Ch9. Sins and Good Girls(R18)




(Warning, this chapter has quite a dark start, like No Russian dark, like the difference between 11:59pm and 12am dark, focusing on abuse and sexual assault and torture. If you're under aged or faint of heart or straight up the dainty sort, I recommend you skip the beginning. The second half though is nice…probably)





Walking into the small private villa set on the lake shore, a beautiful girl with long flowing jet black hair and brown eyes could be seen walking past a maid with a limp in her step, the maid looking on with scorn as she scurried away.

It has been getting harder and harder to hide the abuse, the bruising now covering most of her body under her clothes. Yet as she limped around camp all she got was death glares and mumbled insults, but she was still willing to endure it. As far as she knew he was safe still.

"What do you mean he escaped!! I paid good money for you to capture that dog! I don't care if you ran into a legion raiding party! That bastard shot my knees, now I can't fucking walk!" Hearing what sounded like a squealing pig, the girl could only think to herself 'give it a couple years you fat fucking glutton and you wouldn't be able too walk with that gut anyways'.

Knocking on the door, the voice stopped talking on the radio and asked who was knocking. "Caroline, my big cocked lover." Nearly vomiting as she said the words, the girl known as Caroline kept a brave face as the voice told her to enter.

Opening the door to a dimly lit room, the smell of drugs, smoke, alcohol and sex hit her nose nearly making her gag. Sitting on a large sturdy chair was a nearly 350 pound five foot seven man completely naked with his legs spread and his incredibly tiny pecker hiding under his gut folds. The man turned off the radio and looked at her, two maids could be seen laying naked in a large bed with white fluid leaking from their crotches. One with a cigarette between her lips and a look of superiority on her face, the other had a tear stained face and was holding a pillow to her chest with a dead look in her eyes, clearly never signing up for what she just endured no doubt.

"The fuck you want slut? I ain't in the mood for your used slutty pussy." Gritting her teeth as the human shaped pig insulted her, Caroline took a deep breath.

"I was out around camp and heard that General Oliver just arrived and is talking to Hanlon in the main building." Upon hearing that such a big shot was at Camp Golf and he had no clue about it, the man roared at the young beautiful girl.

"You just letting me know this now bitch!" Trying to stand but failing miserably as his bandaged knees gave out and his large ass fell back into his chair, the man huffed and pointed at the floor in front of himself.

"Get over here now." The fat bastard with a vicious look in his eyes commanded her and she wanted to run knowing what was about to happen, but knew that she could never make it on her own, not anymore. The only one she's ever loved left because of this fat pig and now she was paying for her forced betrayal.

Slowly she moved till she was only a foot away, the man smiled showing his rotting black teeth. Lifting his fat arm he placed it on her shoulder before pulling her closer. "Next time you hear important news you best get that tight ass back here as fast as possible, or I'll take slugger to the other leg as well."

Cocking back his other arm he gave her a gut punch causing her to fall to her knees and gasp for air, a few tears making their way down her pale beautiful cheeks.

"Oh on your knees for me again Huh? You must be a masochist, well I guess I don't mind giving you a reward." Lifting up his big belly and revealing a tiny stubby dick that looked like it was a broken pinky, smelly and revolting, greeted Caroline's face. "Well what you waiting for whore? Your lover is letting you have the pleasure of cleaning up this massive dick, you just gonna stare at it with awe?" Grabbing Caroline by her silky black hair the fat pig forced her head between his legs.

Letting out a silent gag, Caroline nearly threw up at the smell of the clearly unwashed cock before her, the pain in her scalp intensified as the bastard gripped her hair harder and shoved her face against the small appendage. Knowing that the man wouldn't let her go until he was satisfied and not wanting to get hurt more she took a deep breath and swallowed the small dick in one go, furiously bobbing her head back and forth, she used all that she new to get him done quick, 45 seconds later the man hollered and shot his disgusting seed in her mouth.

"Fuck yeah, hehe you suck cock like a pro girl, now do me a favor and don't waste a drop." Hearing what the man said, Caroline couldn't bring herself to do it, the taste was just to horrible and she wanted to spit it out. Looking for something to spit it in she didn't have to try hard as the red headed maid with the cigarette between her lips got out of bed and walked over.

"Tch, big daddy wasted his delicious seed on you, you ungrateful sow. Here let me." Kneeling down the red head got down and kissed Caroline, leaning her head back and taking all the sperm that Caroline wanted to spit out. After making out and taking every drop the red head turned around and showed the fat man before swallowing it all.

