Chapter 122 - Trading Company


---Five months later---


After only five months, the seemingly small country couldn't be called small anymore even though it still only contained a small population. The changes in Artemya for the past months couldn't be compared to how it was before after Lev planned to use the surface above the cliff, which several infrastructures have already been built but it was still not enough and needed more time for it to be complete.

One thing that also changed was that the innocent women living in the country could still be seen doing the same but if you look closely, a strange weapon could be found hanging in their shoulders.

These weapons were actually the very first project Lev did after coming back five months ago as he decided to introduce a weapon that was common back on Earth which was the 'Gun' but the most basic one. Though it wasn't that strong, if you compare it to those thousand armies of some empire who were only using swords, spears, etc., a gun could be said to be overpowered.

The second thing that also changed in the past months was that the men of the country started to act the way they should have after Lev instructed that men were needed and they were now taking the role of scouting for possible visitors. Though they were now acting like a real man, they could not still dominate the women as this was still the culture of the place with only Lev as an exception.

For five months, Artemyra didn't deal with any trading activities outside gaining the curiosity of the Reim Empire and other countries in the continent as they were only amassing some kind of jewelry and accessories by using the specialty of the country which was its precious stones.

Lev told and taught them for the past five months how to design jewelry and accessories that their precious stone could be used as Lev saw it a loss selling them just like that. Almost all of the people were surprised at that time seeing Lev make one as this was the first time they saw such a unique design unlike those that they could see outside.


Royal Palace Hall,

At this moment, a woman could be seen playing together with several children on her side which could be described as very wholesome upon seeing her looking tenderly at them while the latter could also be said to be enjoying what they were playing.

"Your Highness, sorry to disturb you but the warehouse was almost full again." A woman suddenly reported holding some kind of papers on her hands while looking at Queen Mira who was smiling back at her.

"Hoh. Are there any warehouses left?" Queen Mira replied after hearing the report as she thought that another warehouse just got full again. This kind of news was no longer a surprise to her and thought of it as normal.

"All the other warehouses were full, Your Highness." The woman replied confirming that all warehouses were already full of the pieces of jewelry and precious stones that they were amassing.

"Hmmm, then I think it's time now." Queen Mira said as she picked up and carried Pisti and made her sit on her lap before looking into the sky while thinking about something else.

On the other hand, the woman also looked at the sky while smiling. She was actually Parsine, Artemyra's former representative of the Seven Seas Alliance, who took some time to process the things that she didn't know right after coming back, especially after seeing their Queen really took a husband who became the first-ever King of the country.

At the time, Parsine was in awe after seeing Lev in person and seeing how handsome he really was, but she still remained professional thinking that it was a bad decision to leave the Seven Seas Alliance. However, the longer she stayed in the country, the more she got surprised and shocked seeing Lev was really incredible and amazing as he changed the country to something new and much more beautiful than how it used to be.


On the cliff,

Looking at the blue sea, Lev could be seen sitting on the cliff together with Alloces and Forneus on his side. From time to time, he would call out the two wanting to hear their stories as he wanted to know what really happened in the past and also to build an amiable relationship with them.

"Your friend really created such a wonderful world." Lev commented that this world really was beautiful despite the fact that several wars were happening every day in some places. He knew for a fact that this world was created by their friend who was another like himself.

"You're right." Alloces replied while Forneus just nodded on his side. After that fateful day, they lived quite a peaceful life inside Infinity World and they felt very grateful to Lev since that world was beautiful though they were still being played with the goblins.

After a while, Lev looked at the infrastructure being built and the people making them first before smiling as he recalled Alloces and Forneus back to Infinity World before disappearing into the area.


Reim Empire,

Inside a trading company in the empire, the mood of the place was very sad and heavy seeing the workers look so tired for some reason as their business was starting to fall down right after Artemyra left the alliance and even refused to trade some of their precious stones.

"What are we going to do now?" A man with a gigantic physique, with long blue hair tied in a ponytail while wearing a blue bandana around his forehead asked. Though they could still produce income, it would only become smaller and smaller as time passed by.

"I'm really going to kill that person when he shows up." A short man said while clenching his first while his eyes were firing with remorse remembering that this thing wouldn't happen if that person was around.

The atmosphere then became heavy as they knew who the person the short man was talking about. They could only continue to work and keep themselves busy when suddenly a shadow could be seen coming from the entrance.

"Everyone, I'm back." A man said while smiling after arriving at the place and all of the people inside immediately stopped what they were doing as they all headed towards him. Some were already crying while the short person took out his dagger and immediately rushed towards him.



Artemyra Royal Palace,

The seemingly alone throne in the past now had another which Lev and Queen Mira could be found sitting on them while looking at the woman below. They have been having a conversation about the current affairs and future of the country, so it needs careful planning.

"Are you sure you can do it?" With everything settled, Lev then asked while looking at none other than Parsine who wanted to take control and manage their products in the market knowing that they already had a huge supply in the warehouses.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Parsine replied respectfully while brimming with confidence fully knowing how important and big this role was for the country. As she has already had experience working in the Seaven Seas Alliance before, she believed that she would do a good job in this.

"Good. Let's have another meeting tomorrow for more details then." Lev said before dismissing Parsine deciding to let her rest for the day. With that, Parsine then immediately leaves the palace with a smile.

"Are we now ready to associate with the outside world again?" Queen Mira suddenly asked as she got up on her throne to move closer to Lev and sat on his lap. For the past months, their country has experienced peace away from the eyes of everyone but now that they would open again, she felt like it would soon become noisy again.

