Chapter 178 - Alpha Infinity World



Dining Room, 

Upon arriving in the dining room, Lev had been eating food non-stop even at this moment as he was very happy and in the mood for celebration after what he had gained and achieved today. However, strangely enough, the size of his stomach wasn't getting big as if the food would immediately be digested as he ate it at the same time. 

Also, it was not just because he was hungry since he had already eaten food equivalent to a week's worth to any person but also because the taste of the food was something that would make any person want more. Just like his other skills, Lev's cooking has long entered the realm of transcendence under the guidance of the Food Spirit and the murals located in the city. 

Unlike acquiring Weapon Aura in Weapon Specialist after reaching the realm of Mastery, Lev has acquired add-on skills in cooking after it entered the realm of Transcendence and has even two of them right off the bat. 


Tier: 7 

Type: Passive 

Add-on Skills: 

Memory Taste (Passive): Upon tasting the food that the host made, any individual or creature would remember a very happy moments of his/her/its life and make them feel as if they were experiencing them again. 

Taste Encyclopedia (Passive): Every food that the host tastes would allow him to know the exact and alternative recipe of the said food. It was to the extent that it would allow the host to create the taste of even a raw ingredient by combining other ingredients.] 

Without thinking how much this would deplete his stock of food, Lev continued to eat until he was full and was now sitting with satisfaction at the dining table together with the Food Spirits around looking at him with smiles and drool on their faces. 

"I should take a break for some time to compensate for the state of my sore and tired body before I continue my training." Lev suddenly muttered while clenching his fist. Though his body has been greatly strengthened due to the Nine Tails Fox bloodline, it was not to the point that he would never get tired, especially in his mental state, so he needs to temporarily stop his training and let his clones do them instead of him while he focusses on something else. 

"I wonder what Infinity World looks like now. I never once entered that world after getting here. I should probably take a visit and spend my break there." Lev suddenly recalled something of great importance upon having the time to think about it. He was wondering what was happening to that world now that he had forgotten to take care of it. 

Following that, Lev then immediately checked on White Fang and stayed there for a while wanting to see if there were any changes on her before finally calling it a day so he could rest his tired body. 


 ---The next morning--- 

Alpha Infinity World, 

Alpha Infinity World was the name that Lev came up to the world where he left Sia and Yoruichi. Also, due to the fact that he has two Infinity Worlds, he named the other Infinity 'Beta Infinity World'. And after thinking for how many years, he had already decided what to do with them. 

Right now, Lev can be found on the balcony of his room in the palace that he called 'Alpha Infinity Palace', looking at the peaceful world inside of Alpha Infinity. He has decided to use this world mainly for his summons and others whom he was close to would live while having Beta Infinity World as an experimental and research world. 

Lev, however, wasn't that biased to his summons since he could just call on his other summons here or transfer the Djinns and other creatures in the Beta Infinity World to this place since it wasn't restricted. It only said that creatures inside could not go outside but it does mean that they could not enter the other Infinity World. 

With Megatron's great effort, the palace that Lev ordered him to work on has finally been constructed all the while the surroundings were just how he wanted it to be though it might change again soon, after all, the world of Toriko was the world he wanted to replicate in this world. 

"Sia, since this world is pretty much already complete. How about coming back to the surface? The world I have chosen this time was much more beautiful than all the worlds I have been." Lev then said. Also, he has been quite lonely back there and needs her to warm the bed for him. 

"Really, Master?" Sia replied with a smile. She was also looking forward to it since what she was doing until now was to grow some crops and look after the animals in this world together with Yoruichi all the while taking care of the palace. 

"Lucky you, Sia." Yoruichi, who just embraced Lev from behind, said while looking at the place. She really felt quite jealous knowing the fact that Sia could get out of this place and be together with Lev, unlike her who would always be in here looking after the place. 

Lev, on the other hand, just wryly smiles upon hearing Yoruichi. In fact, he still had one Force Summoning Card left that he still hadn't used until now as he waited for the right summon to use that would greatly help him just like Megatron with his flexibility in any situation and his legion of steel soldiers. 

