55: The sword Tournament

" Thank you for the gift Anos " Misha whispered shyly while looking at her new ring.

This ring has no gem but it had something much better. A tiny structure of Delsgade made from using .

Anos made it to just show a demonstration on how creation magic is used but , who would have thought that she was enchanted by it to this degree.

" It's good that you like it misha" Anos said as he looked at the cat that came near him .

Unlike a normal cat this one's eyes held an intelligence it's species shouldn't posses.

" Greetings my lord " the cat bowed as it spoke in a rough voice.

" save the formalities Ivis tell me what did you find " Anos asked while secretly casting an isolation spell to insure their privacy.

" Regrettably not much my lord. As mistress Rimuru said Everything down to the simplest record has been changed. Everywhere your identity has been switched with Avos Dillheavia. "

" What a bother. Now I understand why those elders refused to believe my claim as the Demon king of Tyranny.

Sigh leaving that did you find out about anything unusual in Melheis Ivis " Anos asked, thinking to find a way to back off his claim in his spare time.

Although it would save a lot of trouble he really didn't need to have any evidence backing his claim for the throne.

" Yes sir , as you ordered I have investigated Melheis and I found two abnormalities " Ivis said making Anos a bit curious.

" Firstly, although Melheis is officially the head of the Unitarians the funds are flowed through unknown source. I investigated a bit and found that even Melheis doesn't know who this mysterious backer is .

And secondly Melheis for the fast few years seems to associate more with the noble families, especially the ones that are known for their dislike towards commoners. "

" Oh this is quite strange indeed , the person who is supposed to be a leading figure in an organization dedicated to get freedom meeting the same people who are supposed to be their nemeses what strange world this has become . " Anos said as he began to think about it.

' What kind of scheme are they planning ' he thought.

" Did he have anything to do about me being chosen to be a candidate for the tournament " Anos asked after a few minutes of contemplation.

" Directly no , but I have found some evidence that he is indirectly responsible for the selection . " Ivis said.

" I see, " Anos said with a sigh.

"My lord, if I may be bold, I suggest you not participate in the tournament so that whatever scheme they have will be useless. " Ivis said after hesitating for a while.

Anos chuckled dryly and said, " if it was before I may have forfeit, but you see my parents want me to win this tournament, so as a filial son how can I say no to their request. And besides what fun is there if you back down from a challenge before it even started. "

Ivis bowed and said , " your wish is my command my lord "

" Ok, try to find more about this tournament and Melheis. You are dismissed for now "

Ivis bowed deeper and then left the area while turning into a shadow.

As Anos saw that Ivis has finally left he turned to look at Misha who is also looking at him straight for the last few minutes.

" Is that The Missing Demon elder Avis Necron "she asked.

" hmm yes I made him do some espionage stuff for me " Anos said as he got up from the bench that both him and Misha were sitting for the last few minutes.

" Let's go, there is a place that is quite interesting for me " he said as he started to walk away.

Misha, seeing him dodging the question, squinted her eyes before returning her expression back to normal. Quietly she also followed him.

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" I got to say Sasha for a noble, your etiquette and skills are only above average. " Rimuru said with a bit of surprise .

She thought Sasha, who is renowned as a genius and noble would have some good noble etiquettes. But sadly she seems to only be able to not embarrass herself.

Sasha just blushed and looked away not daring to look at Rimuru.

She couldn't be blamed okay. She skipped most of her noble etiquette classes due to being busy creating the two magic circles.

And besides she never needed it as everyone would just look the other way even if she did something wrong. So she just practiced to be only presentable to anyone and completely used the rest of the time on her magic research.

" Well you are right to call me for this. Don't worry, after you go through my lesson everyone will be surprised at how much you have changed. " Rimuru said with confidence as she had experience in ruling for thousands of years.

And you can't expect someone with that kind of experience to be not familiar with noble etiquette. And strangely enough the noble etiquette here didn't differ from what she knows in the cardinal world.

" Yes thank you for agreeing to my request" Sasha said as she bowed.

" haha you can thank me later when this lesson is over , now lesson number one….." Continued Rimuru as she turned into her professor mode.












"Ok that's enough let's stop for today Sasha. Rimuru clapped her hands signaling the end of the lesson.

Sasha who she was teaching is drenched in sweat. Around her there are a number of objects that Rimuru used to place on top of her scattered around.

Rimuru didn't go easy on her at all. For the whole day Sasha practiced how to walk elegantly. Although one might think it is easy , it isn't . Walking in high heels without tripping and unnecessary sounds isn't something everyone can do. And to top it all off she has to do the catwalk without it being weird.

After going through this whole ordeal Sasha had no strength. She just nodded to Rimuru and walked towards the mansion with shaky steps. She will go to sleep directly.

Chuckling at her behavior Rimuru casted the teleportation circle to go back home.

In a flash she teleported in front of the door. Without any ceremony she entered it to be greeted with the sight of Anos being spoiled by Isabela.

It seems like Anos just arrived home. As he is still in his casual clothes he wore when he went on that date.

Smiling at their antics Rimuru was about to let her presence known when she received an unexpected < thought communication> .

Oh this is interesting. It seems like her vacation in this world may have to be canceled.

Well her absence wouldn't change anything. And besides, she could stay at least the end of this tournament.

" I'm back " saying so Rimuru joined the lively gathering.

~ The next day ~

" From the freshman class Anos Voldigod, Lay Grandsley will be chosen as participants in the upcoming sword tournament. " said Emilia, shocking everyone.

Most students could understand why Lay was chosen but Anos, who is commoner, shouldn't have the qualifications to be able to participate in this tournament.

And what's more they clearly left out the strongest swordsman from this tournament, Rimuru Tempest.

While these thoughts were entertained by most of the students Rimuru only had one thought.

' what are they upto this time '

She could see why she wasn't chosen. It's quite simple, the nobles who will face her will lose all their reputation as the difference in skill is too much for them to cover.

But why are they letting Anos participate this time? If he wins this tournament the shame the nobles would have to endure is too much for their little brains. And what's more..

' oh I get it now ' Rimuru thought as she eyed Lay.

Although Lay didn't change his expression Rimuru could see that he is not happy about this arrangement. And why would someone who loves the sword be unhappy to participate in a tournament where he could fight to his heart's content.


' hmm should I interfere or let Anos deal with this like usual' Rimuru thought for a while and then decided,

' no since I'm going go soon , I should enjoy myself to fullest, and what's more fun than destroying a perfect scheme '

Rimuru thought with an evil smirk that if Veldanava saw would shake his head. The chaos creator is soon about to take action.










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