Chapter 180 - Bloodline Awakening R 18


 In the Arena, 

After gaining the attention of everyone, Lev then immediately ordered Sebas to handle the Minions and told him to gather them at another building which Sebas immediately heed his instruction. With that, the Arena then becomes spacious and peaceful again with only a few present around.

 "First of all. This is the world of Toriko. A savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods. Here, it's either eat or be eaten! Hence, it is the great era of gourmet food. I want you all to know that I already have specific plans in mind, and it was your duty to help me achieve them." Lev said while looking at the remaining summons in the Arena. With the abilities of the summons around, his domination in this world would be smoother, especially the capabilities of the businessman, Lucius Fox and Nakime's Blood Art. 

"I decided to stay here for five more years before leaving. In that five years' time, I'll train you all so your abilities will increase and also explain how this world works." Lev followed before he called upon the three dragons, namely Dart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner to his side and caressed their heads after that. 

"Erza and Mirajane. One of these dragons will be your partner throughout the end of my conquest and so their growth will be your responsibility." Lev said before telling Pouncer and Ruffrunner their assignments as they flew towards the two beautiful maidens leaving Dart under his care. 

"Yes, Master." Erza and Mirajane immediately replied and petted their respective dragon partners. The two of them already knew dragons with the memories they had in their respective worlds, and they all knew from the fact that dragons were strong creatures. Thus, having them as their companions was something to look forward to. 

"Now, Lucius and Nakime, I am planning on dominating the business world in five years. Your capabilities and skills would be the key to making things a success. I will tell you all the specifics for the next five years." Lev said as he turned his attention to Lucius and Nakime this time. His plan on regaining his True God Coins would be a piece of cake with the two of them as their core. 

One of the businesses that Lev already had in mind is to create a World-Class restaurant and Nakime's Blood Art was the key for this plan. Her Blood Art would be an outstanding place for a restaurant since it could be used anywhere. There's not even a need to recruit workers since he has already decided to let Sebas with his Minions take care of this matter in the short run. Chefs were also not needed since he could just use his clones to do the work and generate income idly. 

The other business he had was the circulation of storage rings and Lev had already given this position to Lucius Fox. This business, however, needs timing when to introduce them to the world and so it will be the next plan after the restaurant. Lev thought about this matter as he was confident that this type of business would be a hit since this world focuses on seeking ingredients. A storage ring would be a very convenient tool to have, especially for Gourmet Hunters and even for the public. 

Following that, Lev then looked at Yuujirou who was quietly sitting on the floor. Among the summons this time, Lev had more expectations of him than the rest. Yuurijou's life was filled with battle experience making him very suitable to the plan that he was thinking of. 

"Yuujirou, I only have one order for you and that is to live and become strong," Lev said with a smile. He knew about Yuujirou's thirst for fight since in his world, there were only a small number of people that could stand beside him, but it was the other way round this time since he would now become the prey of much stronger creatures. 

"That works for me. Hahahahaha!" Yuujirou laughed out loud upon hearing Lev's orders. He has been very excited upon coming to this world. Lev, his master, was someone that out of his league and he could tell that, not because he was his master but because due to instinct. Also, the sleeping enormous wolf beside them was a beast that he could not take on. With these facts, it only means that he could run rampant in this savage world and test himself to the limit. 

After that, Lev slowly gives them knowledge about how the world works, especially to Yuujirou. Ranging from the world's map, the Kings, ingredients, enemies, and people to be familiar with. With that, their conversation lasted for several hours and only stopped upon seeing the sky had already turned dark. 



In the Arena, 

At this moment, Yuujirou and the rest were already gone and were now resting at the place of their choosing to rest. Lev together with Ulmer, on the other hand, was still in the arena looking at the still-shining White Fang as the system had already told him that it would still take her five more years of time to successfully evolve. 

Waiting for a while, Lev then decided to rest as he headed back to the place where he had been staying in this city for many years. Ulmer, however, didn't leave since he loved staying beside his mother and watching over her while Lev was sleeping. 

On the way to his home, Lev could still see his clones working all night either training, cleaning, building infrastructure, or monitoring the place to the best of their capabilities. Seeing this, he then just looked into the sky and felt himself getting excited for what was about to come. Following that, he continued walking towards his home so that he could rest for the night or so he thought. 