"Mmm. I think it's now time." Lev replied before holding Queen Mira in his embrace as he looked at her lips.

As if the world had stopped, the two kept on staring at each other before their faces slowly got closer before Lev took the first move and kissed her lips. With that, their kissing made the other women inside get flushed before leaving one by one letting them have some privacy. And then, Lev took Queen Mira directly towards their room.


---Late at night---

Lev's room,

Following their leaving in the palace hall, their room was now already filled with loud moans and grunts as Lev and Queen Mira started to indulge themselves in sex which they already took time as it was now very late at night.

"Lev.....aahh.... aaaaahhhh." Queen Mira moaned loudly with her body arching up after releasing something again which right after that, she then fell down in Lev's chest while catching up her breath.

Lev, on the other hand, embraced Queen Mira while squeezing her ass while also feeling great after ejaculating again inside her. With that, the two stayed in such position before they adjusted themselves and then lay comfortably on the bed.

"Lev, do you want to have some other woman besides me?" Queen Mira suddenly asked while drawing circles on Lev's chest. Given his charisma and capability, she knew how she was unable to satisfy him so she could only think of coaxing some women to help her with it.

"Hoh. Why ask such a thing?" Lev didn't answer but asked instead while smiling at her wanting to know why even though he really did plan on taking several women in this world as it was already part of his very lustful nature.

"Well. I think it's normal for a King to have several wives and also, I can't seem to satisfy you whenever we do it. So, how about letting all my daughters marry you when they grow up." Queen Mira replied as she didn't really mind sharing Lev with others while planning to let her daughters marry him in the future since he felt like there was no other man enough to be with her daughters.

Lev could only look at Queen Mira with great surprise at what she said. He couldn't find the words to reply as he just smiled imagining her daughters would all grow up someday and would take after her.

"So, how about it?" Queen Mira asked wanting to know Lev's thoughts about it. If he said no then she would no longer push it but if he said yes then she would start talking about it with her daughters and give them a proper education.

"Well. That's quite tempting but let's just see what would happen until then." Lev replied and just let the future decide as he didn't really want to force them to love him so he planned on leaving in fate.

Queen Mira, on the other hand, smiled widely after hearing Lev's words because his answer didn't explicitly say that he doesn't want it so there's a chance that it might be possible. With that, she started formulating some plan in her mind and let her daughters know it.

Following that, Lev and Queen Mira continue having a conversation and by doing so, the two completely got horny again and started having another round before seeing them embracing each other on the bed as they call it a day and fell asleep.


---The next morning---

Right after waking up, Lev immediately called on a meeting seeing him busy instructing and having a meeting with the people who wanted to join Parsine to leave the country to create their very own trading company.

During the course of the meeting, Lev told them all about trading while reminding Parsine about what they needed to do first before creating a formal trading company in Reim. He decided not to go out for a while but he would help them when something happened.

Parsine took the time to memorize all that Lev had said even though she already knew such things after working in Sindria Trading Company for a while now but she was still surprised by the words that came out of him seeing him telling them details of how to do business and how to handle the goods that they had.

With that, Lev took all the time in the morning before letting them prepare to depart later in the afternoon.


Inside the palace,

After the meeting, Lev, right now, could be found eating together with Queen Mira and her daughters and Yamraiha was also there with them as she was now very familiar with Pisti and the rest.

"So, how are they?" Queen Mira suddenly asked as she knew about Parsine and some people with her would depart this afternoon and engage the world of trading again. Though she was worried, she was also excited about it at the same time.

"They were good, and I think they could handle it." Lev replied while remembering how Parsine and the rest seriously listened to him earlier. Though it was really unnecessary since they might have already had a gist of it, he still taught them something coming from the skills he learned on doing business on Earth.

"Well, let's hope so." Queen Mira said hoping that they won't find trouble out there especially towards Reim and probably to their former Alliance.

"Well, don't worry too much as I would help and visit them from time to time." Lev said as he looked at Yamraiha and the others before they started setting aside everything to enjoy the food on the table.


Trading Company in Reim,

Right now, a group of people could be seen sitting around the table with seriousness as if a problem had befallen them. A man after hearing what the others reported to him suddenly asked, "So, you're saying that Artemyra left the Seven Seas Alliance and even stopped trading with us?"

"Mmmm." A short man replied remembering the day Parsine left them saying that she would be back but even after several months, not even her shadow could be seen on the building, and the thought that she might no longer coming back crossed his mind.

"Did you try going there to know what was happening?" The man asked again wanting to know if they would take some action with such a situation since it would greatly affect the alliance and their company.

"We tried but they wouldn't let any outsiders get inside the country." The short man replied with some of the people inside nodding as they really did head to Artemyra but was forced to leave after being pointed by a strange weapon.

Hearing the reports, the man looked seriously thinking how much change had happened during his absence, but he then just set aside the problem with Artemyra for now as he still had something important to do.

"Let's talk about this some other time as I have something to do first." The man said before looking at the people at the table which surprised them, but they couldn't sway him anymore and just saw him leaving again as he already flew to the sky heading somewhere.




As time passed by, several women could now be found riding on their Giant Birds while looking at the people below specifically to the person who was in front of them.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, I think it's now time for us to leave." Parsine said respectfully seeing that they were now all ready to take off.

Lev looked at them before ordering some of his shadow soldiers mostly consisting of snakes to protect and watch over them. He then just looked at them with a smile before saying, "We will give you good luck then."

Hearing their words of encouragement, Parsine then took off first followed by the others as they were now flying in the sky leaving their country with great excitement and expectation.