"I will be staying here for half a month, so we have all the time to enjoy this moment." Lev said to lively up Yoruichi. Half a month inside Alpha Infinity World would be a year back on the surface so since he all had the time, he could spare some of it to please his lovers. 

Right after that, Lev, with the guidance of Sia and Yoruichi started roaming around Alpha Infinity World. He doesn't know how much time have passed here, but the place had already turned good, and it was due to the Djinns' abilities. Different plants, flowers, and fruits that they planted have grown very healthy all the while the livestock has been living quite peacefully. 

As some of the Djinns have the power of Life itself, they were capable of growing anything in seconds which made everything in here possible and so Lev, Sia, and Yoruichi took the chance to live like normal people seeing them cleaning the surroundings so they could grow nutritiously. 

After that, Lev, Sia, and Yoruichi moved on to his large garden since it not only consisted of vegetables but crops like rice and corn were also growing in the area. This time, however, Lev finally calls for help as he creates a hundred of his clones and sees them start looking after the place. 



Alpha Infinity Palace, 

On the balcony of his room, Lev could now be found sitting on a chair together with Sia and Yoruichi while looking in the distance and drinking some fresh vegetable juice shake from his garden. It took them the whole morning to clean the place and surprisingly harvested quite a large number that was already in his inventory while some of them were inside the palace. 

'Maybe I should order Megatron to bring back any fruits or vegetables he could find on the surface.' Lev suddenly thought thinking that it was now time for him to continue cultivating Infinity World again to prepare for his plans when the canon starts. After deciding on it, he then ordered Megatron through telepathy about this matter before he stood up and got some tools. 

"Shall we see the fruit farm this time?" Lev muttered as he looked at Sia and Yoruichi before they left and headed towards the area where his plantation of different kinds of fruits was located. He was kind of excited to know how much he could harvest from them since he had already gotten quite an inventory just from the vegetables. 

Following that, Lev then called for help again just like he did to his garden as he and his clones tackled a whole country planted with nothing but different kinds of fruits. They looked after one kind of fruit after another as he was also accounting for them so he could properly monitor their output and the same goes for the crops and vegetables in the morning.



Alpha Infinity Palace, 

After working all day in the field, Lev finally took a break after the sun went down seeing him now sitting on the sofa while holding onto some records that he accounts for today. The smile on his face could not be hidden as the harvested amount this time was beyond his expectation since he was not talking about kilos this time but tons or even megatons of food. 

From the crops and vegetables alone, Lev accounted for quite a few tons of them. In fact, he could actually harvest more if he had come to visit from time to time since these kinds of ingredients were easy to rot. 

The fruits, on the other hand, took the majority of the harvested amount that he got since from the lapse of time, more and more fruit trees were growing meaning the more fruit trees there were, the more fruits he could harvest. 

To sum it up, the amount of food Lev got from harvesting this time allowed him to live without worrying about what to eat since he had a lot of fruits and vegetables to go with it added by the livestock growing in this world. Looking into the future, Lev could not help but smile thinking that this world would become his food utopia. 

"Let's rest for today and continue the rest of the work tomorrow." Lev said as he put down all the books he was looking at and kept them on the table. Since all they did during the day was just harvesting, managing the field would be the real work and he would start doing it tomorrow. 

Following that, Lev then was pounced on by Sia and Yoruichi after finally having the time to do it seeing them heading to his room feeling a bit at ease of how satisfactory the day ended. Not before long, the palace became quite loud after loud and lewd moans could be heard all over the place and it continued until morning came. 


---Fifteen days later--- 

Alpha Infinity World, 

On top of Alpha Infinity Palace, Lev could be found looking in the distance. He was overseeing the surroundings of this place with a smile because after half a month of recultivating this world, the flowers, plants, and fruits that he had harvested finally managed to bring them glory and organized once again. 

The place had gone for the better seeing Lev's clones working and taking care of their assigned station to look after. Also, there were additional buildings besides Lev's house which functioned as the tools and machinery room, the stockroom, and the processing room for the fruits and vegetables they harvested. 

