Chapter 163 - Callie


---Two months later---

It's been already two months since the incident happened in Magnosthad and the world had returned to quiet and peace after that day as everyone focused on healing and organizing themselves.

In these two months, Reim Empire allowed Artemyra back to do business in their territory after Lady Scheherazade agreed to do peace talks with Artemyra but no one knows the whole truth about this arrangement.

After the renewal of the trading permit, Artemyra returned back to its full operation and even surpassed the leading Sindria Company which was now starting to decline. This led Artemyra to dominate the market as no one could stop it from growing anymore.

On the other hand, Magnosthad no longer exists after the incident. The magicians either teachers or students started returning to their homes while the others started living in some areas but the one who benefitted from it all was Artemyra after Lev promised them that he would build a city for them magicians.

Meanwhile, in Qishan, the city was also flourishing under the hands of Annie, Pisti, and the others as the market started to grow after gaining a foothold in Kou Empire. The seemingly small city before were now big enough and became famous throughout the Tianzu Plateau.



While the world continued to operate normally, a heavy atmosphere was actually happening in the Kingdom of Artemyra as Queen Mira was finally in the process of giving birth to Lev's child.

Right now, several people could be seen outside the room waiting worriedly but also excited while hearing some screaming inside. One of those people was Lev waiting for the labor to be done and was very excited to see his child. There were also Morgiana, Pisti and her sisters too holding hands together as this was the first they would witness such a thing.

Not long after that, the quiet room suddenly became silent before a loud cry then could be heard inside leaving big smiles on Lev's and the others' faces. Lev, himself, then didn't wait as he directly opened the door and entered inside seeing Annie, Yamraiha, Toto, Hakuei, and some maids looking at the person who was lying on the bed with a baby in her arms.

Though they looked normal, there was something different in their gazes while looking at the baby. Lev then just looked and headed towards Queen Mira to see what was happening before being shocked upon looking at the baby in her hands.

"Waaahhhh. She had fox ears and a tail. Sooo cute!!" Pisti, who also came inside, was too surprised and blurted out upon seeing their little sister with such an appearance. It was also the same with her older sisters looking with their eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"L-Lev." Queen Mira called weakly seeing Lev's surprised face just like how she reacted upon seeing her child for the first time.

Lev, however, couldn't help but pick up the child seeing that it's really real. Seeing such cute foxy ears and tail was really shocking that he didn't know what was happening, however, he didn't have any ounce of disgust but was only purely surprised.

"Name. Do you want to name our child?" Lev smiled as he looked at Queen Mira wanting to know if she had a name for their child.

"Callie." Queen Mina said with a smile upon seeing Lev as she thought that he might not accept the child seeing the abnormal appearance she had.

"Callie, then." Lev nodded with a smile before also joining Queen Mira on the bed which gained the smiles of the people around seeing how wholesome it was to look like.

Right after, the news of Queen Mira giving birth to a girl scattered throughout the Kingdom, and a celebration then happened outside, not just the local people of Artemyra but even the giant birds were rejoicing upon the situation.


Somewhere on the planet,

Meanwhile, two young men could be seen resting in some forest talking about serious matters. These two people were none other than Judar, the Magi of Kou, and Hakuryuu, a prince of Kou.

"Hakuryuu, we should strike now and build a new Kou Empire with you as the Emperor." Judar said looking at Hakuryuu who was frowning on the other side as if he was thinking about it seriously.

"Can we really kill that woman?" Hakuryuu asked remembering what happened to him some time ago after trying to kill her with his own hands but failed miserably.

"Tsk. There's no need to be scared. With you right now, I'm sure we could do it." Judar replied with confidence as this was now the right time to strike since for some reason, almost all his siblings were not present.

"Hmm." Hakuryuu pondered as he looked at his arm. After leaving the Empire with Judar, all they did was to train and right now, he also captured his second dungeon gaining another Metal Vessel of his own.

Following that, Hakuryuu and Judar looked at each other talking about things like plans and contingencies before steeling themselves as they looked toward the direction of Kou Empire.




Queen Mira's birth celebration continued for the night, seeing the Kingdom still filled with happiness as if a festival was happening all over the country. The joy inside their house in the Garden Tower wouldn't be left behind as Lev and the others couldn't help but want to carry Callie in their arms wanting to experience the feeling of carrying a baby.

As of right now, the person who was carrying Callie was Yamraiha while the rest was envying her. Queen Mira, on the other hand, could be seen leaning on Lev's chest. Though she just gave birth, her body started gaining strength and it was probably due to the Magoi inside her.

On the other hand, Hakuei looked at them with slight jealousy seeing how close they were, and didn't seem to feel any anger from loving and sharing the same man. For two months, she started living back in them after getting persuaded by Morgiana that night. She also wasn't worried about her brother or brothers anymore as Lev already let them get out, but they still couldn't leave Artemyra.

