,

Following the whole afternoon of explaining, Tsubaki and others then replenish their tired mind by eating Lev's cooking and seeing them hungrily put the food inside their mouths despite it already full.

"Lev, you said that you had a daughter in your memory. Do you perhaps have any pictures of her?" Alisa suddenly asked as she wanted to see Lev's daughter. Though she and the others were still young and still not ready to get pregnant yet, they wanted to see what she looked like thinking that she must be beautiful since the father was Lev himself.

Lev thinks about it first as he didn't actually share all his memories with them as he just shared some superficial ones. After a while, he then summoned his phone and showed them some of their pictures. He was glad that he did not forget to take time to take pictures of Sherry back then and was fortunate to bring it this time unlike when he was in Douluo Dalu.

Following that, Tsubaki and the others then immediately looked at the pictures and couldn't help but melt at how cute Sherry was. They also saw the pictures of their sisters in Lev's world and couldn't wait to see them.

Right after dinner, they then head toward the master bedroom and rest for the night. Nothing happened during the night as they just wanted to embrace Lev and feel his warmth while excitement and joy filled their mind.