44. Two Sides Of The Coin

A few hours earlier, Swalha had called to find out how Kind had spent his birthday. Luckily, Wale had gone out briefly to prepare for their tour of the day and Kind knew his only reason for doing that was because he didn't want to go running again with him. Either way, he was too exhausted to work out today since he'd been up all night taking over their sexual routine.

"Flowers then sex... How romantic of Wale. I'm surprised he remembered your birthday. He called Todo and me informing us not to give you our best wishes post your birthday."

"He hid my phone too and turned it off so I couldn't see messages from anyone else either including my parents and uncle Frank. You know him well Swalha." Kind hesitated before asking, "Have you spoken to him lately though? He can be a little distracted sometimes, I'm guessing it's because of Cherry's pregnancy since his uncle's issue had already been sorted out."

"No K. You know how secretive Wale can be plus if he hasn't mentioned anything to you, he wouldn't have to anyone else though...I'm surprised you have such thoughts in mind. Aren't you supposed to be enjoying your vacation? Stop worrying about such things and tell me if he finally got his wish for you to top him!"

Kind laughed at Swalha's impatience. He knew there was no way they would have a conversation without mentioning his relationship with Wale. She had been their biggest supporter and since he and Wale confessed to each other, Swalha could never contain her nosey excitement. "He got his wish last night though not in the way you think. I just rode him nice and slow haha! ...It felt good to be in control...for a while before he jumped me again."

"Oh, my word K I'm so glad! I'm getting goosebumps with excitement just glad you get to be with him like this especially the night of your birthday! You've waited for this for so long...who would have known you and Wale will ever be like this? If you two ever break up, I'll die heartbroken!"

Kind couldn't help feeling so happy. He wished Swalha to always remain like this, "I never thought I'd ever get to be like this too with Wale. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and look at him sleeping to ensure this is real. If it's a dream, I don't ever want to wake up from it."

"You can say that again K. I can't wait to see you next week. Todo and I will come to pick you two up at the airport. I miss you so much K... and make sure to update me on all the details of your time together because I have some juicy story about myself too!"

"You had better start talking now Swalha. Knowing you, it has to be someone new you're dating so how good-looking is he?"

"You'd be surprised who was the matchmaker but I'll fill you in on the details later. All I know is we went out on a couple of dates and what a nice gentleman he was K! I'm taking my time before we get physical this time around however so far, I've scanned him with my perverted eyes and I can tell you, I like what I see!"

"We have the same taste so I'm sure I'll like him too. You chose Todo for me after all!"

"And you decided to date Wale whom might I add is not my taste at all! Honestly, you've never liked obsessive guys but somehow, you couldn't shake him off."

"Oh! Don't even get me started on that Swalha, the heart wants what it wants ...though I'm afraid we are not official yet. He hasn't let me have peace with that dating thing and you know my fears concerning guys with baby mama issues..."

"K, this is Wale, the guy you've always dreamed of! In retrospect, you've been through this a number of times, so I can't advise you to do something I wouldn't do myself. I'd take my time too if I were you. After all, Wale is not yet sure of himself regarding his orientation, however, I can confidently assure you that when it comes to you, he has a strong conviction."

"Yea, I don't doubt what he feels now. My fear comes from what he will feel later, especially when he wants to have more children...as you know, Wale has always wanted to have a big family since he was an only child."


A few minutes earlier, Swalha had called Wale to follow up on how the birthday plans went down.

"It was fantastic, though I wished I could do more K is not one for big things. I left him taking a nap though since I left on an errand."

"Must have been a night of passion considering how happy you sound. I can smell your jovial mood all the way here."

"Oh really?" Wale said while smiling. He had been walking for some time while talking to Swalha. Of course, she was right. Yesternight, he got a tease from the crazy side of Kind and he loved it. Maybe that was why Todo was so attached to him. "Well, you're right about that. My boyfriend grows lovelier by the day and I can't complain. Additionally, this new version of Kind is much better than before. He is more happier these days and I take all the credit for that."

"Who is Wale without a little brag?" Swalha said in laughter. "I'm glad he finally accepted to date you."

"I'm still working on that, though I don't get why he is reluctant about making us official. Either way, he is mine now and no one else's so I'm contended for now."

Swalha went for a while before saying, "I had thought you would have won his heart by now. Seems your charms need a boost. You can ask for my help you know, it's okay to admit you're weak Wale."

"You chose the worst day to make me feel bad haha! After last night, nothing can make me upset Swalha."

"Good that you're in a good mood then since I have news concerning Cherry. I went to see her a few days ago and don't worry, she and the baby are doing just fine. She may have an early delivery...maybe just towards the beginning of her ninth month..."

"That's good news then!"

"You didn't let me finish. My issue is not her pregnancy since her parents are taking care of her well. I'm more concerned about afterwards. Where will she stay? With you? With her parents? Though I doubt she'll accept that. Whatever you and Cherry decide will have a great impact on Kind and maybe that's why Kind has been taking time to decide whether to date you or not."

"We sorted the issue concerning that with Cherry so don't worry yourself. Kind and I will obviously live together whether he opposes it or not. I planned to stay with my parents however if Kind doesn't like it, I'll move in with him at his place...though I've already moved his stuff to my parents' mansion...Anyway, let this issue concerning Cherry not bother you." Wale hesitated before asking, "Has the gender been revealed yet?"

"Cherry said she will find out when it's born. Though I have to ask you, Wale. What are your thoughts on adoption? I'm sure you may want to have a big family in future with Kind."

"I have no qualms about it as long as Kind wants to and remains by my side. Besides, I'm aware of why you're asking me this. Cherry may keep things to herself but she is not a good liar. She must have told you something for you to mention adoption out of the blue."

"I can't tell you anything Wale, neither can I pretend not to know something so unless you tell me what you know, I will remain quiet."

Wale laughed. "You're smart Swalha I'll give you that however, keep in mind I dated Cherry for a long time so I know her too well. She must have told you not to tell me the child isn't mine and I respect your choice to keep her secret. I was aware of her fling since the gentleman she had been with approached and warned me to stay away from her. He must have really cared for her to consider me a threat, but Cherry hadn't informed him she was engaged to me. While I looked for Kind when he'd disappeared after the engagement ceremony, I searched for the guy too but couldn't find him and I'd never heard from him. It doesn't bother me either since the child Cherry is caring for is mine. I have a strong conviction about it and after the baby is born, I'll prove whatever Cherry told you wrong. In the meantime, for the sake of the child's well-being, I'd like to have Cherry continue thinking that way."

"You are quite a sneaky Wale, I wonder just how much you know about all of us."

"I could say the same about you to Swalha. I may know a few things concerning Cherry, but you hold all our secrets with you. You guarded Kind's secret so well and that makes you the third person I'm most afraid of."

"Well if you are so smart, why couldn't you tell Kind has always liked you all this time?"

"I was blind and stupid...that's all I can say. I paid more attention to keeping him close yet I'd had him all along"

Swalha chucked. Blind and stupid, he'd said. She was sure to remember that admission for later use. "So who are you most afraid of since I'm the third?"

"If you've Todo's mother, then you don't need to know the person I'm most afraid of."