Chapter 140 - Djinns' Support


---The next morning---

After waking up, Lev and Morgiana went back to normal as the two still hadn't taken the last step after they stopped last night before sleeping. Right now, they could be found in the military field getting things done after telling the people to gather as the Lord wanted to make an announcement.

"Listen. I'm not a Lord material but since this is an order from my master, I will do my best to meet his expectation." Annie directly said after Lev gave her the stage to start her first term as the Lord of the city.

The people, however, accepted without complaints because all of them saw and witnessed how she slaughtered those Kou soldiers yesterday. There's no more capable leader than a leader who would save their people in times of crisis.

Seeing them quiet, Annie then started talking to them and getting to know the leaders of each sector. After that, Lev and Morgiana left her behind seeing that she was doing well so he wanted her to focus more and also for the people to know more about her. With that, they then headed back to the palace after remembering something that he had forgotten to do for the past months.


In the palace,

After heading back, Lev and Morgiana were now inside the palace alone together even the servants were nothing could be seen after Lev told them to leave them as he had something to do.

"Lev, I think Annie would do a great job managing this place." Morgiana said after seeing Annie a while back thinking that she was a calm and collected woman.

"Yeah." Lev replied with the same thought.

Shortly after that, Lev summoned Infinity on his hand before summoning two other weapons or, in fact, Metal Vessels.

"Devour it." Lev ordered Infinity seeing it start devouring the two Metal Vessels on his hand.

[Metal Vessel: Paimon has been devoured.]

[Magoi Power has been increased by 1 level.]

[100,000,000 True God Coins earned.]


[Metal Vessel: Leraje has been devoured.]

[Magoi Power has been increased by 1 level.]

[100,000,000 True God Coins earned.]


After devouring the Metal Vessel, Lev didn't bother to read the skill that they had as he immediately summoned them out since it would be better to talk with them in person and to see how they looked like and how they were faring in the other Infinity World.

"Summon: Forneus. Alloces. Vinea. Barbatos. Leraje. Paimon." Lev said and shortly after that, several blue giant Djinns then appeared in front of him. He was already familiar with the first two so he focussed his attention towards the other four.

"It's you, Human. Nice meeting you again. Did you want to ask something seeing that you summoned us." Alloces with his knight appearance immediately said after getting summoned to the surface again.

"Look, Alloces. I can see some familiar faces this time." Forneus surprisingly said upon seeing four more familiar faces with them in the palace. He didn't think upon seeing them again after such a long time.

"Is that you Alloces? Just what was happening? As far as I remembered I was suddenly transported to a beautiful other world." Barbatos, with the appearance of a muscular man with spiky white hair, pointed ears, long fingernails, and a tail immediately asked upon seeing Alloces as he thought that he must know something upon hearing Forneus's words.

"You're also here, Fornues." Vinea, with the appearance of a snake-like seahorse, said while also surprised to see Forneus and the others thinking how they were in the same place.

"Childish." Leraje, with the appearance of a woman while smoking a scythe-shaped pipe, commented seeing them acting like this is a reunion not knowing that something was amiss in all of this.

"Oya, who are you, handsome? This was my first time seeing such a handsome human. What's your name?" Paimon, with the appearance of a beautiful, buxom woman with long hair and pointed ears, suddenly came and headed closer to Lev with great interest.

Meanwhile, Lev looked at them with a smile, especially to the woman who came closer to him seeing her body almost reveal everything due to lacking any clothes to cover herself up.

"Hmmm. Who are you, Human?" Barbatos asked upon seeing Lev in front of them thinking what's the deal with him seeing him so calm and collected while looking at the great Djinns like them.

"You're not a Magi. Then, who summoned us?" Vinea asked while looking at Lev curious about who he was.

"Red Lions, what a rare species." Leraje suddenly said as she looked at Morgiana who was on Lev's side. Though Morgiana had the appearance of a human, she could still tell that she had the blood of a Red Lions inside her.

With that, the other Djinns also looked at Morgiana and thought the same. Even Forneus and Alloces looked at her as if this was their first time seeing each other because as far as they remembered, a blue-haired kid was with him at that time.

"Alloces. Tell them." Lev casually said as he was too tired to explain what was happening.

Hearing Lev, the four new Djinn looked at Alloces with curiosity not knowing what was happening.

"Well, you must have already known that something had changed upon yourselves now." Alloces then started talking as he looked at their fully materialized appearance as he himself was surprised at that time.

Hearing Alloces, each of the new Djinn looked at each other before nodding as they knew something really had changed in them, especially after seeing their fully materialized body as if they had come out from the Metal Vessel they were residing in.

"And this human here was responsible for it. Seeing that you're surprised upon seeing him only means that you had your original contractors, am I right?" Alloces followed as he knew that they must have been stolen by Lev seeing that they didn't know who he was.

"Now that you say that, I could no longer feel the connection between me and my contractor anymore after that event in which I suddenly got devoured by something and transported to a brand new world." Barbatos replied as he realized about it a while back which he then just let it be as he was completely overwhelmed upon entering a beautiful world.

"Yeah, I feel that too." Vinea followed as she also felt the same as Barbatos.

"How about you two?" Alloces asked as he looked at the confused Leraje and Paimon seeing them as if they were checking their own bodies.

"I don't know about the world that you're talking about, but something also devoured me and suddenly came here." Leraje replied while frowning about what was the thing that devoured them since she tried resisting it but found it futile.

"Me too." Paimon followed as she also experienced such a thing just a while back.