Crawling over she took the initiative and began to suck his tiny cock, moaning and running her slender hands up his gut.

"See that bitch, this is how you treat your savior! Get the fuck outta my sight before I break the other leg, and next time you better be more grateful!" Grabbing the redhead he lifted her up and turned her around before sitting her ass down on his tiny pecker that probably never even made it past her butt cheeks and into her ass.

However the maid screamed and hollered at how he was ripping her in half with his supersledge dong, an obvious fake look of pleasure on her face as she rolled her eyes at his labored grunts. The bastard fully unaware his ego was being played by this gold digging maid.

Caroline couldn't stand to watch anymore and turned to leave, not missing the look in the cute blonde maids brown eyes, looking at her pleadingly. Caroline couldn't even save herself from this monster, how could she save this young girl? With her head down in shame she limped out the door and closed it, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Quickly heading to the bathroom, Caroline ran the faucet and splashed water on her face as she emptied some toothpaste into her mouth, trying to get out the horrific taste. After ten minutes she walked out and poured up some whiskey in a large glass before sitting down on the couch in the villa's living room. Taking a large gulp and feeling the burn down her throat, Caroline couldn't help but think back to how all this went so wrong.

After the man she loved went away on a mission, that bastard Waltzed up and told her he won't be coming back if she didn't let him have her. At first she was mortified and went to one of the military police officers, but the corrupt fucker was in the fat bastards pocket and dragged her into the guys villa, where he promptly beat her. He then went into detail about his background and how easy it would be too make even that self righteous hero disappear. In the end Caroline gave in, hoping that by the time that man she loved got back the bastard would be bored of her and let her go.

She was wrong, oh so wrong. When he saw them together and began to beat the bastard she panicked, if he killed him then he would be killed by the bastards family for sure… so she did something she'd never forgive herself for. Seeing the look in his eyes when she said those words, it broke her more then the fat bastard ever could, but then he pulled out his gun and aimed it at her head. She was ready to die, with a smile she hoped she'd meet him in the next life and could try again.

Two quick shots, very loud shots. He once told her that if you hear the shot then the bullet wasn't meant for you, then she heard the squeals. Like a pig to slaughter, he kneecapped the fat bastard and left.

She wished she had left too, after he was gone the bastard took his anger out on her. It only got worse after Hanlon refused to chase him down saying "you have know idea the fate you just sealed." It made her confused? His mom was dead and his dad was no where to be found! Wasn't he an orphan? However over the next few weeks she understood, just how respected and beloved he was by most of the army.

She was treated like the plague, she couldn't by food from the vendors without a massive mark up and was shunned from the mess hall, leading to her not eating and losing weight, nearly always starving. No one would talk to her, not the men or women, they would ignore her and when she turned away would insult her. Then came the beatings whenever the pig was drunk, always avoiding her face because 'it's her best feature'.

Her only light in this hell was a photo of her and the man she loves together, smiling and full of joy. Yet even that had been stripped away, when she tried to stop the bastard who wanted the photo to give to some mercenaries who needed it to hunt her love down, he took a baseball bat to her left knee. Now she couldn't run, always limping in pain and always hungry, yet she stayed because it's her punishment.

"Tch, drinking already, then again if I were as useless as you I'd say drink too." Suddenly a females voice rang out, stirring Caroline from her thoughts. Looking up and across the room, she saw the made from earlier who had scurried away. Taking another drink from her glass, Caroline simply ignored the woman and tried to return to her memories, this time the happy ones.


Suddenly however the front door let out a groan before splitting in two and falling inwards onto the floor. The scornful maid let out a yelp and backed up towards a large potted plant in the rooms corner as a very large man walked into the room.

Standing at least six foot seven with a completely black full body suit of sorts, covered in sleek Kevlar and small metal plates, thin black wires attached to various points of the suit. The most alluring part of the armor being the large orange polymer face plate, with a strange hexagonal pattern on it, similar to a cazadors eyes. He was holding a pure black silenced 10mm sub machine gun, pointing it back and forth at both girls.

Behind him came a second girl? Much shorter wearing the same armor walking slowly in and stood beside him with two black engraved .45 auto pistols. But what scared yet shocked both of the girls in the room was who came in next.

Standing at six feet tall with dark brown short wavy hair with streaks of grey on the sides, deep green eyes and chiseled facial features. A dark brown military dress uniform with five stars on both shoulders. The man's name tag on his well kept uniform reading 'Gen. Oliver L.'


