The Void empress makes a move

" ciel did you locate him yet " Rimuru asked in a cold voice.

As Rimuru was enjoying her dinner she was notified by ciel that someone was trying to cast a curse on her and everyone that is near her.

Normally she wouldn't be this mad since she can take almost everything this world has to throw at her and don't even feel it. But she don't like it when someone is trying to hurt an innocent just because she is near her. Even when she was a demon lord she didn't drop that low to massacre innocents.

[ master the world's will is preventing me from locating the attacker. Should I destroy the resistance and continue]

' tsk if the world is protecting that guy then it most likely is a god.

Ciel don't bother destroying the world's will I have a better idea ' Rimuru thought with a evil smile.

It is time she makes a move after all.











Far away from Delsgade in a mansion hidden from the general public a unique demon was venting his anger on his surroundings.

This person is a tall and slender man with purple eyes and hair who wears a long trench coat and a top hat. He also carries a long cane which he is now swinging to create destruction everywhere.

This man is knowned as the Eldmed Ditigeon the Conflagration King of the four evil kings. But these days his body is owned by Nosgalia the Heavenly Father of the gods.

And as we all know gods don't like it when something is not working at their will. And this god here just had this experience earlier.

" Curse you outsider, how dare you defy the will of gods.

I shall make you pay for this disgrace .

I the Heavenly Father curse this outsider for eternal damnation "

As he said that ripples began to form due to the power of his words. But he was still not satisfied then he said the words that sealed his fate,

" I curse the ones the outsider associate, may you all be overtaken by misfortune and die without any eternal rest, may this curse multiply on how much you meet that outsider "

Unlike usual more ripples began appear due to his power. Lightning danced and thunders roared in the black sky. Signifying that the curse was successfuly casted.

As he was overjoyed in having his revenge one way or another he suddenly heard something that made him scared shirtless for the first time in his immortal life.

" I the void empress declare that all the orders that tries to harm those who are close to me shall suffer from fate and destiny till the thought perish from their eternal bodies. "

And like it was a signal lighting bolts came down on him. And the worst part is that this lighting is slowly but surely hurting him more than it should do.

After a never ending torture session he somehow survived although barely. God's have very resilient souls after all.

" curse you damn outsider " he muttered hatefully but he was struck by lightning again.

It is quite ironic that He the heavenly father is now experiencing Divine punishment as it was something so absurd. But unfortunately for him he messed with someone who could manipulate fate and destiny.

And with God's being someone who never listened or tried to change their minds easily Nosgalia will be having some divine lighting bolts quite regularly.








' And that's how you punish a God ciel ' Rimuru said proudly as she used to observe Nosgalia's punishment.

She knew that killing him by her hands is something that would break the balance of this world so she opted to a more feasible option and that is giving a curse to the God's who are going to be or already is hostile.

[Hmph master if you allowed me I could do something even more better]

' yeah if gave you the green light you might as well gives him a mental trauma. ' Rimuru thought sarcastically.

During her rule in the underworld and being the person who in charge of souls she had to deploy torture sessions for the most wicked souls. And most of those sessions if not all are handled by ciel.

So ciel who still has idea of ' not going overboard ' is quite scary. Even the demons fear her methods.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It has been about 2 months since the dungeon exam was held. And as Anos wanted they got a perfect score. This results did get various reactions from the class as some say that he only got it with Rimuru and Sasha's help. But then again when did they bother to listen to some strangers nonsense.

During this time class went as normal as it could go excluding the news tht one of the Demon elders was missing. The nobles all deployed various ways to locate him but satisfying results didn't come.

And as this class was going to get boring to Rimuru something unexpected happened.

" Class today we have an transfer student I hope you all get along "

Soon the classroom door opened and came a young man with shoulder-length white hair and blue eyes. He wore a long-coat version of the Demon King Academy uniform, as his uniform consists of black and red tones like most uniforms for pureblood students.

He walks to the stadium and bowed a little and introduced himself,

" hello everyone my name is Lay Grandsley. It is a pleasure meeting you "

He then surveyed his surroundings looking at each student with a half smile but his gaze was on Anos a bit longer while his smile turned wider but he quickly hid it.

Of course this small gestures was not hidden from Anos and Rimuru who from the beginning was analyzing him.

When he entered the room Rimuru felt a remnant aura of a sword she didn't expect to find in this place.

The holy sword that gifted by the God's which actually was created by Rimuru and which could altered fate so it would be given to the one person who she reminded of herself .

The owner of that sword was quite special.

He was hero of the humans race and beame the person who carried all their burdens and hope and leading the war to a stalemate by competing with Anos on equal grounds.

' now this got more interesting ' Rimuru thought while her smile widened while her eyes twinkled in anticipation. What will this person bring to their lives.