62: The wedding ceremony 2

" wow you look really good in this Rimuru " Lucia said as she saw Rimuru coming out from the changing room.

Rimuru smiled at her words. She wore a one piece dress that highlighted her beauty. Her hair is now tied into a ponytail by a yellow ribbon.

Due to making sure the preparations are in order Rimuru was the last one to dress up. Well it's not like she couldn't use her skills to change her dress instantly. It's just that she usually does these things without any magic or skills.

" You are one to talk Lucia-sama , you yourself looked gorgeous. " Sophia said as she did Lucia's hair.

Due to her previous life occupation Sophia's fashion sense is best amongst everyone Rimuru knew. So she asked her to do the dressing for the bride. And she wasn't wrong in her decision as Sophia did a splendid job.

" *knock *knock big sister It's me Veldora I brought big brother like you asked me too " Veldora said as knocked on the door. He knew that barging in here would be death both by his big brother and big sister. If his other two sisters were here they too would join in punishing him. And he did not have a death wish.

" Oh come on in , we're almost done here . " Rimuru said.

Hearing her words the door opened and Veldanava and Veldora came inside. Veldanava after seeing Lucia was shocked , " Beautiful " he unconsciously muttered.

Hearing the unexpected praise Lucia blushed. Hearing Veldanava say it to her face made her quite flustered.

" Well you two love birds can flirt all you want later, don't forget we have a wedding to attend " Rimuru said teasingly.

At her words both of them looked away from each other clearly embarrassed. This earned a chuckle from both Rimuru and Sophia.

After regaining his calm, Veldanava turned to Sophia's direction and said with a sincere tone, " Thank you for your help Sophia, your skills are truly superb. "

Sophia waved her hands and said , " Don't worry about it Velda this is my job after all and besides . " she continued with a wide smile , " when my queen asked me for this favour I can't possibly say no to it right especially for something I am very good at "

" hahaha you demons and your fanaticism " Veldanava shook her head as he felt exasperated.

" should you really be saying that big brother, as far as I know your angels are far worse than how demons are " Rimuru said with an accusing look. The demon's fanaticism may be overboard but that isn't compared to what the angels do.

Hearing her words Veldanava scratched nose awkwardly. He let his thoughts slip out. Damn he should be careful in the future.

" Well anyway, why don't we go to the ceremony hall. It's about time after all, " Lucia said, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

" Yeah let's go then " Veldanava said as he offered his hand to Lucia. Lucia smiled as she took his hand. And holding each other's hands they exited the room and headed to the hall.

Rimuru and the others also followed behind them.







In the hall where the wedding ceremony was being held which was packed with visitors suddenly turned quiet as the lights turned off all at once. When everyone was wondering what was happening a sudden flash light turned on. This light was turned at the direction of the door which was closed all of a sudden.

Soon the door opened revealing Veldanava and Lucia . They walked on the red carpet that was placed on the floor. Everyone held their silence as they were curious about this arrangement. Most of the invites here have a limited understanding of what a wedding ceremony is.

Soon Veldanava and Lucia reached the place where they would take their vows. And as soon as they reached their destination the lights began to turn on.

When everyone began to regain their vision they were a bit surprised. The dragonic designs which were made on the walls began to move like they had a mind of its own. They began to dance around the hall making it a spectacular scene. And like they were called, all the dragons began to head towards the place where Veldanava and Lucia are. The dragons began to surround their feet and stopped after rotating a few rounds.

Soon their bodies began to glow in a small white light. If one observed closely they could see that the dragons made a magic circle with outlines of their bodies. While everyone was fascinated by the magic circle a soft but claiming voice echoed in the hall.

And when they turned to look at who it was they found out it was Ramiris. She seemed to have taken the role of the priest.

" We are gathered on this wonderful day to congratulate the union of one wonderful couple. Veldanava do you swear to take Lucia as your wife and be by her side even in sadness and joy " She asked as she eyed Veldanava

" Yes I do, " Veldanava replied instantly.

" Lucia do you swear to take Veldanava as your husband and be by his side even in sadness and Joy " She then turned to Lucia

"I do " Lucia too answered instantly.

"Then from this moment onwards with everyone present here as a witness I the Spirit Queen declare you two as husband and wife , you may kiss the bride. Ramiris said as she activated the magic circle.

And as soon as Veldanava kissed Lucia the magic circle glowed brightly and disappeared inside of them. But nobody cared about it as they were busy throwing flowers at the newlywed and cheering.

While everyone was busy celebrating in a corner of the hall the true dragon family was looking at this scene with smiles on their faces.

" So he finally got married huh " Ivarage muttered as she clapped. Her feelings towards Veldanava can be called complicated. While she hated him for imprisoning her she also forgave him after he begged for forgiveness after Rimuru teched him a lesson. And besides he still is Rimuru's and Veldora's big brother. And she doesn't want to have them hate her because of her unwillingness to let the past go.

" Yeah by the way big sister what is the magic circle for " Veldora asked as he eyed his big sister who had a satisfied smile on her face. She looked like someone who did something very important. And he isn't talking about the wedding preparations.

" Who knows maybe you will understand in the future " Rimuru answered as she looked at Veldanava and Lucia with her smile.










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