Not long after that, Hakuei then just looked at Lev seeing him embracing Queen Mina. For the past two months, she found Lev in a different light unlike the side that he showed to them on that day. She found Lev was really a good person and a great leader, it's just that he was too lustful as she could see him kissing Yamraiha and the others all the time without minding if there were people looking at them.

'Hmmp.' Recalling such things, Hakuei then just changed her gaze before she also looked at Callie as she also wanted to carry her seeing how cute she really was especially her cute fox ears and tail.

"Lev, I think another maiden has been captivated by you again." Queen Mira suddenly said seeing Hakuei looking at Lev earlier while smiling though she already anticipated such a thing to happen.

"Hehehe." Lev replied with a smile as he also knew about it while looking at Hakuei thinking that it would be the right time soon enough.

"By the way, why do you think our daughter had such features, Lev?" Queen Mira asked as she was curious as the two of them were normal humans.

"I have no idea but for now, I have a guess that it might be related to me since I myself have a fox bloodline." Lev replied before his appearance then changed after activating tails activation.

'Am I right, system?' Lev then asked the system if his guess was correct.


"L-Lev, you." Queen Mira couldn't help but widen her eyes upon seeing in that form for the first time which she was then interrupted by Callie's crying. She then just saw Yamraiha moving toward them but even after holding her, she still hadn't calmed down.

Lev, who saw this, then just grabbed and carried Callie for which she immediately calmed down and even seemed to giggle seeing her small face have a hint of a smile. He then just looked at his lovers and saw them looking at him with blushes on their faces.

"Looks like Callie take after me." Lev then said while pinching Callie's cheeks before looking at his lovers. Following that, they just stayed in the living room before heading back to their respective rooms where he, Queen Mira, and Callie were together as they called it a day and rest.


---The next morning---

Hakuei's House,

Right now, the atmosphere in the living room was too heavy after seeing five people staring at each other. Inside, Lev could be found carrying Callie while looking at Ren Kouen, Ren Kouha, Ren Koumei, and Ren Hakuei beside him.

Ren Kouen looked at Lev or to be precise the man whom he lost to. For the past two months, he still couldn't help to believe that he really lost and was now being captive in his Kingdom. Though he doesn't want to admit it, he really was helpless right now without having his Metal Vessels anymore.

"This would be our second time seeing each other, though I should be glad that you didn't kill me, my soldiers, and the rest of my siblings." Ren Kouen said while looking at Lev gratefully.

"Well. I have enough for killing. I'm actually here to say something important to you siblings." Lev replied seeing them still had a little grievance on him especially Ren Kouha who was looking at him while gritting his teeth.

"Hmmm. What is it?" Ren Kouen asked with curiosity seeing Lev wanted to tell them something as it was too rare since they had only met twice after these two months of living in Artemyra.

"Your Empire will crumble soon." Lev said thinking that it must be the time for the start of the rebellion.

"W-What did you just say?" Ren Koumei asked in confirmation wanting to if what he heard was correct hearing their Empire the Kou Empire would crumble since it was impossible unless Lev himself would do that.

"Yes. Your brother Hakuryuu and Judar would be the ones responsible for it." Lev replied immediately greatly shocked the Ren brothers especially Hakuei upon hearing her brother's name from Lev.

"And why would we believe that?" Ren Kouen asked. Though he wasn't sure about what to say right now, he still thought about how would Hakuryuu do such a thing.

"Because I said so. But there is no need to worry since it wasn't bad at all as Hakuryuu's purpose of doing this was to kill the current Emperor or Empress and the organization behind her." Lev said while smiling remembering the things that happened in the manga which he thought and believed would still happen.

"Amazing, right? To think Hakuryuu had the guts to do it instead of you who knew it for a long time now, Kouen." Lev followed as he looked at Ren Kouen with some mockery seeing the most powerful next to Arba, the current Empress of Kou, let their Empire move to its doom after not doing anything.

"Either way, I already told you what I know and It's up to you if you believe it. Don't worry about your other siblings because I will protect them as I'm planning to visit Kou soon." Lev said before not waiting for them to respond as he already left the place.

After Lev left, the room then became silent not wanting to talk first upon hearing such words. Though there was no evidence to prove Lev's claims, it was just different if it was him as he doesn't have the reason to lie about it.

"W-What do you think, brother?" Ren Koumei asked wanting to know what was running on his mind. On the other hand, Hakuei and Kouha just looked at Kouen also wanting to know what's his plan.

"I don't know." Ren Kouen said and he then looked at his hand not knowing what to do and what to believe after all that happened to them.

Hearing his words, Koumei and Kouha could only look down while Hakuei was already planning on leaving the place.

"Lady Hakk--" Ren Koumei called out as the thought that they needed to talk about these things first as their Empire was at stake.

"Let her be." Kouen said while thinking about something else on his mind. Hearing him, the two could only quiet down and they then started talking afterwards.