 Lev's Bedroom, 

While everyone was resting peacefully, Lev, however, was still wide awake seeing the portable lights in his room still lit and erotic sounds of moaning could be heard inside of it. Anyone could tell what was happening, however, as the others were quite far, only both of them knew what they were doing. 

"M-Master more…. aahh…. aahhh... more…. fuck me …more…. aahh!" Inside the room, a woman could be seen sitting on all fours on the bed while moaning seductively. The lust and excitement in her eyes were evident seeing it already changing to a heart shape. This woman was none other than the last woman that Lev summoned, Sakie Sato, a succubus from the world of Demi-chan wa Kataritai.

 Meanwhile, Lev was already in the zone of pounding Sakie's pussy from behind. He was actually sleeping peacefully a while back but was awakened after Sakie's sudden intrusion and surprisingly offered her body. With his years of loneliness, his hidden lust and desires kicked in and immediately pounced on Sakie like a wolf. 

"Master…. aahh… your cock….is so good…. aahh...aahh!" Sakie moans and moans while being ravaged by Lev's long, hot, and big cock. The color of her pussy had even gone red from the fact that Lev continuously ravage it without stopping making her think that Lev, her master, really is the best. 

Lev continues to ram his cock inside Sakie's pussy. His horniness was very insane than normal as he still hasn't felt like he was cumming despite doing it for almost an hour already. After that, he just looked into Sakie's back before he saw her seductive breasts jiggling with delight. Looking at them, he could not resist but leaned over and reached them out. 

"Aahhhh. Master… There…aahh…. aaahh.." Sakie holds onto Lev's hand as she rises and helps his hand squeeze her breasts. She had been feeling a bit weird upon being summoned by Lev, her master, earlier as if there was something in Lev that she wanted and so she sneaked into his room to take it. 

Meanwhile, as Lev continued pinching Sakie's breasts, he still could not believe that he actually summoned out a succubus. Sakie's pussy and seductive body as a succubus really was different from fucking another woman as the longer he continue to fuck her, the more he wanted to thrust his cock harder and harder to the point that he could reach the very deepest part inside her. 

Just like a raging beast, Lev continues to fuck Sakie in that position before letting her go and pulling his cock out. He then holds and flips her over to face him and spreads out her legs apart. Without further ado, he pierced through her once again and leaned closer to kiss her lips. 


---One hour later--- 

Another hour passed, and squishy and lewd sounds were still echoing inside the room. The temperature inside has even risen to a certain extent from Lev and Sakie's sex. They still have been doing it until now, however, looking closely at both of them, Sakie's complexion has turned really bad than normal. 

Lev, on the other hand, after all this time, still hasn't cum, unlike Sakie who already orgasmed a few times that her strength was leaving her after being pounded non stopped. Despite being a succubus, she felt like her stamina has been sucked out the longer they were at it and the only thing that keep her from going was her hunger for Lev's cock. 

Lev, whose stamina is out of this world especially when it comes to sex, continues without stopping. He has been training for how many years and tasting such delicious pussy for a while makes him forget all other things and indulge himself in pleasure. 


---One hour later--- 

Inside Lev's room, there could be seen a woman lying on the bed unconsciously with white liquid all over her body. At the same time, Lev was there looking at how his cock let out a large amount of semen and drowned Sakie's body with it. 

Lev was quite shocked by the fact that he still cumming for almost a minute already and that he already pulled his cock out from Sakie's pussy seeing her almost like a pregnant woman after seeing how much her stomach have grown. At the same time, he felt an otherworldly sensation after having such intense sex for a very long time. 

[Sakie Sato has been forcefully added to Harem Members.] 


[Ancient Incubus Bloodline's condition for awakening has been fulfilled.] 

[Ancient Incubus will start its awakening process in 3.]










 "Arrgrhhhhh" The system didn't give Lev the time to prepare after a sudden intense pain pierced through his body as if something was being injected into him out of his free will and the only thing that he could do was scream. At the same time, all his clones who were working in the City of Hope and Infinity World vanished in an instant from the sudden awakening of his Bloodline. 

