Chapter 182 - Mansam and Ichiryu


IGO 18th Barrier, 

Unlike what Lev was expecting to stay, the place he was guided into was actually a special prison inside the facility. He had never thought of being fooled by that ugly man, but it was not actually his fault since he had known nothing about this place aside from being known as one of the safest routes to go the Gourmet World. 

It has been thirty minutes since Lev appeared in this place and was sitting still on the floor while not doing anything. He was just looking into the place he was confined especially to the thick see-through glass all over the place where he could see Elboh talking to a muscular middle-aged man with chiseled features with two vertical scars on the left side of his head and three metal piercing on the top of it while wearing a white and gray sleeveless green shirt and a pair of beige shorts. 

As the two kept on talking, Lev could actually hear them despite the room being soundproof. He could not help but smile at them as they were talking about him while making an assumption that he might be a criminal something, or a person belonging to a particular organization opposed to IGO, and for the worst, that he was a creature and not a human being. 

"I can hear you two, you know." Lev suddenly said making the two stop talking as they looked at Lev in surprise when they heard him. 

Following that, the middle-aged bald man talked to Elboh about something and they argued for a while before finally reaching an agreement. Not before long, the door of the place suddenly opened and the bald man entered alone while wearing a big smile on his face. 

"I'm Mansam. This is really a surprise. How about you start talking about yourself? How did you bypass this barrier and head to the Gourmet World? Hmmm, seeing that you really looked like a human, you must be not a beast. Just where did you come from then?" The bald man with the name Mansam immediately started questioning Lev while observing every nook of his body as he really could not sense anything to him aside from his amazingly handsome face. 

"That's quite a lot of questions you have. We might probably take a long time to do that, and also, you mustn't talk like that to a person older than you. That's very rude, however, since you bothered to come here from a very far place, I might tell you about it but before that. Hehe. Let's have some fun first." Lev stood up from his sitting position before he stretched out his shoulder. 

Seeing Mansam coming here from his usual area of supervision, his situation must have been already reported to his other comrades. Since the situation already come to that, Lev thought he might as well test how his strength would compare to him in the meantime. 

"Elboh!! Immediately evacuate the area and call for reinforcements!!!" Mansam said in a shout upon finally seeing the horror coming from Lev. Thinking that a fight would happen anytime soon, he then immediately used 'Knocking' on himself as he suddenly grew larger before releasing his aura seeing a humungous demon-like projection with eight arms, three faces, and bronze skin above him. 

Elboh, who has been nervously looking outside, immediately heeds his order as he leaves the place with haste. It was only now that he realized that he really made quite a wise decision to report it to headquarters upon seeing Lev really was as dangerous as he looked. 

[Intimidation Knocking has been learned.] 

[Knocking has been learned.] 

"Are you sure about leaving yourself here for them?" Lev smiled mischievously before he moved so fast that he appeared immediately right in front of Mansam with a fist covered with Haki and the built-up power of Ren Kugi Punch that hadn't been unlocked since this was the world it came from. 

"Blrrghhh." Masman was already late to react and took a clean blow from Lev, but such an attack would not faze him as his muscles locked into the hand Lev punched on his stomach. However, his mind was already in chaos after taking the hit as he could not imagine how Lev's small build could release such power. 

Seeing his hand locked, Lev looked at it in surprise since it was the same thing he had seen him using for a GT Robot in the story. Following that, he looked into Mansam excitedly thinking that he could now have a fight against an intelligent and strong being in this world. 

"Frying Pan Sandwich." With a plan in mind, Mansan immediately spread his arms before using one of his techniques by slamming both of his hands on Lev's head. He did not even mind if he blew his head into smithereens since the situation had turned completely serious. 

[Frying Pan Sandwich has been learned.] 

"That's more like it. 20 Ren Kugi Punch." Lev smiled before using his other hand to release another blow as he evaded Mansam's planned counterattack by taking out his hand by force leaving a great injury on his muscles. 

"S-Shit." Mansam looked at how Lev took his hand out of his muscles leaving him with an injury that distracted him by counterattacking but it was not the thing he was worried about as he looked at Lev's other hand in contact with his open side. 

…. Boom…Boom…. Boom…Boom…. Boom…4x 

After the clean hit, Mansam took twenty clean attacks, but it wasn't to the point that his body could not take however, its penetrating power made his insides to be in a more serious injury than the first one that he had taken. 

Without backing from the fight, Mansam took out something and used it on himself which made his eyes suddenly turn white together with his skin suddenly darkening. Furthermore, his body also started growing quite a lot which would make any normal person think that he had become a giant. 

Lev was also bewildered by what was happening seeing Mansam really had turned serious this time since what he just used was Knocking that released his full muscle mass. It was a trump card that he had forbidden himself from using since taking out the Knocking from himself would allow him to run in a rampage that he could not control. 