~ Lee Oliver's POV ~


Looking at both girls, the one sitting abruptly stood up and grimaced, Lee had to fight a smile seeing that, he recognized her in an instant from the photo his baby boy sent him a year prior.

Taking his side arm out he raised it, pulled the hammer back and put a bullet in her head. So quick it all happened in the blink of an eye.

The maid stumbled back, slipping on her own brain and blood splatter before lifelessly knocking over the potted plant and sliding down the wall leaving a blood trail. Seconds later a yellow puddle formed under the dead woman and a horrible smell of feces permeated the room as blood trickled down the dead center hole in her forehead.

"Seven, three! Spread out and find that cock sucker, bring him to me and anyone else hiding out." Both of the mysterious soldiers in black armor saluted the General.

""YES SIR"" both acknowledging the general quickly left the room. Seconds later the sound of a door being kicked open could be heard followed by a girls scream, then what sounded like a punch.

A moment later the big man came from the hallway dragging the fat pig by his hair, the bastard had blood running down his face from his busted nose. Behind them was the two completely naked maids, the redhead and blonde, with the girl pointing her pistols at the back of their heads as they walked.

All of them came to a stop as the bastard was tossed at the feet of Oliver. The big man then went and grabbed a chair and brought it behind the General, who proceeded to quietly sit down while keeping eye contact with the bastard. After a short tense minute, Oliver smiled before reaching out his hand, a third man in Elite Veteran ranger armor walked in and handed a thick brown folder over to the General before turning and leaving.

After opening the folder and flicking through the papers within, Oliver pulled one out. "Egor, you don't mind me using your first name do you? Of course you don't Egor. I'm angry Egor, very you. Not at what you've done, gods no, I've done worse I'm sure of that! But who you've done it to, that's what angers me so Egor." Oliver smiled and handed over the piece of paper to the overweight man.

Egor took the paper only for his eyes to go wide. The red head who stood behind him saw the picture on the paper and scowled.

"That false hero? Who cares? Not like the NCR is lacking soldiers and big daddy is super powerful, that bastard should have understood how lucky he was for my lover to notice his girl and comfort her in his absence. Once his father finds out you attacked him for that piece of shit you will have too kneel too!" Crossing both of her arms with a haughty expression. The redhead looked at Oliver with a glare.

However if she saw the pale look on Egors face, and the name next to the picture that his fat head had blocked, she may have bit her tongue and prostrated in front of the General. Looking at the name himself Egor felt a sense of foreboding rising up inside him, one that no amount of money could quell. Looking at the name he seared it into his brain.

'Alexander Oliver-Sinclair'


The red headed maids head jerked back violently as she fell backwards and onto the floor with a thump, her large breasts jiggling as her dead eyes stared at the ceiling. Blood quickly pooled out around her head and stained the carpet her body fell on. A hole the size of a dime in the center of her face below her eyebrows.

Pointing the smoking barrel at the blonde maid Oliver cocked the hammer again. "Did you also have an opinion on my baby boy? Would you care to share it?" Even though he was smiling, Oliver's eyes were filled with endless rage. After he spoke, the three people in the room other then him and his guards went even paler at Olivers confirmation that the man was indeed his son.

"N-n-no sir, I was kidnapped from Westside by two slavers. My pa and little brother were killed and I was sold to this fat pig! I don't want to be here! I don't want to die…please don't…" shrinking in on herself the blonde maid had tears streaming down her face as she held her small body.

"What's your name and how old are you?" The girl in all black armor spoke up towards the blonde maid.

"Hanna, my names H-Hanna, I'm 14." Suddenly the girl in black armor rushed over to the fat bastard and kicked him in his face.

"SHES A CHILD YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!" After kicking him in his face causing him to fall over the woman rushed over and hugged the little blonde maid. Pulling her into one of the rooms they came back with the girl called Hanna fully dressed, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders being held by Three as she sobbed.

"Three, your motherly instincts are showing again, I'll allow it this time, but please do keep a professional stance in the future." Oliver gave the woman called Three a knowing smile.

"I will, apologies General. If I may, I would like to train her to join me and my Valkyries." Oliver nodded and the woman brought Hanna away, a minute later she came back and Oliver resumed.