"Are you telling us that this human was responsible for that? How was that possible?" Hearing Alloces, Barbatos immediately asked wanting to clarify everything.

"Yes. This human here had some strange power with him that could devour us, but he really isn't a bad person looking at the place we have been transported to which is his world. Also, he could utilize my power more skillfully than my original contractor, so I didn't mind getting stolen by him." Forneus said as he felt satisfied with Lev every time he would use his power as he could feel that he really was suitable to be his King.

"In conclusion, we have been stolen by this human." Leraje concluded while looking at Lev seriously not knowing what method he used to do that and what would she do now knowing that she would no longer see her contractor.

With that, Barbatos, Vinea, Leraje, and Paimon looked at Lev with several questions on their mind. Everything just became complicated upon knowing the truth from Alloces and Forneus.

"It's true that I have stolen you from your original contractor, but you and I couldn't do anything about it as I have a mission to gather all of you." Lev then said as he looked at them wanting an answer.

"Mission?" Alloces asked immediately as this was the first time he heard it from Lev after the time that he became a part of him.

"I can't tell you in detail but one thing I have to say is that 'Ill Ilah' will descend to this world soon and even David will be reborn once again." Lev replied that this was the mission that he needed to complete in this world.

"What!!!??" Viena was the first one to react upon hearing Lev as she found it hard to believe what he just said as it was completely impossible.

"D-David? We killed him back in Alma Torran. How was that possible? No. wait. How did you even know these names, human?!" Leraje also asked with surprise and seriousness as she could still remember as if it just happened yesterday the time that they fought against David.

"It's up to you whether to believe it or not as this is the reason why I need your strength because I don't want this world to die just like what happened to yours. I know that I don't have any evidence to support my claims, but I am sure that another Djinn like you might know something about it and I plan to get him soon." Lev replied.

All the Djinns present in the palace looked at Lev seriously as their curiosity rose to the peak after knowing that he might know something about Alma Torran. Though his words were absurd, seeing him talk about it seriously was making them want to believe him a little.

"If that is really true then we will help you with everything that we had and lend you our powers." Vinea said after feeling a bit worried upon thinking if those two would really come to this world.

Hearing Vinea's words, Barbatos, Leraje, Paimon, and even Alloces and Forneus also nodded as a disaster would really happen if no one would stop the two of them. They then understood why he wanted to steal them from their contractors as it also took every one of them to stop each of the two in the past.

"I hope that clears some questions in your mind. How about you return to Infinity World for now and see the place where you have been transported to and regroup. I will just summon you later after I gather the evidence of my claims." Lev said while looking at Leraje and Paimon they must have not seen where they had been as he summoned them immediately after devouring.

Hearing Lev's words, Forneus, and Alloces were the first to bid their farewell leaving behind the newly added four Djinns in the palace as they still had something wanted to ask him after remembering something of great importance.

"May I know what happened to my contractor?" Vinea suddenly asked as she wanted to know what happened to the girl that she chose as her King knowing that she might no longer see her again.

Meanwhile, Leraje, Paimon, and Barbatos also looked at Lev as they also wanted to know about theirs.

"They were fine." Lev replied as he really didn't want them to die.

Hearing Lev, the four new Djinns then nodded as if a heavy stone had been lifted from their hearts. Vinea, Leraje, followed by Barbatos looked at Lev for a while before immediately entering Infinity World again aside from Paimon who surprisingly decided to be left behind.

Paimon looked at Lev with interest before she started moving toward him to look at him closely to which Morgiana suddenly reacted thinking that something was weird about her as she really was too big.

Lev, on the other hand, looked at Paimon who was known as the Maniachal Djinn before looking at her body thinking that she was way sexier and more beautiful than what she was portrayed in the anime.

"Fufufu. I can feel your eyes feasting on my body, handsome. You're really interesting." Paimon said with a smile as she looked at how Lev looked at her body. It was only now after a long time, that she encountered something that piqued her interest.

"I feel like we were compatible with each other. How about you call me at night and know more about each other." Paimon moved her large head closer and whispered in Lev's ears seductively and enticingly.

"That's a good offer. I will think about it later." Lev couldn't help but utter such words upon seeing Paimon acting like that. His eyes, however, were glued on the large breasts of hers as he thought of how good it would be to lie on them.

"Goodbye, my King~." Paimon whispered before entering Infinity World through the Infinity Gate leaving behind Lev and Morgiana in the palace.

With that, Lev and Morgiana then shifted their attention to Annie who just arrived inside with wide eyes from what she just witnessed.

"Are they also Titan Shifters, Master?" Annie immediately asked while looking at Lev as it was her first time seeing a blue titan and the thought that they were of new variants came to her mind but she still thought that it was impossible.

"They were not titans. They were called Djinns. Don't worry, you can see each other back in Infinity World. You can go inside if you want to see and talk to them." Lev answered with a smile after hearing Annie's concern.

"By the way, how's the first day?" Lev then shifted the topic and asked what she was feeling right after having many supportive subjects under her hands.

"Hmmm. I think I will do a good job." Annie replied with a smile before moving closer to them.

"Morgiana, Chief Guard Goltas has been wanting to talk to you. You can see him back in the field." Annie said and Morgiana immediately bid her farewell and headed back to the military field.

With that, Lev and Annie then have some of their time alone after Morgiana left the place seeing the two of them already embracing each other on the throne while kissing each other passionately before Annie took the initiative to come down and face Lev's cock head on and the next following minutes, lewd sounds then could be heard inside.