60: I'm back

In the sky of the cardinal a space crack appeared suddenly. And from it came a dragon with scales that have a blue and violet hue. After it entered the world the crack began to repair itself. And the dragon who caused this crack to appear began to cover itself with black smoke. When the smoke dissipated the dragon was no more. In its place there stood a girl with silver hair and golden eyes.

The girl inhaled a large breath and muttered , " It's good to be back again. Say Ciel run a complete analysis on the cardinal world and tell me what changed when I was gone"

[ Master you could just go and ask your clone and easily get everything you want know ]

" That's true but don't you think it would be better to do this ourselves? Even my clone don't have every information I need "

[ sigh as you wish master, activating universal perception at maximum capacity…. Starting analysis…. Analyse complete, displaying results. ]

Soon a flow of information flooded Rimuru's brain. She closed her eyes and started to organise the information in her head. After a minute or two she opened her eyes.

" So Rudra made his own kingdom at last huh " Rimuru muttered. It wasn't like Rudra didn't have his own kingdom. But the scale was on a level of a major city so calling it a new country is a bit wrong. But nonetheless in the last few years she was gone he managed to improve his territory and made the neighbouring villages and cities come under him.

' If he continues improving at this speed the eastern empire would be established in another decade or two. ' Rimuru thought with a chuckle. Although it might sound sarcastic coming from her but Rudra really has a knack for ruling. And if Tempest didn't exist, The Eastern Empire may be called the fastest empire that has been said to exist. After all Tempest became an empire five years after it was established.

" Well anyway I better see my big brother. He is bound to mess this up because of his over excitement. " Rimuru muttered as she teleported herself to the Heavenly Star Palace. And she was dumbfounded at how it had changed.

The usual Heavenly star palace, which is everything in white now, is being painted in various colours. The angels who were usually in charge of just delivering paperwork are now doing their best at being artists. Oh wait there are just painting everything following the painting one of them is holding.

But Rimuru had to admit her brother has quite the good taste in painting. Unlike the modern paintings where anything is a grand painting he has picked up some good references. Well from what she can tell his main theme seemed to be dragon temples.

Most of the pillars and ceilings are decorated with dragon portraits. And weirdly enough Rimuru remembered seeing some of them in her manga collection. Well his inspiration may have come from a manga he once read.

" Ah Rimuru I'm glad you are back , sorry about calling you back when you were on a vacation "

While Rimuru was observing the new decorations Veldanava came walking towards her. He didn't seem to have changed. Which is expected for long lived species.

" Don't worry about it , I was about to come back in a few months anyway. So how is the wedding preparation going? "Rimuru waved his concerns and asked.

Yes, the reason why she hurried back home is to help with Veldanava's wedding. What kind of sibling would she be if she didn't help out in the preparations. And she very much doubted Veldanava would handle the preparations for such an important day without screwing up one or twice.

" So how much did you screw up already? " Rimuru asked, making Veldanava freeze.

" hahaha what a-are you saying sis….. " He tried to brush it off by changing the subject but Rimuru stopped him by saying,

" Brother, don't bother changing the subject. I know you must have screwed some things and just ordered Feldaway to clean up your mess, '' Rimuru said, making Veldanava to look away from her.

" And with your behaviour right now I basically confirmed my guess. Sigh, bring me the list of things you screwed up. I'll fix it instead of Feldaway. Who I am sure is desperately trying to fix something he has no idea off. " Rimuru said while sighing.

Veldanava, although hesitant, nodded and snapped his fingers making a scroll appear in his hand. And he handed it to Rimuru while trying best to keep his poker face. But even so his hands were a bit sweaty.

Rimuru looked at him suspiciously but nonetheless took the scroll from him. She began to unite it so she could read. And what happened next made her freeze in shock.

The scroll rolled down to the ground. But it didn't stop there. It rolled away for a long while before stopping at the end of the corridor they were currently at. And from a rough estimation one could tell that the scroll is about 100 metres long.

Like a broken robot Rimuru looked at brother with lifeless eyes only to find that he had already slipped away.

" BIG BROTHER COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANCE" Rimuru roared as released a part of her aura. Her stupid brother hadn't done anything right without screwing up. And because of her big mouth she will have to do all of this work herself.

And so the angry Rimuru began her hunt for the first true dragon. On her way she sometimes would shout furiously when she saw the situation in some places. And for the entire day Rimuru hunted down Veldanava making him run for his dear life. If not for the barrier Rimuru had deployed earlier Veldanava would have fled the cardinal world itself to escape his angry sister. And due to her high perception Veldanava couldn't use any skills since that would let her locate him. The only good news is that Rimuru herself didn't use most of her skills to locate.

' And knowing her she mostly did it torture me into drown in fear and anxiety ' Veldanava thought. This strategy is mostly used in wars to reduce the morale of the enemy troops. And Veldanava had to admit it is very effective on him. You can't really expect him to be on guard for weeks do you? No sir he is going to get married and he needs to go home before his soon to be wife come's drags him home.

If he tries to evade Rimuru for too long Lucia would come here and gang up with Rimuru to hunt him down. But if he goes and offers himself to Rimuru he would be subjected to a world of pain. And so the best solution is ,

" Yeah I should wait till Lucia comes to get me. Rimuru would be less violent if Lucia is around. " He concluded.

What Veldanava at that time didn't realise is that Lucia in a way to get Rimuru's favour sacrificed her poor soon to be husband to her soon to be sister-in-law. After all you can't live a happy married life without having your in-laws' blessings after all. And besides Veldanava the was the one in the wrong here. 










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