He is too weak

Rimuru : Zepes Indu you will go to the corner and reflect on your actions. Do you understand

Rimuru's eyes glowed red for a moment when she commanded zepes. At that time he like a puppet nodded and went to the corner and started shouting things with a terribly apologetic look in his eyes  "what did I say .. I shouldn't talk to people I just met. what was I thinking when was doing that I wish I had a hole to crawl into and disappear   "

At this display of power, the nearby audience was dumfounded but they quickly broke out of their daze and exclaimed "wow did you see, she made that zepes apologize " another one chimed in "the guy is also amazing, he erased without breaking a sweat. He is quite an anti-magic user…"

Rimuru unbothered by the crowd's reactions turned to her companions and  said " since that guy

Is gone let's continue ". Anos just nodded while Misha  followed closely.


 With a small voice, she calls anos. He turned to her and asked "yes misha?".

"... both of you are strong...?"

To this both rimuru and anos chuckled and anos replied "I won't deny it but that's not appropriate in this case here"

Misha tilted her head slightly and asked " what is appropriate "

Both anos and rimuru both said at the same time "he is too weak " and entered the arena where the testing venue is located.


 In the area with the arena, the lines were divided. Bronze statues of knights were lined up nearby, and an owl perched there spoke, "Please line up in the alphabetical column on the invitation."

Both Anos and Rimuru looked at their invitations and saw a letter written in the back of the invitation . while Rimuru had D , Anos had the letter  F. Anos turned to Misha and then asked "misha is .."

she shows the invitation and says, "… E… "

At the end of each row is an owl flying, holding a piece of parchment with the alphabet written on it. Arrange them in the same row as the invitations.

Rimru then turned towards anos and misha and said "well see you later at the end of the exam " to that both of them nodded. Then all three of them parted ways.

Anos pov:

 After parting with Misha, I line up in line F. The beginning is far ahead, but I check the situation with my distant vision. Apparently, they were entering the waiting room one by one.

 It seems that it will take some time for the order to come. After all, there are roughly 100 people here alone. If all the rows are combined, there are about 700 people.

 Even though it's been two thousand years, it's a good thing that these many descendants have increased. Apparently, there was no need to worry about running out of blood.

 While thinking about such things, I vaguely wait for the time to pass.

 After a while, I was at the front of the line, and there was a waiting room in front of me.

 Going inside I saw there was the owl again. But I wonder whose familiar this is. I can't see any trace of magic power. It must be hidden well so that no one knows who the master is. Even in this era, there seem to be some who can use decent magic.

"Welcome, we are here to evaluate you for joining the demon king academy.

 Inviting and taking an exam doesn't mean that you can decide whether to enter the school. There may be that, but the main purpose must be to find the founder of the reincarnated Demon King.

'This is the first time I got reincarnated but even during my days reincarnation shouldn't be rare but for them to not find me means the demons probably don't know how to sense your founder or you should be able to find me easily' I thought while listening to the owl.

"In the practical exam, students duel each other in the arena. Those who win five rounds will be allowed to enter Demon King Academy Delzogade after taking a magic measurement and aptitude test. Unfortunately, the losers who fail will be disqualified."

'ahh I see if you are the founder ,you won't be defeated by any chance right? And if you look at the magic power of that person you can determine if he really is the founder. The method is a little is a bit too simple but it is very reasonable.' musing at my thoughts I listen to the owl as he further explains about the duel.

"we allow the use of any weapon, armor, or magic item. Do you have any questions ? "

I shook my head and replied "not particularly"

"then you may enter through that door. May you be blessed by the founding ancestors "

I opened the back door of the waiting room. It is dimly lit, with long, narrow cobblestone passages. Although it is his own castle, it is originally a place where fighters fight for the sake of spectacle. It's my first time going here. When I went straight through the aisle, I could see the light leaking from outside. When you exit the corridor, there is an arena surrounded by tall, circular walls. There were spectator seats that were higher than the wall, and there were some demons here and there. Looking at the uniforms worn by all of them, is it a student at Demon King's College? But I certainly didn't expect to see the person in front of me.

"Yo, nice to meet you again". Infront of me is the dark-skinned youth that I met earlier in at the gate. Yep it's zepes .

'Hmm this is difficult with him as my opponent I might have to hold back more than I thought, should I seal part of my strength like Rimuru said so I won't accidentally kill him'.

"you bastard are you listening to me …"

I then looked at zepes. Looks like I took a two or three steps without answering him. Then the passage behind me was closed with a magic barrier. Zepes then proudly said,

"ooops are you scared now that they blocked the exit "

I looked at him weirdly , then it clicked me 'he is trying to insult me huh , well it has been a forever since someone had the balls to insult me with my reputation, ahh I almost remember the joy of face slapping someone well might as well enjoy my self again.'

I then turned to him with a predatory smile and said " what I just thought you are very pitiful that you couldn't escape. Well don't worry I won't kill you so don't worry ."