Chapter 109 - Past Memories


---Two and a half months later---

In the mall, 

Walking around the mall specifically in the supermarket, Lev could be found picking up ingredients and the like together with his three cute little daughters. Though it seemed completely normal, the atmosphere was quite funny upon seeing people sneakily taking pictures of him. 

Lev, however, didn't mind as he couldn't really blame them at all since he never had expected how popular he had become after two months of uploading music covers on YouTube which started spreading into several internet platforms.

However, though they seem to know him inside, they somehow are too shy or probably scared to get closer to him which Lev finds interesting as to how they were acting like that. And as to why they were in the supermarket, well, it was because Christmas was only a couple of days ahead. 

With Sherry, Lily, and Lilia, Lev completely melted the people who were doing Christmas shopping just like him. After a couple of hours, they are finally done buying all the things that they bought upon seeing them now relaxing in one of the restaurants in the mall all the while their bodyguards bring home everything.

Eating inside, anyone could really tell just how humble and lowkey Lev was if they didn't care about him upon seeing him mending his daughters like any would without minding the stares of many people.

Following that, Lev and his daughters finally leave the place as they drive their way to Point Dume to see the situation of the place since the creation and realization of Tony Stark's house are now in its final phase. 


Point Dume, 

Getting out of the car, Lev and his daughter then walked and looked at the still-not-finish building. The outer part of the house was already done seeing how good and exactly the same it was from Tony Stark's house ranging from the trees and such all over the place.

The inner part, on the other hand, was still not done yet as there were several modifications that he did as he really didn't plan on 100 % copy of Tony Stark's mansion after he made a little change from it, especially with regards to his underground section where Tony Stark hides his Iron Man Suits.

What Lev did instead was to create an underground facility for which he could do almost everything and would become the center of all his future plans and inventions. One could also say that it was an underground small city but most especially a training area specifically for him. 

Walking inside the mansion, Lev thought that it would finish before the new year which was pretty great upon thinking of moving in and celebrating such accomplishment at the same time before the year ends. 

Lev then spent the rest of the day looking at the place before he and his daughters disappeared seeing them now finally back inside his villa via Instant Transmission thinking of preparing dinner for everyone. 



Lev's Villa,

In the dining room, Lev could be found eating dinner together with his family. They were having a completely harmonious conversation as they had smiles on their faces especially Lilith, Alexa, Kim, and Chloe as they finally had their Christmas Break.

"Lev. This will probably be the best year I ever have in my life." Mia suddenly said while looking at Lev after good things kept on coming to them this year. Being his woman really was the turning point of her life and she really felt grateful for that. 

"For me too. And I planned on making every year the same for all of us." Lev replied with a smile while looking back at Mia. Thinking about it, he really still hasn't spent a year in this world after meeting True God as he spends most of his time in other worlds which makes him feel that this year will undeniably be the best year in his life.

"By the way, when do you plan on recalling Sia, Lev? It's been two months or so, I kind of miss her already." Chloe suddenly asked. Aside from missing her, she was also kind of excited to know what other lifeforms there in the vast outer space were since they pretty much knew the reason for her leaving.

"I plan on calling her back tomorrow so she can take a break and celebrate Christmas with us." Lev replied. For the past two months, he never forgot to check on her from time to time after she left Earth. Aside from wanting to check her progress, he also never forgets to give his love, so she won't feel lonely.

Following that, Lev and his family happily ended their dinner as they moved on to the living room to take a rest for a while before finally calling it a day seeing everyone headed to their own room after Sherry, Lily, and Lilia wanted to sleep tonight in Lev's room which everyone compromised.


---Late at night---

Lev's room, 

While his daughters were already sleeping on the bed, Lev was still wide awake seeing him looking at the monitors in front of him. He has been studying stuff every day resulting in his knowledge being tapped into almost everything. 

Lev, at the moment, could be found accounting for all the money that he earned today from the secret organization that he created a month ago which already made him quite a lot. As he only accepts cash, all the money he could get from them was stacked in his inventory ready to put in a large vault in his new house. 

With his clones working in the shadows, almost every prominent person in the world has come to know his organization and they greatly take an interest in knowing the leader of such an organization so they could know more and want to build some connection.

Of course, Lev did not only choose those wealthy people for the past two months as he has also helped ordinary people and in exchange told them to donate some money, doesn't matter how small it was, to any orphanage from time to time.

With all that, Lev also considered the privacy of his organization and to ensure that it wouldn't leak to the public, he would always leave a shadow soldier to them to watch their every move and would immediately take action to manipulate their memories.

