A Symbol of Promise

The elders came and reminded Jiao-Long of the Prophecy.

"My Lord, the prophesied time is almost near, we must be prepared for anything."

"Don't worry, the Princess is in our hands."

"That's good news my Lord."

"However, after the Demon Prince awakened, he did defend me, but he didn't follow my orders. He didn't kill Taiyang and Longwei. I was thinking, why did he hesitate to kill the two of them?"

"My Lord, please take a rest. Your power is drained after fighting with Longwei."

"Hmm, your right. Tell everyone that I will be entering Seclusion for a short time. No one is allowed to disturb me."

"Yes, my Lord."

At the Princess's chamber, Xiexie stood beside her until she woke up.

"Argh, where am I?"

"Yǐ sī tiē…"

"Wh…What are you doing? Why am I here? Where is my father and Taiyang?!"

She tried to pull a knife and pointed it at Xiexie, "Release me and take me back to my father!"

Xiexie didn't answer her and held her hand, removed the knife and told her, "Your mine only. No one is allowed to take you away from me!"

Then, Xiexie cast a spell on her and began to erase all of her memories of being a Princess of Mortal Realm, being the daughter of Longwei and being in love with her Master. Every memory of the Princess was changed by Xiexie. The Princess was left unconscious after what Xiexie did to her.

"Your mine Yǐ sī tiē. And it'll forever stay that way."

Longwei and Taiyang opened their eyes in Penglai. Longwei was surprised, "Argh, what happened?" "You have been blasted by the power of the Demon Prince." Said a lazy voice.

"Master Lü!?" Longwei said.

"Glad I made it on time to save your souls. Both of your Internal power is almost empty. Then, I brought you both back to Penglai."

"Yǐ sī tiē! Where is she?"

"She… she is in Demon realm. The Demon Prince took her there."

"I have to save her. I need to bring her back to us!"

Master Lü stopped Taiyang from charging to the Demon Realm and told him that, "You can't go alone, you have to train first and become more powerful. You are no match to the current Demon Prince. Especially since your sister is not around."


"If you want to die, then go ahead."

"Don't worry Taiyang, we will retrieve your sister no matter what." Longwei told him.

"This is my fault. If I did not go to Demon realm, the children wouldn't have followed me there."

"I understand your sorrow, Longwei. After all, he slaughtered all the people in that Small Village. However, we must not act rashly."

"By the way Taiyang, your father told me about Lilia?"

"Yes. Are her parents still here?"

"Yes, they are. Follow me."

Master Lü and Taiyang went to the house where Lilia's parents are currently living. Then, he told them about what happened to her. The mother cried and said, "I told her not to go with them, if only she stayed… then this wouldn't have happened to her."


"A group of Men came to our house long ago. They were wearing black suits and their faces were covered. So, I don't know what they look like… except one. When I looked into his eyes, alarm bells rang in my mind. He asked me if I can give my daughter to him and said he'll make her stronger. But I told them no. They visited me frequently, asking the same question until the man with no cover on his face cursed us saying that our daughter will die in the near future. Our daughter forced us to let her go with them. Since Penglai didn't have Sect Master yet at that time, there was nothing I could do but to let her go. It was her own will. I just didn't think that, letting her leave with them would lead to her death."

"Can you tell me what he looked like?"

"He had the symbol of Penglai in his palm."

"Thank you for giving me this information. I grew up with her. I'm sorry that she died because of me. She tried to help me escape and if only I was myself that night, she would've been here with me today."

"No child. If Lilia did her best to help you, that means she values your life over her."

"Worry not. I know Lilia's capabilities. She will not die that easily. We will find her." Master said to them.

"Thank you." Lilia's parents bowed in gratitude.

The following day, Taiyang asked Longwei about the man who had the Penglai symbol in the Palm. Longwei showed his palm to Taiyang and asked, "Does the symbol you're asking of looks like this?"

"Yes, father. Are you the one who took Lilia?"

"No. But besides me, there is only one person who have this symbol on his palm in the world. Jiao-Long."

"Him again!"

"We made this in our palm to always remember that, we are brothers no matter what. We share everything. We promised that, no matter what happens, we always protect and forgive each other. But I didn't think our promise would've fell apart like this just because we fell in love with the same person."

"Father, I just remembered something. What did Jiao-Long mean with what he said? What is the Prophecy he talked about?"

"Sigh. Seems like I need to tell you about it too. Long ago, when we were still at Penglai, there was a prophecy saying that 'Two powerful demons shall conquer the world. Both of them will be born with dark power. However, one never receives love while the one receives hatred.'"

"Yǐ sī tiē…" Taiyang murmured.

"Yes, the reason that I decided to give both of you was for you to be safe. I didn't know that this decision will make things more complicated."

"Father, what really happened to mother? Why did Jiao-Long say you're the reason for her death."

"It seems like, it's time to tell you what really happened to your mother…"