
No one's POV:

It has been 2 weeks since the sibling duo start their play time by this time neither of them have been bored or should I say won ,but they were literary making having the fun of their lives.

Rimuru's POV:

damn this is fun ,I might have actually became a battle junkie, but this is way better than doing some damn paperwork. I'm starting liking my vacation already.Anyways since I'm actually starting to getting tired let's end this shall we "big brother I want to sleep"

Veldanava POV :

wow my little sis actually better than I thought she even shown me how to make use of my powers in more interesting ways like there was a time that my sister coated her tail with stardust energy in the outer form and inside in Turn Null energy which makes it a very good defense technic and I gotta say this fight is actually fun even for me and from the looks she is giving me the feeling is mutual I mean there is wide toothy grin plasted all over her face but what suprises me is that she said that she transform back to her human form and said she needs to sleep I was momentarily at a lost for words when I rembered she was actually just born "ok we can stop to get some sleep ,since we are a family let's make a house shall we , got any ideas for your room Rimuru "when I said that she took a pose that screamed deeply in thought and after a while she said "can I make the house I want to supprise big brother"oh she wants to supprise me well if my Little sister says it who am I say no "ok you do it sis but if you have any problem ask your big brother for help because we are family remember"she beemed with happyness said "yes big brother "

Rimuru POV:

as soon as I got the go sign I tell Ciel [Ciel let's show of a little shall we ]almost immediatelyas she said this black smoke came out of my body and it moved forward and began to take shape in and a typical medieval jappaneese house which has three floors and at the entrance door there is the tempest logo .the house was made out of own magicules so they were black oriented material in it. the house has bathhouse in the first floor and there is a kitchen with a lot of cupboards and in the second floor there are three bed rooms and a library to fill out maga and so one and in the highest floor there are four rooms.wow I gotta say Ciel really went all out in this one not that I'm complaining. I look at my elder brother to see him flabagasted and then a inspired look ,oh look like he finally got the concept of creation,I can't wait to create a world with him but first it's time to sleep , as I was thinking this I went inside my house to get a good night sleep.

Veldanava POV:

what the fu$# is this ,this house can even take a hit even with my full power and what hell is this logo I mean it's kinda cool and all but why is it in it there ,is she trying to create a territory,wait wait if she can create hers can't I also create mine too,since that is the case why don't I create a plannet and make some inhabitants so that I can get some entertainment yeah let's get two birds with one stone but first let's get some sleep ,as thought this I transformed to my human form and went with my sister to our house

no one's POV:

as the two being went inside the house that in the future be called the home of choes due to the fact that in this very home the choes creater lives, the fun fact is that the being herself has no one idea how he got that tittle again .