"Where were we? Oh right! Why am I here and angry at you Egor, as you now know, it's because you hurt my son!" A cold gleam crossed Oliver's eyes. "I made a promise to always do my best to keep my boy safe, to protect him no matter what. Because of you Egor, I have failed." A look of rage and sadness took over Oliver. "My boy, my baby! Who use to run up to me shouting papa and giggle as I swung him around in my arms, a boy who grew to be a better man then I, is dead." Only sadness could be seen on Oliver's face, almost like he finally admitted to himself that his only son was gone. "Now all those memories of my precious boy growing up have become too heavy, a burden that weighs on me like a mountain. What used to make me smile and laugh, now brings sorrow and tears. So tell me Egor, what price should a man have too pay for doing that to another?"

Oliver ignored the absolute devastation on the face of Caroline as she heard that Alex was dead, his eyes never leaving the eyes of the bastard kneeling before him.

"My father is a powerful man who gives a lot of money to the military in taxes, h-he won't let you off if you hurt me!" Egor, trying his best to find his back bone squeaked out his reply.

Letting out a loud laugh, Oliver looked at the kneeling man. "Almost every cap or dollar your old man gives is taken as a bribe or embezzled by greedy narrow minded politicians who don't realize that their ten years from finding themselves on a cross if they don't get their shit together, that money is gone long before it ever sees the front lines. Wanna try again?" Oliver gave the man an amused look.

Getting up after Egor kept silent, Oliver walked over towards Caroline. "That look in your eyes, I know it to well, looks back at me every time I look in the mirror." Oliver put his hand on the woman's shoulder causing her to flinch, yet her eyes remained devoid of emotion, or more like the the only emotion being grief. "I sent Five to track him down when I got the report from my informant, he found him In Cottonwood wood, dead in a mass grave. That was his fate, too die like a legion dog. If you had shown some spine and ran after him, you'd both be together at Hoover, and this pig would be dead, but now? Now I'm going to do something that won't bring my boy back, but will sure make me feel better, even if it's just a little."

Turning around and walking out, Oliver gave a command. "Bring them to the main dock at lake Mead, with the others." Oliver left and Caroline numbly followed while Egor had to be dragged, cursing obscenities at the two mysterious soldiers.

After leaving and walking towards the dock, Caroline looked around at nearly 400 soldiers that were standing around gawking at what was happening. What drew her attention the most though was the 28 soldiers kneeling out on the dock, looking over the edge with their hands and feet bound. More so that a rope was tide to the rope that bound their feet, about eight feet long and tide to a massive 75 pound cinder block each.

There was one empty spot at the end of the dock, where Egor was promptly dragged and tied up. Caroline was brought out to stand next to the general and watch as General Oliver stopped at the front of the dock.

"Everybody must be wondering what's with this display of force today? Well after a quick investigation we found 96 people guilty of crimes against the NCR and its people, most will be dishonorably discharged or imprisoned, but the 29 individuals before you? Their crimes are unforgivable, they have betrayed you! Betrayed the New California Republic! Each of these individuals have conspired with enemies of the NCR causing at least one NCR soldier or citizens death." Many gasps and jeers could be heard from the hundreds of soldiers standing on the shore line.

Walking up to a short slender woman with a buzz cut and NCR surgeons outfit, Oliver placed his foot on the precariously placed cinderblock before opening his folder and pulling out her report.

"Matilda Housman, aged 25, single, no parents or next of kin. Last year you told one lieutenant Mattie that you had feelings for him, he rejected you on grounds he had a wife and five year old daughter. A week later while on a weekend long RnR you snuck into the family's home near the sharecroppers farm, killed the man and his wife as they slept before kidnapping their 5 year old daughter. You then proceeded to sell said daughter to the fiend known as Cook-Cook, the girls status…unknown." The whole shore went quite yet one could see many faces filled with rage, everyone knew of the murder yet didn't know who was responsible till now. Matilda was about to plead for her life but never got the chance as General Oliver kicked the large cinderblock of the dock.

The massive block of cement hit the water with a thunk before quickly sinking, the rope snapped taut and pulled the woman violently causing her head to smash onto the dock. She let out a grunt and scream as she was quickly dragged off the dock, her body slapping the water viciously before she was pulled underneath. The water however was only deep enough to submerge her so that she was two feet below the waves. Oliver and the kneeling prisoners watched as the woman struggled and tried to scream before quickly passing out and drowning.

"Well on with the show, no?" General Oliver looked on with amusement at the terror in all the prisoners eyes. Walking up to the next man, Oliver took out another piece of paper, but Caroline knew this man all too well.

