
"…..That Zepes..... was handled like a child...…." Said one from the audience

"...….To overwhelming....who is that guy? I've never seen his face before." exclaimed another.

Voices like that started leaking out from the seating area.

" Zepes Endou has surrendered Winner Arnos Voldigod." Said the owl judge ignoring the crowd.

Along with the owl's words the barrier disappeared which anos completely forget about since to him no barrier can lock him.

'Somethings strange though. My name has been declared which is the same as the demon king Arnos, but nobody is reacting at all.' Anos confusedly , he thought after his name was announced there would be a uproar.

'Have a lot of foolish people taken the name of the demon king in the past so nobody thinks anything of it anymore?'

he speculated while trying to find the real reason as he had gut feeling telling him that there's more that meets the eye.

'It would be troublesome if I became too famous but I also want to prove my abilities.' His thoughts were conflicting with each other.

Even in his early days he liked to show off In front of others as he was always beaten when he tried to compete with rimuru.

"It was a good match." As he had his idly thoughts he went towards zepes to thank his rival as it is proper etiquettes

"Ba, bastard! Stop looking down on me! I'll remember this!!"

While zepes instead of taking his hand slapped it away while running away , anos can also wagely see his hand twitching is it because he was scared or is that how he normally runs anos didn't know.

Anos took back his hand and looked at zepes's departing figure and shrugged his shoulders and thought

'He certainly failed because of me but I didn't kill him. Can't he just try again next year?, If it was in the mythical era He will return home healthy and come back to fight me again. At those times many mazoku found happiness and shed tears of gratitude for this as this helps them improve faster than anything '

"After a 10-minute break, you will fight your next opponent." Owl judge said to anos.


'I don't need a 10-minute break. That last fight wasn't even a warm up. I'll actually get tired from having so much free time. And I only got another 4 people to beat. Which is fine since in those days I had fight 100 people everyday without any breaks .' he thought internally.

"By proposal of Arnos Voldigod the break will be omitted." The judge didn't stop him as he was used to these kind of arrogant requests from people who tried chew more than they can.

Like that another 4 people witnessed the abnormality of the demon king of tyranny.

While this is happening at rimuru 's side.

" it's that cliché situation isn't it ciel" Rimuru asked amused.

[The probability of it happening is 97%] ciel replied

" ohh why is it only at 97% and not 100% , you can clearly see the hate in that dude's eyes and didn't you notice how some people in the special area are trying to control their emotions so they don't jump on anos to beat him up right there and now. " asked Rimuru curiously since she was sure zepes would try to gangup on anos to wash his shame.

[I speculate that this situation would not go as master imagined it to be ] ciel said provokingly.

" ohh then ciel why don't we have a bet then, the winner will serve as a maid for the other for one day, what do you say ciel up for the challenge " said Rimuru sure of his victory as ciel tend to lose most of the bets they made.

[We will see master ] ciel said ominously.

Like that nothing special happened during the practical test, anos won 4 matches repeatedly.

Rimuru also won the practical exam in her division in flying colors. She single handedly defeated her opponents with magic without giving them enough time to prepare. This although gained her a lot of attention didn't make her abnormal as since this chaos generation has some more people like her.

When all the practical exams ended everyone was sent to a large hall. The hall was like every building made from stone pillars and has fantasy theme to it . But there was large grey crystal and a same size mirror in the center of the hall.

Many people came from the different doors that were located in different directions presumably the winners of the practical exams in each division.

Anos and rimuru spotted each other instantly and came together to find misha since rimuru felt her unique aura. Anos was the first one to find her though so he called out for her.

"Yo Misha."

The girl turns around with her long platinum blonde hair shaking gently. She came towards their group.

"Although you said you were not good at fighting you seem to have broken through the practical test." Anos asked amused since she at the beginning said that she was not a good fighter.

"…..By chance..."

To this answer both had different thoughts ,

' So She says but it would be impossible to beat 5 people by chance. Unexpectedly, she might be more powerful than Zepes and the others' anos thought while rimuru thought ' yea you didn't them any chance since you freeze them before they could even register it ' rimuru thought while sweat dripping .

"By the way, what's happening now?" anos asked although he had a vague idea of what they are about to do but wasn't sure. But he was shocked to see the two blank stares directed at him. He thought ' maybe asking them might have been the wrong decision '

Rimuru sighed while rubbing her head and said " anos I know you like to act all high and mighty all the time but did you not even try to find out about the new things that are popular now days when you went out of the house "

Anos scratched his face while having a wry smile.

Rimuru sighed again and stretched her hand to the side where a portal appeared and her hand went through it for a few seconds and she retracted it. Unlike earlier she now has a magazine in her hand which she shoved to anos and said exasperatedly ,

" here is a magazine that has all the new things that were invented and some common sense for the reincarnated people who were born from the mythical era. And when I say reincarnated people I mean you since only you were important enough for your descendants to actually publish this magazine. I even heard that royals make their children to memorize these these contexts as they believe that one of them will become your vessel. "

Anos looked dumfounded at the magazine which rimuru shoved right in his face , he saw that the cover had a picture of his old castle Demon Castle Delsgade as it's front cover. It also read ' How to blend in with the current era.'

He looked at it for a while and had a thoughtful look in his eyes , thoughts that only he could understand.