40. Facing Your Fears

Wale and Todo had tried to convince Kind to take a break from his thoughts and suggested going on vacation but he turned down their tempting offer. "Even if I want to go, I do not think I will enjoy myself. There are a lot of things in my mind right now and I'll just end up being a burden to you Wale. I haven't left Todo's house for a month and I feel fine, clearly that is not me. Swalha offered to help walk me through that week of my disappearance but I feel this is something I'd like to do myself since I already know what I'm afraid of."

Finally it was time for them to leave. The big day had arrived. Wale had suggested they see Cherry first but Kind was hellbent on meeting Cherry's sister instead. She had been transferred to a rehab facility that only allowed Todo's mother as her visitor, however, this time they made an exception.

Cherry's sister had been happy to finally get a different visitor other than Todo's mother but was greatly disappointed to be looking at the two people she hated the most. "You could have at least come with my sister, that would have been lovely."

Kind took his time to contemplate on what to ask Cherry's sister but after a while, he changed his mind. Cherry's sister seemed to not have any remorse over what she had done. Besides she had been under the influence when they'd abducted him, so it was better to come back later when she showed signs of recovery. However, Wale on the other hand was relentless. He seemed interested in finding more about his uncle's mercenaries but she wouldn't budge and after a while, she turned her gaze to Kind and asked, "Was there a reason you came here other than be a mannequin?"

"I wanted to ask you why you did what you did but it will be pointless. Looking at you now, I feel sorry for you. I guess, all I needed to start healing was to look at you in the face, and pity Cherry for having you for a sister."

Cherry's sister scoffed. "If you came to insult me, you've succeeded. So was there anything else you wanted to ask?" Placing her hands on the table, she leaned forward and looked Kind straight in the eye. "For example, why you were raped by two guys and not more? Did you perhaps enjoy it that you feel the need to come here and thank me for it?"

"Stop." Wale calmly warned, reaching under the glass table to hold Kind's hand. Cherry's sister didn't miss his movement and a smile formed on her face. "The same hands that held my sister is holding yours now. How touching. I hope you hate me enough to never forget the two lovers left behind for you and what they did, or think of me whenever you two do it."

"They confessed to not doing anything to Kind so I'm sorry to disappoint you. Besides, Kind here has been checked by doctors and apart from the aphrodisiac you ordered them to give him, nothing else happened. Actually, come to think of it, I'm happy to disappoint you of that." Wale desperately tried to control his temper. He may not have shown it from his facial expressions, but from the way he was squeezing Kind's hand, there was no doubt he felt furious. Kind squeezed back, giving him surety he was okay.

Cherry's sister however seemed rather surprised by Wale's remark, who went further to explain to her her reality post rehab. It was no surprise no one had informed her, especially Todo's mother. She probably wanted to squeeze all information from her with the promise to have her released if she cooperated. Cherry's sister proved Kind's suspicions when she asked them if she could get in touch with Todo's mother. "Be very afraid since the things you did to Kind, you'll have to atone for them for the rest of your life." Wale had warned.

"You two deserve each other." Cherry's sister scoffed. "It's unfortunate my sister has to have your child, but then that is a good thing. You'll never get rid of us. We will always be watching you, waiting for you to slip up. She'd wanted to get rid of it and luckily she told me just in time." Laughing, she continued, "Such a fool she is to not see the power she has over you two."

"You're so miserable with your life, unhappy to have accomplished nothing that you'd rather do everything in your power to make sure Cherry does end up like you, painting the jealousy you feel for her as concern for her future when all you've ever done was feed off from anything around her that benefits you. I wouldn't be surprised to find out you're the one who gave out her details to Wale's uncle, had her tortured until she lost her pregnancy five years ago." Kind calmly stated then stood up. "You were surprised that I feel sorry for you? Well, now you know why. I hope you turn your life around, maybe then you'll realize you're the one hurting for manipulating your sister and everyone else, hoping they become miserable just as you." Turning to Wale, Kind gestured to leave.

On their ride home, Kind had cried hysterically. Wale had never seen him break down that much. He felt guilty for having pushed him to answer to him whims, and his sexual appetite. He held his hand the entire ride to Todo's as the other hand covered his eyes. Kind rarely spoke up whenever he got hurt or was hurting. He was always full of compassion, forgiving the person who offended or hurt him even if they do not apologize. Wale knew Kind had been battling with himself after his rescue but hadn't realized the extent of damage and fears he had were eating him up this much. Vowing to himself, he made a promise to do better by him, protect him so that he'd never have to experience what he went through again.

They stayed in the car for a while after reaching Todo's mansion. Kind seemed to be staring into nothingness and Wale didn't want to bother his thoughts. He just held his hand, disappointed that there was nothing he could do to cheer Kind up. Luckily, Kind didn't pull away and after a while, he murmured, "I couldn't separate her face with Cherry's and I didn't want to hate Cherry for what happened to me, since I'll have to put with her. After all, she will soon bear your child and knowing you, even if I avoid you, you'll still force the child on me. Additionally, I'm not claiming Cherry is innocent, but the child is. It burdened me to hate someone I've never met." Turning to look at Wale, he concluded, "Now I'm glad to have made peace with it so if taking a vacation is still up for consideration, I'd like to leave as soon as possible."