Lev and Mansam looked into each other before the two clashed at the same time. Ren Kugi Punch of Lev and Frying Pan Punch of Mansam collide and the surrounding floor gets destroyed by their surplus power alone, however, it is not the end of it as the two keep on doing it and the place starts to crumble. 

Following that, Lev and Mansam released inhumane attacks while also taking some with them, but it didn't stop them from continuing since what was running through their mind this time was nothing but to defeat the opponent in front of them. 


---One hour later--- 

Outside the barrier, 

With Mansam's orders, Elboh already evacuated everyone who was working inside the building and was now on a field while feeling tremors from the inside that made them think that a serious fight really was happening between Mansam and the person that had just appeared. 

"Hmmmm." A voice suddenly interrupted the nervous Elboh. 

On the other hand, Elboh, upon seeing which voice it came from immediately bows down together with all the people around. They all have never thought that a person of his status would really come to this place just to see the person. 

"Welcome. President." Elboh and the rest of the people immediately greeted before finally sighing in relief thinking that the problem would now be solved since he has now appeared in the place. 

A muscular, tan-skinned older man with blonde hair and a long blonde mustache looked at the building with a frown. He seems to have had a taste for tropical designs, as he was wearing clothes with such art. This person was none other than the President of the International Gourmet Organization, Ichiryu. 

"Looks like Mansam is in a loose." Ichiryu said seriously before he walked and headed inside wanting to see what was really happening since he was also brief about it and flew through several hundreds of kilometers just to come here. 


Inside the building,

 At this moment, the tremors happening in the area already disappeared as the place turned silent. However, as silent as it goes, it would also mean that the fight already ended. Ichiryu who was walking towards the source of the tremors could not help but frown the nearer he was before finally seeing Mansam being plummeted into the ground. 

Meanwhile, Lev did not even feel the presence of the person who had just arrived as he continued punching the giant Mansam as it had been a month since he fought something as enjoyable as this. He also didn't expect him to be so strong that he needed to be in a five-tail fox state just to overpower him. 

If what forced Lev to use five-tail fox state while fighting against Yuujirou, Erza, and Marijane was due to their mixed and tricky power combination. Now, what he was forced to use was solely just to keep up with Manman's strength alone. If techniques were the only thing to discuss, then his summons would overshadow Mansam but when it comes to strength, Mansam will surely be as strong as Yujiro, Erza, and Mirajane combined. That is, however, for the time being since his summons was still on the base level. 

"Boy, how about you stop now?" Suddenly, a voice echoed in Lev's ears that he immediately woke up and stopped what he was doing and realized Mansam had already returned to normal and was unconscious. 

Following that, Lev then stood up and turned around to see who stopped him just to be surprised upon seeing his appearance. He also expected to meet something other than Mansam but never once did he expect to meet the boss himself. 

Ichiryu, on the other hand, also looked at Lev with surprise seeing how young he really was but he knew that it was now not the time to be surprised seeing how Lev beat Mansam into that state. He knew Mansam's power was and seeing him being beaten like that, he felt like Lev was really something else seeing the abnormal regeneration he had as the injuries and bruises on his body started healing at a rapid speed. 

"I think you need to make an explanation. How ab—" Ichiryu said as he started releasing his aura but when he was about to hold onto Lev's shoulder, he stopped halfway and took it back with his face wearing a frown with it.

Lev already knew that he would not leave this place unscathed after seeing Ichiryu added by the fact that he just beat off his trusted and loyal friend to a pulp. However, he was also not planning on leaving here without fighting back as he was already in his Ninth Tails Unleashed mode all the while holding Zabimaru Infinities in his hands ready for action. 

Ichiryu looked at Lev with a frown as he started retracting his hand before smiling at him which greatly shocked Lev wondering what was going on with his sudden change of attitude.

"Let's talk it out later. We should stabilize Mansam's condition first." Ichiryu suddenly said as he walked through Lev and carried Mansam's unconscious body before heading out leaving Lev alone in the area. 

Lev, who was alone, had a surprised expression on his face. He was still dazed thinking about what just happened, but something was telling him that he just survived the calamity, so he immediately sighed in relief and turned himself back to normal. 



IGO Headquarters, 

Somewhere in the Human World, Ichiryu could be seen standing at the edge of the headquarters while looking into the calm sea. After the event that happened back in the IGO 18th Barrier, Ichiryu immediately headed back to the headquarters while contemplating something in his mind. 

Ichiryu was actually thinking about Lev and the things related to him. They actually had a serious conversation a while back but aside from his ambiguous identity that he lives in the Gourmet World, nothing more important information was dug in. However, one thing is clear and that is he was strong and dangerous to the point that the creature living inside him was telling him to be careful around him. 

"He said he wanted to create a restaurant. Hmmm. Maybe I can use this as a bargain to bring him to my side. Lev, huh. Interesting. Hahahahaha." Ichiryu said as he laughed out loud while looking at the sea. He then just turned around and headed back to his quarters to talk to think more about it deeply if Lev was someone appropriate for this offer.