4. The Proposal

At long last, Wale found herself alone with Kind. She'd been waiting months for a private moment like this, but the last few weeks had been an endless grind of work and deadlines.

Every attempt she made to catch up with Kind outside of work had been rebuffed, usually accompanied by flimsy excuses that tested her patience.

Wale's plan was working well since she initially had intended to make Kind drunk enough to spend the night as they used to while in university, and seeing that midnight was fast approaching, she didn't bother to notify her best friend of that. While watching Kind yap on about why he'd been preoccupied at work, her mind was more on other things as she reminisced over her childhood memories, her closeness to Kind, and when he'd began keeping secrets from her. A smile escaped her when Kind stood up and began searching for something to eat in the fridge.

Kind had several stages of intoxication. First, he'd begin dancing to any music even if it were only playing in his head. Secondly he'd grow exceedingly quiet as the onset of level three begun when he'd grab anything edible to eat as soon as he'd compensated his silence with a detailed story or two. However, in the recent days, Kind had been keeping his guard up and this new secrecy of his which caused Wale displeasure. 

"I had a plan and you are a vital part of it K." Wale said however, her best friend only stared at her without a word, his expression plain and unreadable.

After a brief pause, Kind poured himself another glass of wine, completing his third bottle of the night. "You only use the name K whenever Cherry isn't around."

"It's not a nickname for everyone to hear..."

"I think I'd rather help you deflate that ego of yours, show Cherry and the world that you're not the emotionally stunted girlfriend everyone thinks you are," Kind interrupted, clearly done with pretending. He wanted to get this over with and fulfill his promise to Cherry.

Wale blinked, taken aback. "Are you hinting that I did something to Cherry? Did he say something?"

"When are you two going to tie the knot, dummy?" Kind shot back, his gaze dead serious.

'What? I just wanted to get you drunk and have you confess your feelings but you want to talk about my boyfriend? Marriage?'

"Don't give me that look, Wale. Ten years is a long time to date someone so you two have to make it official and documented. He'll leave you if you keep dragging your feet."

Wale couldn't help but chuckle. She felt more amused than startled by the sudden shift in conversation, and she wasn't about to let Kind steer the night towards Cherry. She had her own agenda. "Actually, I was planning to propose to you tonight. That's why I insisted on this little weekend rendezvous, K."

"Ow shut it! I'm being serious dummy." Kind frowned then gulped the remnants of the wine in his glass, an act that excited Wale further.

"Careful, K. You're a lightweight, remember?"

"Don't even try that with me! If you don't like Cherry, end it already! I'd hate to date you if I was him!"

Wale smirked, delighted at how easy it was to rile her friend up. "If you were him, K, I'd treat you very differently." Her grin widened, enjoying how flustered Kind was becoming. A drunk Kind was always so much easier to play with. 'I know he put you up to this, and I can see how much you're bitting your tongue just to let the words out of your mouth. Be that as it may, if this is the game you've chosen, I'll play along.'

"You're really getting on my nerves. Are you going to marry him or not?" Kind asked, his eyes boring into Wale.

They were sitting close on the couch, something Wale had engineered intentionally, waiting for Kind to reach that telltale quiet stage. Wale leaned in, relieved that Kind, for once, didn't try to shy away. "You always call me annoying when I hit a nerve. And you only call me 'dummy' when you're nervous. So, which is it? Are you going to marry me or should I just go ahead and ask Cherry to take your place?"

To her surprise, Kind didn't flinch. Instead, he stared at her, as if trying to decipher her. "This... closeness... isn't good for my heart."

"What?" Wale asked, genuinely taken aback. That wasn't the response she had expected, but what happened next floored her even more. Kind reached out, gently brushing his fingers along Wale's cheek, as if longing for her. His hand slowly slid from Wale's neck to her chest, and for a moment, Wale realized she'd stopped breathing. To make matter's worse, she wore a light blouse. It had been a habit of her's to get comfortable the moment she got home.

