Chapter 167 - New Djinns


---One week later---

Palace Hall,

Another week had passed since Lev returned from Kou and during the past week, many things had happened and the most notable was Hakuei Ren becoming his woman surprising not just the people of Artemyra but also Hakuei's brothers and sisters.

Apart from that, Queen Mira already gave Lev her Metal Vessel as she thought that she no longer needed it. With that, Lev then gained another Metal Vessel on his own. Right now, Lev and his wives were all gathered in the palace hall looking at the Ren Siblings in front of them as if they were holding a staring contest.

"Do you want to return now?" Lev asked seriously while looking at Kouen Ren as he thought that it was now time for them to leave looking at the state of their home back in Kou Empire.

"Yes, we would like to ask for freedom so we could return and handle the situation of the Empire." Kouen Ren replied respectfully as they mustered up the courage to ask him so they could go back.

Lev looked at them for a while before calling Skipper and his crew of penguins. As he was too lazy to use Shadow Extraction or Flying Thunder God Technique, he planned on just giving them some ship to use to go back. He said, "Give these people a ship and provide them with money and food enough for them to arrive back to Kou."

Hearing the order, the four penguins then looked at the Ren siblings before telling them to follow them to the dock as everything was already prepared there.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Lev. And thank you for your hospitality in allowing us to live in this wonderful country." Koumei Ren said respectfully and the others also bowed down which even Kouen did the same.

Right after that, the Ren siblings looked at Hakuei first before following the four penguins leaving Lev and the others in the hall as they were all excited and grateful knowing the fact that they were now free.

"Don't you want to see them off, Hakuei?" Lev asked as he looked at Hakue beside him staring at their leaving backs.

"No need as I've already talked to them last night." Hakuei replied with a smile before suddenly her aura changed as if she was now a different person.

"Now that they left, how about going early to bed, Master." Arba, who resided in Hakuei's body, suddenly spoke as she sat on his lap drawing circles on Lev's chest.

Meanwhile, Lev just looked at Arba as after that eventful night, he found out that Arba could take over Hakuei's body surprising him and even Hakuei herself. Thus, their situation makes them unique as they could take over whenever they want.

"Now that you said it, I think it's time for you to meet your old friend." Lev replied before the two disappeared into the palace.


At the cliff,

Following their disappearance in the palace, Lev and Arba appeared at the place that Lev was fond of seeing them on the cliff while looking at the beautiful blue sea and the peaceful blue sky above.

"Summon: Ugo." Lev said as he already summoned out Infinity on his hands before a gate appeared and a blue Djinn then came out of it.

"You have called me, King Lev." Ugo greeted after being summoned to the surface.

"It's really you, Ugo!!" Arba said with surprise while looking at the blue Djinn who just appeared, but she was more curious about Lev's weapon thinking how it could do such a thing as it was the first time she had it something like that throughout her life.

"Who might you be?" Ugo asked shyly after seeing a woman scanning every inch of his body.

"It's Arba, Ugo." Lev replied guessing that he might not recognized her as she was occupying Hakuei's body.

"A-Arba? Are you serious, King Lev? Why would she be here?" Ugo asked while being surprised as he already put his guard up as he knew what kind of person Arba was while recalling something that happened in the past.

"No need to be on guard, Ugo. She was now my people and I hope you respect that." Lev said while shaking his head thinking that Ugo really hated Arba even after how long it happened.

"Hehehe." Arba laughed as she leaned closer to Lev while teasing Ugo who was angrily looking at her.

"King Lev, A-Arba wa--." Ugo tried to reason as the thought that Arba was manipulating Lev to do her bidding.

"I know, Ugo. Aside from that, tell me what was happening now on the other side." Lev said as he wanted to know the other side after a week of not checking up on them.

Hearing Lev, Ugo could only sigh and stop himself as he could no longer do anything about it and just answered all his questions after being asked what was happening inside of Infinity World again.


On the dock,

After coming down, the Ren siblings were now ready to leave upon seeing the ship and necessities provided by Lev for their journey back to Kou before looking at the four little penguins staring at them.

"You're on your own now. Good luck and stay safe." Skipper said before saluting. After this, he and his group leave the place immediately heading somewhere in the country.

Kouen and the others looked at the four penguins leaving while thinking how Lev had them as his followers as they really were weird creatures.

"Should we just leave Lady Hakuei there?" Suddenly, Kouha asked as even though she was now Lev's woman, they were still siblings and the thought of taking Lev back to Kou also came to his mind.

"We can't stop her as it was her freedom. And it would be better not to mess with this country anymore." Kouen seriously said as after living om this country for how many months, he could now tell no one could take on the warriors of this country seeing them having a strange weapon added by the unique martial arts that they had. Not to mention, Lev, who was probably the strongest person in this world.

Koumei, Kouha, Kougyoku, and the rest looked at Kouen seeing him change a bit especially to the way he thinks. Shortly after that, they fixed themselves before heading back towards Kou Empire.

"What should we do now, brother?" Koumei suddenly asked seeing Kouen looking silently at the sea as if he was thinking hard about something.

"I-I think we should rebuild the Empire first." Kouen replied as he set a new goal and just thought of what to do next after that. And just like that, the ship that they were standing on then continued moving towards a new beginning.


Back to the Cliff,

On the other hand, Lev, Arba, and Ugo could still be seen on the cliff seeing the latter two start arguing after Arba continued to tease Ugo about the past leaving Lev looking at the ship that just got out of the country with a smile.

"It's now time to deal with David." Lev then said which put Arba and Ugo into a halt after hearing the name David.