After thirty minutes of pain, Lev could now be found kneeling on all fours on the floor while breathing heavily with hot sweat coming out of his body. The pain that he was experiencing from the awakening was actually something in relation to his change of appearance seeing his hair becoming all white, his eyes turning yellow, with two large horns sprouting on his head together with his tail wagging together with the large white wings on his back. 

[Ancient Incubus has awakened.] 

[With the awakening of the bloodline, all its abilities have been unlocked.] 

[Dream Manipulation has been learned.] 

[Dream Manipulation 

Tier: 1 

Type: Active 

Description: An ability that allows the host to enter the dream world and invade any person's dream.] 

[Voice of the Ancient has been learned.] 

[Voice of the Ancient 

Tier: 1 

Type: Active 

Description: An ability to arouse any woman through the host's voice.] 

[Mark of the Ancient has been learned.] 

[Mark of the Ancient 

Tier: 1 

Type: Passive 

Description: An ability that immediately put a mark on every woman who was part of the Harem/Slave of the host. This mark would not just let the host communicate with the marked woman via telepathy and pinpoint her location as it also served as protection to any kind of mind and control-related abilities.] 

[Lust of the Ancient has been learned.] 

[Lust of the Ancient 

Tier: 1 

Type: Passive 

Description: A passive skill that would greatly enhance the host every time he has sex with a woman. It consumes the lust of any woman and converts them into power to enhance the host's abilities and skill reserves.] 

[Ancient Incubus Form has been learned.] 

[Ancient Incubus Transformation 

Tier: 1 

Type: Active 

Description: An ability that allows the host to transform into an Ancient Incubus. In this form, every skill related to the bloodline upgrades greatly in effect and use.] 

Meanwhile, Lev could hardly see the notifications of the system this time before his consciousness faded as he fell down on the floor weakly. His transformation also disappeared as he returned back to his normal appearance as he slept on the floor. 


---The next day--- 

Lev's room, 

As a new morning comes, Lev starts his new day with a morning of wild sex with Sakie seeing them together inside the bathroom connected to each other. No other things can be heard inside but the loud moaning of Sakie as ever since she woke up Lev from sleeping on the floor. After that, she immediately felt turned on and started having sex like an animal. 

"Master…. this is …great…. aahh…. aahh…. aahh.." Sakie moaned with satisfaction while holding onto the wall as she was being pinned by Lev who was ramming her from behind. The feeling she was having this time was very different from last night which made her think something might happen to Lev. 

Meanwhile, Lev, was grinning with satisfaction as his thrusting had gone faster and faster from thinking that he could have sex once again and satiate the pent-up desires that he accumulated for many years. Also, added the fact that Sakie was the catalyst of awakening his bloodline, he wanted to pay her with an otherworldly pleasure. 

"Aahh…. aahh…. Master…Kiss me." Sakie could not hold herself from Lev's thrusting as he suddenly said as she looked back at Lev with her seductive face. She knew for a fact that whether there was something wrong with Lev or not, the fact remained that she hadn't satisfied him last night and so she wanted to repay it. 

Lev, hearing Sakie's pleading, immediately complied as he leaned closer and kissed her lips as he held her waist and continued pounding hard. Just like that, Lev and Sakie continue having sex inside and outside the bathroom before finally stopping after one of them was knocked out and fainted.


In the arena, 

Lev, who appeared triumphantly in the arena, looked into Yuujirou, Erza, and Mirajane. He already told Nakime to stay behind while ordering Ulmer to take the dragons to the surface with the supervision of Megatron and Sia. Today was the first day of their training with him and he was quite expecting some great results. 

"Now then. Let the training begin." Lev said with a smile before he took on a battle stance and provoked the present three combatants since he had ordered the last combatant, Sebas, to take care of the Minions and trained them to become proper butlers. 

Without any question, Erza and Mirajane immediately cast their unique magic skill seeing them transforming into a new form. Yuujirou, on the other hand, happily strides forward and takes Lev head-on with nothing but physical strength and martial arts. 

Following that, Erza, Mirajane, and Yuujirou's five-year training plan finally started. It was also the same with the three dragons who were being supervised by Sia, Ulmer, and Megatron, and the Minions under Sebas Tian's care while Lucius and Nakime staying idle.