"Zack Hoptchkins, military police force, 33, widowed, estranged family. Boy oh boy, Zack! How did a monster like you go under radar for so long?" No one noticed Caroline look over at a trembling Egor with hate when Oliver asked that. "Let's see…numerous murders, rapes, some light human eat human tendencies! Man this is quite something! Even selling patrol information to the Legion whenever a female soldier was in the patrol! Almost caused the death or capture of at least thirty female soldiers by the legion since the first battle of Hoover dam."

After finishing reading out the man's crimes, everyone shouted for the man to be put to death, causing him to piss himself as Oliver's boot raised up and kicked the cinderblock off the dock, a scene similar to the first girl playing out.

After he had slipped below the waves, Oliver went through the men and woman one after another, reading out their various unforgivable crimes. The worst one being the one he never shared, they all were on the fat bastards payroll and had a hand one way or another in the fate of his son, no matter how small, they would pay for it.

Almost an hour passed before Oliver made it to Egor, the fat man drenched in sweat. Oliver didn't say anything and simply kicked the block, the torture of knowing your going to die and can't do anything about it was far more effective then any knife. The anticipation of running out of time can break the man before blood is ever drawn, and looking the the pigs eyes one could tell he had been broken.

After he was the last one standing on the dock, Oliver beckoned for Caroline to walk out to him at the far end of the dock.Looking at the stoic look on the man's face, Caroline slowly walked out towards him and stood next to him, looking down into the weather she could see the agonizing looks on all the peoples face as they died.

Looking out over the lake with Caroline standing next to him, Oliver reaching into the folder and pulled out a photo. The same one she had tried to keep, with a couple blood spots on it.

"Got that off some mercs he hired to hunt my boy down, it belongs to you. He loved you after all." Looking down at the image of her leaning her back against Alexs chest, both of them with large happy smiles looking at the camera, tears began to fall out of her eyes as she stood at the edge of the dock.

So lost in the image she never saw Oliver back up, so lost she never felt the guns barrel against the back of her head, nor the click of the hammer being drawn. Holding the image to her chest she closed her eyes, her nightmare about to end.

"I hope I can find you in our next life, my love."






~ Vicki and Vance Casino, Primm / same time ~



Sitting at the bar, looking at the half empty glass of whiskey. Wondering where it all went wrong but knowing damn sure the answer to that, a blonde girl with her long silky hair up in a loose bun and pale blue eyes grabbed the cup and took a long swig.

Accidentally spilling some on her dark grey light reinforced combat armor, the woman quickly grabbed the Barman's rag.

"Shit, now I'm gonna smell like whisky all day! Urrgg, can't I catch a fucking break." Trying her best to wipe it off, the woman quickly scrubbed the liquid off her armor.

"Why hello my names Fucking Break, and I'm sure you can catch me!" Suddenly a man in a three piece brown suit and fedora walked up behind her with a lame ass pick up line, causing the girl to roll her eyes.

"So beautiful! Want to tell me yours?" The man gave her a sly grin while looking up and down her body, barely hidden by her armor.

"Pew" giving the man a monotone answer the blonde stared at him with zero interest.

"Oh? Interesting name, got a last name miss Pew?" Seeing the lady act cold the man chalked it up to her being shy.

"Pew Pew" reaching under the bar table between her stool and the bar, she pulled out a navy blue laser rifle with a white lions head roaring on its casing. Placing it on the bar next to her she turned off the weapons safety. "You sure your names not Fuck Off? You look like a Fuck Off kinda guy to me?"

The man suddenly went pale and nearly peed his pants before turning and quickly walking out of the casino.

"You mind putting that thing away before you burn the decor, or scare off all my customers?" A tall man of African decent walked over behind the bar holding a bottle of whiskey and stood in front of the woman. Lifting the bottle he topped her glass up, the woman sighed and put the laser rifle back under the bar table where it was hidden by her legs.

"Sorry Matt, just annoyed by these dipshits always hitting on me like I'm some kind of treat to be had." Taking another drink from the glass the woman looked at the man who lift his hands up and waved them in front of his own chest.

"No need to explain to me! Hell if half those men knew what you could do to them if they got handsy, they'd probably drop dead. Speaking of, heard you took care of that little issue on the way too Nipton on your last delivery?" The man raised an eyebrow as the woman let out a small grin.

"Yeah your dad sent me down to Searchlight, had to go that way and those thugs tried to get me to pay a toll. After I turned six of em into ashes the other five scattered. Doubt you'll see them again, can't understand how they made it so long there with the NCR always patrolling." Looking at the dark look on Matt's face, the girl felt like it was a dark secret.

