The match #1

As they rest left the court after they coach choosed the first five which included Lizzy as the big man,Nelly and Ann as the point guards while Natalia and Ella served as the forwards.

Soon the first leg of the match started and cheers were heard,they Crestone college girls played defense as the tried to figure out the weakness of the opposing team and how to tackle it.... they managed to learn everything thing before the time elapsed and even scored 10 points while the opposing team scored 0.

The whistle was heard to signify the end of the first round and they played made their way to teammates and coach.

Good play out there Natalia I love your defense coach Liam praised.

Lizzy try blocking the big man without much foul and make sure to be ready for a fast break from Natalia in this round.

Nelly be aggressive but do it wisely.

Ann try to hold your man stop leaving her for Natalia to handle while you chase the ball.

Ella try finding space so you will be given the ball to make more baskets.

Natalia make more points.

I need more baskets in this round you guys are already making me proud.

Go on the second round is about to start remember it's remaining three quarters try to control your breathing too you guys might be playing the rounds all through,the others are not fit for this game,go on.