Chapter 117 - Metal Vessel: Alloces



Somewhere in the Northern Region,

At this moment, two people could be found resting inside a tent. One of them was looking at the sword that he was holding while the other one was looking curiously at the former. These two were none other than Lev and Yamraiha who decided to stay in the region for the night.

"Hey, Lev. Why did you fight using a sword despite being a magician? Isn't magic much easier to do?" Yamraiha suddenly asked remembering Lev fought like a soldier earlier than using some magic spells like what magicians normally do.

"Hoh. So, you still haven't learned in the academy that a magician mustn't just rely on magic but must also need to have some knowledge in martial arts?" Lev asked with interest as he knew a certain woman would teach such a thing in Magnosthad which made him think that it was probably still not the time.

"No. Can we even do that?" Yamraiha asked interestedly before imagining herself holding a sword and fighting like Lev which she then erased from her mind seeing how barbaric she had become.

"Hahaha. Well, for you. I think it's better if you focus more on magic." Lev laughed knowing what was running on her mind while guessing what to do to that particular person guessing that she might still be struggling in some place here on the continent.

"By the way, what is that? You even fought with the Chief just to get that." Yamraiha then asked off the topic and curiously asked while looking at the huge sword in Lev's hand wanting to know why he was so fixated on that thing.

"This? Well, this is a Metal Vessel." Lev replied while looking at the sword made from Rampaging Unicorn Horn before he summoned Infinity again on his hand while smiling. He thought inwardly, 'Will there be two Forneus when I duplicate this thing? It might or might not be since Zanpakuto was a different case and works differently with Metal Vessels. Well, either way, it doesn't concern me.'

"A Metal Vessel!? So, that's how they looked like huh." Yamraiha commented that she was not that amazed by it as her teacher told her that such a thing wasn't helpful to any magicians.

Looking at Yamraiha's uninterested expression on her face, Lev could only conclude that she already knew such things especially since her teacher was none other than the headmaster of the academy. Shortly after that, he then put back his attention towards the Metal Vessel and Infinity.

"Devour." Lev said which Infinity then suddenly had a dragon mouth and ate the sword before returning to its default form. Little did he know that such action greatly caused something back in Infinity World.

[Metal Vessel: Forneus has been devoured.]

[Magoi Power has been increased by 1 level.]

[100,000,000 True God Coins earned.]

[Metal Vessel: Forneus

Description: 30th Dungeon


* Summon

* Djinn Weapon Equip

* Djinn Equip

* Fornal Altisali - Concentrates a large amount of poison around the bludgeon which any single cut would inflict poison that could paralyze and even kill the enemy.

* Fornal Shabura - A mist made out of poison would be released on the surroundings that cause extreme burn from anyone upon contact.

* Extreme Magic: Fornal Sum Al-Matar - Summons a heavy rain made out of poison which a single drop would immediately tear off the flesh of any living organism.]

"W-What was that?" Yamraiha jumped off her seat after seeing Lev's weapon suddenly become like a dragon and devoured the Metal Vessel. It was only then did she realized that the supposed dagger had turned into something else.

Lev, on the other hand, looked at it with surprise not because he unlocked all the skills that Forneus had but also because his Magoi Power, which was the power scaling of this world, had increased by one. He knew that for every magic spell he used its power had a direct relationship to the level of Magoi he had, the higher the level the stronger the power but this only applied to magic, not to his abnormal physical strength.

"I'll show you." Lev said before he stood up with excitement wanting to test its power as he got out of the tent followed by the curious Yamraiha.


In the village,

Inside a particular house in the village, a person could be seen lying on the bed with some people guarding him. Looking at their face, it's safe to say that they were very worried seeing that their chief still hadn't woken up even after how many hours had passed.

But shortly after that, the person who was in bed suddenly opened his eyes before getting up while looking around the surroundings with his body full of pain. Not knowing what was happening, he then looked at the people beside him and asked, "What happened?"

"Y-You lost, Chief." The guard nervously replied seeing him looking at him.

"L-Lost?" Chief Rametoto murmured before suddenly remembering the things that happened earlier before he clenched his fist as he not only lost in a fair battle but also lost his precious Metal Vessel.

"C-Chief, that person leaves behind a message." The guard said remembering what Lev had told them before they left the village.

"Tell me about it." Chief Rametoto replied after hearing as he also was curious about the message he left. With that, the guard then conveyed Lev's message and talked to him for a while.


Outside the tent,

Getting out of the tent, Lev and Yamraiha were attacked by the cold night, but they endured this seeing them standing still, especially Lev who was holding Infinity on his hand while Yamraiha stood a distance to observe him.

"Metal Vessel: Forneus." Lev said before Infinity then suddenly transformed into a Rampaging Unicorn Horn Sword.

"Djinn Equip." Lev followed which a sudden change then happened as light suddenly engulfed him and moments later, his appearance completely took a great change.