"From what I heard, a few NCR boys at the little outpost in Nipton take a cut from their spoils every month." Matt looked at the girl who simply shook her head.

"Out east or here in the west, corruption is always the same. Until the NCR cracks down on it, their whole castle is simply a house of cards." Taking another drink the girl was interrupted when the Casino doors were flung open and three women walked in.

One tall girl with silver hair and an armored vault suit that made her remember an old friend out east, a dark haired girl in leather armor with a cute husky by her side, and a red headed girl dressed like a cowgirl sporting a caravan shotgun.

The red head was familiar, she was here yesterday, Cassidy was her name? Had a few to many drinks, Got some supplies and left towards quarry junction, told her that was a stupid idea but she said she knew a way past. Yet now she was with the two beautiful newcomers…

Walking up to the bar the pretty girl with silver hair waved at Matt. "Heya mister, can me and my companions get some drinks?" Nodding Matt walked up to the three.

"Sure no problem, but for her." Matt pointed to Cassidy "Absolutely no whisky! Need to replace a couple chairs and tables because of her drunken rage yesterday." Upon hearing this both Ava and Sunny turned to their new traveling buddy.

"I payed for the damages! I get a little heated when I'm drunk on whiskey." Cass looked at the man with a look of indignation.

"HA! A little?" Not being able to hold it in the blonde woman let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Huh? You think that's funny? Laughing at my friend?" Suddenly the silver haired girl walked over and got in the blondes face. "Apologize for being rude!"

However the blonde just smiled as Cass felt a cold chill down he spine. 'Ava you dumb ass! This ain't a chick you want to mess with!!!!' Was all she could think seeing the amused look in the blondes eyes.

"Your friend over there, got real drunk, fought three men, broke chairs and tables, fired her shotgun at the slot machine over their, yelled racist obscenities at Matt when he cut her off from drinking and then shoved her hand down my pants and stuck her fingers in me! If anyone should apologize it's her!" Standing up, the blonde woman was an inch taller then Ava, yet Ava couldn't admit she was wrong, her pride wouldn't let her.

Grabbing the blonde's shoulder, Ava tried to pressure the woman. "You listen here, if my fri~~~urrrg." Suddenly feeling like she took a super mutants fist to her belly Ava buckled over as the blonde gut punched her before grabbing her long silver hair and slamming her head down on the bar table and holding it there as she gasped for air.

Within the blink of an eye Sunny had her rifle pointed at the blondes head, yet felt a cold sweat as she heard the cocking of a shotgun, turning her head she saw the tall black man with a hunting shotgun leveled at her head. "Put it down lady, you got a beautiful face, don't want to see it scattered across the casino."

The blonde grit her teeth as she looked at the angry yet scared silver haired girl. "Listen, I give zero shits what you think alright? I didn't cross the entirety of the United wastes from DC to the boneyard losing all my squad for some prissy little merc wannabe to insult me." Letting the girl up the blonde took another drink before sitting down again.

"I had a friend just like you back then, a vault dweller who took on entire armies, saved thousands, made life better for everyone who tried to survive. Watched her get her head cut off by a super mutant because she got cocky, had to carry her body back to her vault, to her girlfriend. Remember, no matter how tough you are, your just flesh, bone and blood. Don't go kicking a hornets nest!" Turning back to the drink in her hand, both Matt and Sunny lowered their weapons. However the silver haired girl kept staring at the blonde.

"You remind me of him, the man I love. He said the same thing, told me I'm just one person, but that one person can become unstoppable if surrounded by the right people. He said you don't need armies, just a handful of trustworthy and tough motherfuckers, and you could handle anything the wastes throw at you." Gesturing to the two girls behind her Ava looked back at the girl sitting at the bar.

"You seem like you ain't got that no more, so I'm gonna offer it up, you hit like a damn mule and your just like him so I know we'll get along right. We plan on staying for a couple days and taking a job from the Mojave express. We'll set out and I hope you tag along, hopefully you'll find what you've been searching for to." Looking at the silver hair girl who was now looking at her with pity instead, the woman sighed.

"I'll be taking a job from Nash as well, if we're going in the same direction fine, but keep that damn pervert away from me." Looking over at Cass the woman narrowed her eyes at the red head who smiled a goofy smile and scratched the back of her head.

"Will do! Oh my names Ava VanGraff, that's Sunny Smiles, and I'm guessing you met Cassidy Rose. Care to tell us your name blondie?"

The woman's eyebrow twitched at being called blondie, but she still stood up and raised out her hand for a shake.

"Sarah Lyons."