"Do you know David, Lev?" Arba asked with some hatred on her face as she had a score to settle on him after what he did in the past.

"You're making your move now, King Lev?" Ugo seriously said that this would be also one of the problems that they need to face.

"Yes, as all the preparations were now complete." Lev replied before summoning two weapons in his hand which were the Metal Vessels that Hakuryuu had a while back in Kou Empire.

"Devour it." Lev said which Infinity then immediately ate the two Metal Vessels without any second thoughts.

[Metal Vessel: Zagan has been devoured.]

[Magoi Power has been increased by 1 level.]

[100,000,000 True God Coins earned.]

[Metal Vessel: Belial has been devoured.]

[Magoi Power has been increased by 1 level.]

[100,000,000 True God Coins earned.]

[Metal Vessel: Cerberus has been devoured.]

[Magoi Power has been increased by 1 level.]

[100,000,000 True God Coins earned.]

Meanwhile, Arba and Ugo are completely shocked seeing the three Metal Vessels have been devoured by Lev's weapon while thinking about what happened to them after they witness something very complicated.

"Summong: Zagan. Belial, Cerberus." Lev said. After that, three large gates appeared where three giant blue Djinn with distinct appearance came out of it. One of them is a handsome man wearing some jewelry on his forehead, the other has five eyes while wearing elaborate jewelry that has many bones, which appear to be from that of a dragon, that cover his upper arms and some of his hair, while the last one takes a form of that of a dog while having three heads.

"What just Happ—Hohh. Isn't this Ugo." Zagan came out with a frown but before he could finish his words, he suddenly stopped upon seeing a familiar and rare face before he immediately looked at the surroundings.

"Hmmm. I don't seem to see, Hakuryuu. Hey Human, do you where Hakuryuu is?" Zagan, after not seeing Hakuryuu, immediately asked Lev and Arba below them.

"Zagan, pay respect to my King." Ugo said while looking at Zagan but he couldn't stop him since it was a very normal thing for him knowing his bad personality against humans.

"So, the great Ugo has finally found his King and now serving this human? This is quite interesting." Zagan amusingly asked while looking at Lev and Arba with disgust as he really didn't like humans in the first place even though he had just chosen a human to be his king a while back.

"Sigh. Cerberus. Belial. Glad to see you both again." Ugo could only sigh as he greeted the others before looking back at Zagan.

"Ugo, I'm curious too. Just where the hell is that depraved Hakuryuu? Also, there's no Magi around how come we are out and even in this state?" Belial asked with a hint of anger at his fate. In fact, he really didn't want to serve that man and even wanted to kill him but couldn't do so as there was some strange power that forced him to submit.

"I don't know who Hakuryuu is but one thing you need to know is that you were now under King Lev. You should look after yourselves first because I'm sure that your connection to your former contractor has been already severed." Ugo replied and was glad to see Belial, the key to completing their last mission.

Hearing Ugo, Cerberus, and Belial couldn't help but look at Lev with great surprise as what Ugo said was true as they really couldn't now feel their contractor. Some of them feel worried but mostly relieved especially Belial.

"Cerberus, I'm Lev. Your former contractor, Mira, was my wife. I would like to thank you for letting her use your power up until now." Lev said as he looked at Cerberus with gratitude thinking that there might be many times that Mira used him in the past even before he arrived.

"N-N-No problem, King Lev." Cerberus replied embarrassedly but respectfully. Though he doesn't know what is happening, however, seeing that he is Ugo's King, he feels like he wants to show some respect even though he is surprised knowing that he is his former contractor's husband.

"Belial. I don't know what you experienced when Hakuryuu captured you but truth be told, we need your help." Lev then said as he looked at Belial knowing that he was one of the most powerful Djinns out there.

On the other hand, Belial just looked at Lev before Ugo took a step and started telling them everything which even Zagan and Cerberus listened carefully with the expressions on their faces changing from time to time.

 'Annie, call the others to come here at the cliff.' Lev ordered Annie through telepathy which Annie on the other side acted immediately.

"Summon: Baal. Zepar." Lev then said and called out some Djinns to help Ugo explain things which two gates then appeared with another two blue Djinn came out of it.

"You called us, King Lev." Baal and Zepar greeted at the same time from which their attention then shifted to Ugo talking to Belial, Zagan, and Cerberus before looking back at Lev seeing finally got a hold of Belial signing the completion of their preparation.

Following that, Lev just talked to the both of them for a while before telling them to join their conversation as he just looked and listened to them together with Arba on his side waiting for them to finish.

"Baba!" Not before long, Lev then heard Callie's little cute voice which he then stood up and saw Queen Mira and the rest landing down while the other completely shifted their attention to the unfamiliar Djinns around.

"Cerberus. It's you!" Queen Mira, upon touching the ground, immediately greeted upon seeing Cerberus again.

"Mira, you're here." Cerberus, who was listening to Ugo, suddenly shifted his attention as he was surprised to see Mira which he then immediately headed closer to her before looking at the baby that she was carrying.

"Is that your child?" Cerberus curiously asked as he started sniffing the baby.

"Yes, this is mine and Lev's child." Queen Mira replied while smiling seeing Callie suddenly giggling in her arms as if she was happy.

Following their greeting, Queen Mira, Cerberus, and the others just talk to each other which made the other Djinns present stop what they were doing as they looked toward Lev's child making Callie happier for some reason.

Seeing the excitement, Lev then just called out all of the Djinn that was residing inside Infinity World which made the place filled with radiance as they were so excited and curious to see his child. Right after that, Lev and the others stayed in the place talking to the Djinns and at the same time getting to know each other.