"It's been a year already on the surface. As far as I wanted to relax more in this world, it looks like it's now time to resume my training again. Yoruichi, I will leave once again so look after the place." Lev finally decided to see the state of Alpha Infinity World after half a month of staying inside. He also thought that, now that he had his clones and his shadow soldiers, he could always take care of this world by leaving this kind of work to them. 

"Don't worry, Master." Yoruichi replied before kissing Lev sweetly seeing that it was now time for him to get outside again. With that, Lev and the others then spend the rest of the day roaming around the world for the last time and takes his last rest in the palace before heading out to continue his training and also to prepare himself for the future since he now only had forty-more years before the canon starts. 


---The next day--- 

City of Hope, 

Upon the entrance of the new day, Lev came out of Alpha Infinity World at exactly morning in the world of Toriko together with Sia and they appeared in the bedroom of his house back in City of Hope. The two of them first prepared themselves by taking a bath and eating breakfast before finally heading out. 

Walking around the city, Lev smiled out of satisfaction seeing that the place had become cleaner and good in condition. He then just continues looking around while answering all of Sia's inquiries before arriving at the place where White Fang is staying. 

It had been a year to White Fang and yet when Lev saw her again however, she was still there slumbering like nothing was bothering her, but, unlike before, the shining light she was emitting was way more shiner than the last time he checked on her.

 "We all had the time, White Fang. Just focus on evolving." Lev said as he looked at White Fang with a smile before he left the place together with Sia as they headed towards his training area. This time, he would no longer need to miss out on meals and only train during the day since what he only needed to do for the rest of the years was to familiarize himself with his current abilities. 


In the forest, 

After arriving in the middle of the forest, Lev then felt quite nostalgic for how bad the place was. He actually left behind some of his clones to train here however, they strangely disappeared after being very worn out from training non-stopped during the time he was in Alpha Infinity World. 

"Don't worry. Your efforts and sufferings were all for the greater good." Lev said with a smile before taking out Zabimaru Infinities. He then just closed his eyes and breathed in first before opening it and at the same time, a blue aura covered both his swords. 

"Let's see whether your skill has stagnated, Sia." Lev said with a mile while looking at Sia who was smiling back at him holding two spears in her hands with her eyes already turned red with a number of Tomoe's circling inside of it. 

After that, Lev and Sia sparred all day long as the former tested out his new skills while the latter continued to bring back her senses and adjust herself to the current battle style of the former. 


Area 7, 

On the surface, 

It was already several years since Ulmer started training and it was enough time for him to awaken his powers not just from the Battle Wolf Bloodline but also with his father's Bloodline seeing him utilizing both powers in combat. Being the offspring of the God of Wind "White Fang" and God of Fire "Fenrir", Ulmer was capable of utilizing both elements at the same time. 

Megatron, on the other hand, wasn't just supervising Ulmer as he was also assigned to monitor the King residing in the area, 'Bambina', known as the 'Mischief King' among the Kings. Not allowing Ulmer to come any closer and also disallowing Bambina to move closer to Ulmer was part of his mission. 

Also, Lev told him not to engage in a fight with Bambina. It isn't about Lev not being confident with his strength but because Bambina was an important creature in this world. Any unnecessary fight would not give any good result, so he just focused on his other mission to get some ingredients of this world. 

Bambina, on the other hand, during the years that had passed continued to silently sit on a particular mountain while looking at the sky with interest. It has been doing this ever since Megatron and Ulmer resurfaced as if it was looking into something. 

Unlike the rest of the Kings, Bambina was the one who suffered the most from White Fang's presence years ago and it was making him the "Mischief King" scared of moving around the area thinking there was a living powerful creature lurking in the sky. 

With that, Lev together with his Sia and Ulmer together with Megatron continue to train in their respective specialties in Area 7 while the flow of events in the Human and Gourmet World continues to follow its course not knowing that the one who would rule both worlds was silently increasing their strength before the time is right.