"Why is it you only call me 'K' when he's not around?" Kind asked again, his hand still resting on Wale's chest. 

In an effort to cover her nerves, Wale grabbed Kind's hand and pulled him in close. They were hugging.

"I can feel your heart pounding, K. Are you nervous to tell me the truth?" She asked, though a part of her wasn't sure she wanted the answer.

"What truth?"

Wale's grin returned, her excitement barely contained as she felt Kind hug herback. Vulnerability seeped from his friend, and Wale couldn't help but push. "I know you like me, K. I just don't know for how long. Will you tell me, please?"

Kind squeezed himself into the hug, not wanting to let go. "Since high school."

'So it's been that long, huh.' Wale's mind raced. "Why didn't you say anything? I would have..." Wale stopped, not knowing how to put her thoughts into words without hurting her friend's feelings. She wanted to show Kind she respected how he felt even if she can't reciprocate his feelings back.

"I couldn't," Kind said. "You started dating Cherry. Besides, you're from a dominant family so I've always known you prefer a stronger beta."

This sudden declaration cut Wale deep. It had only been months back that she'd discovered her friend's true feelings. Kind had drunk himself with friends to a stupor and kept mumbling her name while asleep. Upon noticing his state, Kind's drinking buddies called Wale to pick him up, which she did grudgingly since at that time, Kind had successfully avoided her for a while in and out of work, taking on outdoor projects that kept him outside the office, and any attempts to reach him were futile.

Kind suddenly broke free from the embrace, and in a swift move, leaned in to steal a kiss. It was impulsive, desperate, a final attempt to sever ties and force Wale to keep her distance, but Wale's unresponsiveness made his throat run dry.

With a nervous chuckle, he pulled away, staring at Wale's stunned face. "That's what you get for toying with me. I never 'liked' you, idiot. I loved you. And I hate that I can't let go. So hate me to the core. It'll make it easier for me to finally move on."

Wale's eyes narrowed, trying to process everything, but her silence left Kind feeling misunderstood.

"That's the look I want you to have when you think of me," Kind muttered before grabbing the now-empty wine bottle. He seemed intent on drowning the rest of his frustration in alcohol, but the bottle offered no relief.

"You have to marry him, Wale," Kind said, his voice thick with unspoken emotion.

"Why do you care so much about what Cherry wants?" Wale asked, her eyes moving from Kind's face to his trembling hands, which gripped the empty bottle tightly.

"Why haven't you kicked me out yet? You should be telling me never to see you again."

"Don't drink any more," Wale interrupted, reaching for the bottle, but Kind pulled away, wobbling to an armchair opposite her. He collapsed into it with a resigned sigh. "I'm aware you'll ask me what to get him for your ten year anniversary. Get him and accepted proposal. Say yes when he kneels on one knee. That is all he wants."

"Will you be the when he does?" Wale asked, immediately regretting it when she saw the hurt flash across Kind's face. "I told you I had a plan, K and you're part of it but you've been avoiding me. Were you planning to skip town after the wedding festivities?"

"That's a lovely idea. I should probably do it before the big day, though. Don't you think?"

"What about our friendship K? You're my only family." Wale asked, showing an exasperated expression.

"Then give me a reason to stay and torture myself at the sight of you in love with someone else! Ten years of watching you two has been nerve-racking! Listening to you speak of your bedroom activities has had me broken to pieces I can hardly break further than this! I'm exhausted, wining like a child yearning for something that does not belong to me, yet it's always within my grasp!"

Wale felt a surge of desperation. "I'll kiss you again!" she blurted out, shocking even herself. "I mean... I can't love you the same way, obviously, but if that's what it takes to stop you from avoiding me, I'd do it."

"I'm greedy, you idiot. I want more than just a kiss."

"You..." Wale hesitated, knowing full well what Kind meant but unable to say it.

"You see, I've accepted my unrequited love life but I'd gladly push you to the wall if I have to. You asked me today at the restaurant to make an offer, correct? I want to go all the way Wale. It's been ten years watching you love someone else and I'm done being nice."