
Rimuru POV:

I was sitting in the couch playing video games in my house in the underworld next to my restaurant with Ciel. Ciel has been materializing in my clone since we've been alone most of the time,and through these years she been showing more emotions lately,as I was about to win Ciel paused the game and saidwhen she said that I looked at her was about to say something to her at that I got thought communication from brother [hey sis I'm going to welcome our new sibling you should also go there I already contacted the other two ,they said they will be there,see ya there then ]

" sigh,looks like we should go there as well , Ciel would like to come as well" I turned to manas for an answer after that she entered inside my body I got up from the couch "well. Ciel teleport me to where veldora is born " as I said that I disappeared from my home .

No one's POV:

In the sea closed to Jura forest which is now known to the God forest a huge turado is forming around a huge egg ,this egg unlike other danced with lightning around it ,it has been releasing an aura that is comparable to the creater it self ,and before this egg stands two beings one is white haired lady with blue eyes and the other is a Blue haired one with golden eyes and to the ide of these two arrived a another she has silvery Blue hair golden eyes that can see through the soul itself,she looked at her sisters

Rimuru: hey you two did you miss your big sister,

velzard/velgrnd: hello big sister *hugs her*

Rimuru: oh would you look at that our little brother has magicules at is comparable to big brother ,and it also seems that his element is storm which is a combination of lightning and choes

Velzard: so will he able to match big brother if he train big sis

Rimuru: it's hard to tell velzard because my hunch tells me that he's going to be a otaku like your big brother ,

velgrynd: oh should we teach him dissapline him before he comes to your house big sis

Rimuru:yeah that might be best although you should let him come after 1000 years after he learned to control his power I can let him fight some demons to get experience

as rimuru finished speaking in the sky arrived The creater of this world the star king dragon Veldanava he landed on the water and transformed to his human form,

Veldanava: oh looks like I was last hah,oh a storm dragon now that is interesting

Rimuru: do not have him in your antics brother oh I shall make you make you remember who is the manipulate here

at those words Veldanava felt a chill down his spine and his face started pale he desperately said

Veldanava: sister please have mercy I will not do anything,I was just thinking what how storm will have an effect on the environment of a jungle

Rimuru: good ,but *her golden eyes went red and her black aura began to cover body and said in a monotone void * if you try to make a skill that like Michael or attempt to control our family I shall make you witness the pits of dispair that you will beg for your life

Veldanava: yes ma'am I shall never attempt to get my family involved in my work

Rimuru:*her eyes returned to golden * good

velzard : nee san what did big brother

rimuru:well you see when Veldanava gifted you two with angel skill series he left a back door that connect all the angel series to his ultimate skill justice king Michael to dominate the other angels it is good if he is the own who owns it but knowing him he is most likely to skrew up give it to his subordinate and with dominate effect intact and if that person is a bad guy he can control my two little sisters so that's why I gave him a little punishment

velgrynd:so is domination effect still there

Rimuru: of course it is as much as I wanted to erase it it still has it uses so I made it so that if someone actually tries to dominate you ,you two shall have a sin series skill that is the closest to your behavior and that skill will interigate to your ultimate skill and release you from the domination effect

velzard: nee san but why did you not give us a new skill

rimuru: it is because you two have not reached your full capabilities with your ultimate skill and the V.O.W only gives you the skill that are most compatible to you ,and if I just give you a new one you will waste your hard work

velzard:we understand nee-san

as they were having this conversation the egg began to shine and a dragon almost identical to Veldanava in shape can be seen there it's scales were jet balck with a blue background.And as the usual Veldanava named him and rimuru gave the body to him and there stands a boy with blonde hair about 10 years old

Rimuru: girls you can train your little brother to adapt to his power for 1000years and after that he will be under me .Also you will be visiting me every 100 years*menacing tone * do you understand ladies.....

velzard/velgrnd:yes ma'am we understand*a little scared*

rimuru:*turns to Veldanava*you should come too,it is always better when everyone is around .

Veldanava:I will do that sister ..

Rimuru:Now that's done I'm going back home to open my restaurant,see yaaa*turns around and disappeared*

velgrynd: wow she loves that restaurant doesn't she

velzard: you know that restaurant is a actually made for her subordinates ,and for her to make some to look after them

Veldanava: yeah she made it so that they can relax from their stress job and for her to incourage them to work hard again ,she also said something about researching new food recipes for her to kill time

velzard:well out of all of us she is the one who spends her time without boredom

velgrynd:well she is the oddball amoung us

after that they all left for their respected homes while veldora went with velzard

from that day onward veldora became so scared of her sisters that it became a trauma for him .It went like that for about 1000 years untill he was send to go to the underworld where rimuru lives in .