Lev saw his body which was now covered with monstrous red-like armor with a tail swaying on his back. He wasn't that surprised by his appearance as he was more fascinated by his strength right now feeling that he had become much stronger than before.

"Woahh." Yamraiha exclaimed seeing how badass and monstrous Lev had become with the armor covering his body unlike what Chief Rametoto had shown earlier. She then just looked and circled him wanting to see more of it.

"So, this is the power of a Metal Vessel. Fascinating." Lev said while smiling as he could feel his overall strength had been greatly strengthened. He observed himself for a while before retracting it out thinking that there is no use using it now. If he wants to see its power, he needs to fight an opponent worthy enough to use it.

"See." Lev said as he looked at Yamraiha who was looking at him interestedly and curiously before seeing her raising her hand.

"How can you use a Metal Vessel despite being a magician?" Yamraiha took the chance to ask as she knew from the very start that it was possible.

"Just like I told you, I don't use Magoi." Lev replied clarifying the confusion of Yamraiha though he knew that he could still use it in spite of other circumstances because he was different. Shortly after that, he put his attention back to the skill that he was curious about.

[Summon: An ability to allow the Djinn residing in the Metal Vessel to come out on the surface. (Note: The Djinn weren't part of the host summon. They might not be loyal to the host.)]

Lev looked at it with Desurprised thinking that he could not just use their power but could also summon them but after reading the note, he could only turn a blind eye to it and just look it up later.

On the other hand, Yamraiha opened her mouth after realizing what he just said which she then bombarded Lev again with a lot of questions. Seeing Yamraiha getting excited, Lev could only do his best to answer before stopping at midnight saying that they still had a long journey again tomorrow.


---Two months later---

In an isolated place surrounded by mountains on all sides, a small and landlocked kingdom could be found and right now two people could be seen sitting on the magic carpet flying in the sky.

"Is that Sasan Kingdom?" Yamraiha asked while looking at the small kingdom below. She was surprised to see that there really existed a kingdom in such a place as it was really difficult to reach because of the terrain difficulty.

"Yes." Lev said while caressing Yamrahai's head as she was sitting in front of him. They took two months travelling from Imuchakk to Sasan Kingdom which is his second target. Getting near, the two then slowly landed down deciding to just walk from there onwards.


Sasan Kingdom,

After several minutes of walking, Lev and Yamraiha were now finally inside which just like in Imuchakk, the people were very observant towards outsiders seeing them looking at them with caution.

Lev and Yamraiha keep looking at the surroundings and they can only describe the place as 'amazing' as they can see silver and gold everywhere they look but their sightseeing breaks as two people wearing a knight-like outfit appear in front of them.

"Outsiders, may we know what's your purpose of coming here in Sassan." One of the knights said while looking at Lev and Yamraiha. Though there were also outsiders around the kingdom, seeing the outfits of the two, they couldn't help but ask warily.

Yamraiha just looked at them while Lev was smiling. Lev then told the two knights that they wanted to see the Knight King for an important reason which made the knights flinched after hearing it but they still guided them towards the Knights Palace.


Knights Palace,

It didn't take too much time before they arrived in a palace-like place where several knights could be seen inside while a single knight was sitting on a throne with a very intimidating aura, and it escalated after Lev and Yamraiha came in.

"Outsiders, what's your purpose for coming here while carrying such a dangerous weapon." The man sitting on the throne said while looking at the weapon on Lev's back. Though he was wary about it, he was also curious at the same time.

"So, you really can feel it." Lev replied while looking at the serious-looking middle-aged man with cunning eyes, a little beard, and dark red hair. He knew this would happen as after devouring Forneus back in Imuchakk, an eight-pointed star appeared on Infinity for no reason, and it didn't seem to disappear.

"Tell me." The middle-aged man said while holding his lance tightly ready to engage if something really happened fully knowing that Lev was the same as him, a dungeon capturer. He knew for a fact how destructive it would be if two Dungeon Captures fought and so he would do anything to stop it before it even started.

"Too late." Lev smiled before he took out Infinity on his back. He transformed it into a spear and threw it towards the middle-aged man who was none other than the Knight King of this Kingdom.


"An invader!" One of the knights shouted after seeing Lev suddenly attack their Knight King. They immediately took out their weapons ready to engage in battle but they all wondered just how bold were Lev knowing the fact they were inside the heart and most guarded place in the Kingdom.

"Megatron, come out." Lev said before recalling Spear Infinity into his hands upon seeing a barrier covering the middle-aged man all the while seeing his arms and lance had changed just like what happened to Chief Rematoto.

[Djinn Weapon Equip: Alloces have been learned.]

Right after that, a gate appeared out of nowhere and Megatron came out and took out its sword while feeling good about the place. The knights and the Knight King, however, couldn't help but wonder where in the world the game came from, but it was already too late as chaos already started.