"Things would be exciting next year." Lev said before stretching as he planned on opening the orphanage and all of the Star Bright Restaurants all over the world after New Year. He then just looked at the monitor for the last time before finally calling it a day as he joined his daughters on the bed.


---The next day---

Point Dume, 

Gathering inside their soon-to-finish mansion, Lev could now be found talking with Sia and Megatron who he recalled back achieving quite something from their mission as Sia really had leveled up quite a number seeing her now level 120.

"There is a training area underground. Once the mansion is finished, I would like to see your progress." Lev said as he looked at Sia wanting to know just how much she had grown all this time. He then just looked at Megatron before staring at the storage rings he had given him knowing that he must have done what he was told. 

Looking at the things inside the rings one by one, Lev couldn't help but smile widely as they were all full of precious minerals which mostly consisted of diamonds. Seeing such a thing, he immediately put all the rings inside his inventory as he looked at Megatron.

"Megatron. I'm planning on creating a jewelry business after New Year and I need your help to manage it. Can you handle it?" Lev then said. He has been thinking about whom he would place this responsibility on and thought that Megatron would be fit for the job.

"I would do anything for Master." Megatron, who was in his human form, replied without question. As long as Lev orders it, he would not complain about anything and just do whatever he wanted since that was his mission and role as his summon.

"Good." Lev said before standing up.

"By the way, this will be our new home soon. Feel free to see the place. I will call everyone that you two are now back." Lev then followed before he took out his phone and called his family wanting to have lunch together later. 

Following that, Lev, Sia, and Megatron looked at the place while waiting for noon to come. They also keep on talking to each other, especially about their journey in outer space which Sia couldn't stop from blubbering as she told everything that happened.



Taking a temporary dining table inside the house, Lev could now finally be found together with his family eating wholesomely after seeing Sia once again, especially Sherry, Lily, and Lilia who wouldn't move on her side wanting her to tell her experience. 

"Lev, can I talk to you later?" Suddenly, Chloe said something that surprised everyone. She had actually gotten a call before coming to this place and she felt like she needed to talk to Lev about it. 

Hearing Chloe, Lev then just looked at her thinking why doesn't she just say it now. However, seeing that she doesn't have a plan to say it in front of the others, he understands as he replies, "It's good."

Following this, Lev and his family finished their food and while everyone wanted to stay in the place, Lev and Chloe told them that they had to go somewhere seeing them now heading back specifically to Chloe's house while talking from time to time.


---One hour later---

Chloe's house,

Looking inside, Lev could be found together with Chloe while another woman was staring at them. Like Chloe, the woman in front was of great beauty and it was completely normal as both of them were sisters by blood.

"I'm here now, Anna. What do you want to talk about?" Lev said and asked while looking at Chloe's sister with mixed emotions. He had never thought of a day that they would meet up like this since the two have a history together and he would never forget about it.

"Seriously, my sister? I never thought you would go as low as that, Lev. We broke up and then now the two of you knot together? How funny." Anna said with a smirk while looking at Lev before shifting her gaze to Chloe since she heard it from Chloe's friends.

"Low? Don't lump me with you, Anna. If this is only what you wanted to say, then I don't have the time to spare to deal with you." Lev replied before standing up. He is kind of actually interested as to what she has to say but it looks like he only wasted his time coming here.

When Lev and Chloe were about to leave, Anna suddenly stood up in a haste and stopped them upon saying, "Lev, w-wait."

Following this, Anna then got closer to Lev and embraced him as tightly as she could. Not expecting that she wouldn't get a response that she liked, she then looked at Lev just to see him looking at him uninterested and disgustingly. 

"You really haven't changed, Anna." Lev then said before pointing his fingers at her forehead and using Memory Manipulation before leaving the place together with Chloe leaving Anna in a trance.


---Thirty minutes later---

Lev's Villa,

Not long after meeting Anna, Lev and Chloe could now be found at his villa. To be more precise, they were in his room and started making out with each other seeing Lev thrusting his cock at Chloe's pussy without holding himself back as he tried getting rough as his emotions completely overtook his body.

Looking at the things before, Anna was someone that greatly affected his life. She was once the love of his life, and he would do everything just to please and make her happy. She was the person he lost all his first and so she was everything to him and yet it ended tragically instead upon knowing that he was just her replacement when she was bored.

Lev was very disappointed and disgusted from thinking what Anna would have done if he hadn't stopped her earlier, but he really couldn't blame her since he found out that it was her nature completely different from the bright and intelligent Chloe, her younger sister.

Following the next two hours, Lev made a mess out of Chloe and stopped after venting all his frustration. After that, they then left the villa and headed back to Point Dume where Sera and the others were waiting for them.