"This place might be a safe haven to you but this time, protect Yamraiha without killing anyone." Lev ordered before he rushed towards the Knight King who was already on his Djinn Weapon Equip.

Meanwhile, Knight King looked at his people first as he was confused as to why Lev ordered the steel monster not to kill anyone, but he just let it be seeing Lev was already close to him.

After shorting the distance, Lev transformed Infinity into an Axe before slamming it directly towards the barrier that covered the Knight King.

"Let's see how tough this barrier is." Lev said before his hands turned black followed by Axe Infinity. With that, he then starts slamming Axe Infinity nonstop on every side with full power seeing that it wasn't just hard but also his attacks got deflected at the same time.

The Knight King looked in horror seeing how much power Lev had despite having such a small physique that he could only think that the power of his Metal Vessel might be a Strength Type and a powerful one at that.

Lev looked at the Knight King while smiling seeing that he was still not that familiar with his Metal Vessel just like Chief Rametoto seeing him not using any of its skills even after he already slammed Axe Infinity for quite some time now. He actually thought of using Forneus but it seems to him that it is no longer needed.

After a while, Knight King could now be found covered in sweat inside while looking at the barrier which was getting weak as his Magoi started to deplete after the constant attack of Lev.


Hearing the cracking sound, Lev could not help himself but seeing the barrier started to crumble. He then grabbed the opportunity as he continued smashing his axe to the place where it got cracked which didn't take long before it was completely destroyed.

"aarghhh." The Knight King couldn't help but fly and crash to the wall before coughing up blood with his appearance already back to normal after being completely depleted with Magio in his body.

"I didn't come here to invade. I only came here to take this thing." Lev said before grabbing the lance and easily taking it from his hand. With that, he finally held on to two precious Metal Vessels.

The Knight King could only look at Lev just like what happened to him in the past as he couldn't move anymore feeling really weak after losing so many Magoi. However, what was different from the past was that this time, he had lost his Metal Vessel.

"I'll be taking this, Knight King of Sasan." Lev said before he turned around heading towards Megatron who was fighting the Knights while Yamraiha was casting some spells on his head.

"W-What's your name? And what's your intention of doing this?" The Knight King asked wanting to know about him and why he was doing such a thing but strangely enough, his words don't have that much hatred with them.

Lev heard what he said but he just waved his hand off as he jumped on Megatron's back who had already turned into an eagle before looking at him with a smile. Following this, Megatron fired up the ceiling before they flew away without giving an answer.

With that, all the knights then sighed in relief seeing the monster already left and they immediately headed towards the middle-aged man they called Knight King and helped him up to see his condition.


Outside Sasan Kingdom,

After getting what he wanted, Lev and Yamraiha didn't stay any longer as they finally were heading somewhere while riding Megatron. There is no longer a need for them to stay in the place since they have finally gotten their purpose of coming.

"Is that also a Metal Vessel?" Yamraiha asked while looking curiously at the lance in Lev's hand thinking that it must be one as there would be no reason for him to be so fixated on looking at it.

"Yeah, and the Djinn that resides on it is called Alloces." Lev replied while introducing the Metal Vessel that he had just stolen and was soon to be devoured by Infinity.

"Hmmm." Yamraiha looked at it for a while before losing interest and just looked at the scenery below them as the place really was interesting.


---One hour later---

In a port,

After flying for an hour, Lev and Yamraiha arrived at a port and they decided to stay in the place for the night without minding if the people from Sasan Kingdom would follow them.

Since the sun was still up, Lev took Yamraiha to stroll outside the place looking for things that she liked or needed as this might be the first time, she had so much freedom after being locked up in the academy.

With that, Lev then took Yamraiha from store to store which lasted until the sky turned dark as the place started brimming with night lights making the place beautiful and interesting.



Inside a room,

Looking at the room inside, it could only be described as beautiful seeing how grand the decoration and how spacious the room was which only meant that it must be an expensive one that could be found in the port.

Right now, Lev could be found lying on the bed while thinking that this world really was interesting not just because of these Metal Vessels that he was fond of but also because of how interesting and beautiful the place really was.

Lev then wanted to check his inventory but stopped midway after seeing Yamraiha come out from taking a bath.

"Hmmm....Hmmm.... Hmmm" Meanwhile, Yamraiha could be heard humming after getting out while hopping towards her bed as if something really great just happened.

Lev looked at her amusingly before he set aside everything for now as he stood up wanting to take a bath as well.

Yamraiha peeked at Lev who was heading towards the bathroom while flushing but contrary to her expectation, Lev did not even look at her.

"Hmmp, stupid." Yamraiha cursed as she wanted Lev to compliment her after wearing the clothes that she bought earlier but seeing him didn't take even a glimpse of her made her a little angry and sad. She then just lies down on the bed with puffed cheeks while reading the book that she also bought.

Lev, who was heading towards the bathroom, could only smile upon sensing her reaction while shaking his head and said, "Kids these days."