50. Todo And Kai

"I like to have someone who is pretty in appearance, who even if they are extremely furious towards my remain beautiful, that they make me go wild...I want to tease them further and make them more furious until they give into my whims...and then start again."

"Aren't you just showing off?" Todo asked Wale. "And shouldn't you be watching your language in front of your daughter? You're teaching her to be an excellent delinquent."

"Oh yes...I probably should though I can't help it. You Kept K away from me for so long. However, I like that you finally brought him back to me even if it was just for a day."

They had been sitting in the garden just right after breakfast. Wale had previously persistently begged Todo to bring Kind over and insisted they spend the night and after observing how much liking Todo had developed towards Kai, Wale was certain he may convince him to stay a little longer though.

Kai hadn't cried or woken up that night for the first time. She used to keep him and the nanny awake, waking up every two hours to feed or just needing company...it had been a hectic month and even though Wale knew he'd already started getting accustomed to the new routine, it was amazing to find out Todo had a special charm when it came to dealing with infants.

"How'd you do it? I checked several times in the night and with the nanny too...baby Kai must like you."

"I'm a baby whisperer," Todo answered proudly as he looked down on the infant in his arms who was fallen asleep. He felt a certain warmth towards her...like he wanted to protect her. "Some of my siblings had been orphaned...well, my parents had taken them in when I was still a child. When I grew up, I discovered my father had rescued them from child trafficking. I stayed with about three of them until they left the country. After my father's death, I joined them abroad. Mother told me she wanted to keep us safe however, I chose to come back since I wanted to learn the business."

Wale listened as he carefully paid attention to Todo. At first glance, Todo had seemed fierce and ruthless just like his mother however, as someone took time to get to know him, he seemed more approachable, relaxed and cautious of how he spoke to others depending on the person. Swalha had already managed to break down any protective barriers Todo had built around himself. It wasn't unusual that they'd instantly become very close.

Todo also seemed to care a lot for Kind too. Despite breaking up with his ex-boyfriend, he'd been giving genuine advice to Wale about their relationship....and now, after weeks of persuasion, he'd brought Kind over and was bonding with baby Kai so well.

"Don't you feel jealous of me sometimes?"

Wale's question sent Todo to immediately look up. "How arrogant can you get? I can have my child if I wanted one."

Wale laughed at his misinterpretation. "I didn't mean the baby, I was talking bout Kind, though, you've picked my interest. Maybe in the future, K and I can have our own."

Todo blushed and looked back at baby Kai. If it wasn't for her sleeping in his arms, he'd have probably thrown a good punch at Wale.

"I...get jealous sometimes...but not as before. I was jealous of you even before we met since Kind had already informed me about the person he was in love with...but when I met you and he chose you still, I admit I was hurt. Afterwards, I accepted. Nothing else mattered as long as Kind was happy... I suspect I came to that conclusion after he'd been kidnapped."

"But don't you think you gave up too easily?"

"It's no longer about me anymore. When you love someone you have to let them be happy regardless...celebrate their happiness even if you're not a part of it. What would you have me do? Take him away because I could do that but what do I achieve afterwards? A sad Kind...I do not wish to end up like your former fiancé Cherry...filled with rage. That's burdensome and if I've learned anything from working with my mother and the dangerous scenarios we've found ourselves in, it's okay to let go. Peace is more important than pride."

Looking back at Wale, he continued, "I doubt you understand that. Which the magnitude of pride you have, and how you monopolize Kind, you will never comprehend such wisdom. You're smart I'll give you that. Your style is more aggressive, your moves erratic...unpredictable and as much as you hide it, each of your moves serves a purpose. To others, it may look like you're acting wildly however, you're eyes are always looked on your target."

"And you may appear eccentric but once someone gets to know you, they discover you're very kind. You must have gotten that side from your father."

Todo stood up abruptly. He had always known he was weak to complement however this particular one came from his nemesis, who'd always been teasing him. He wasn't sure if he was mocking him or if he'd meant what he said. "I should probably leave. You have to wake up Kind. We still have a lot of training to do."

"I won't tease you further, you can sit down. Baby Kai has been quiet in your arms. Besides, the state Kind is in, I do not think he will be leaving today and tonight, I intend to make sure he can't move at least for a week."

Wale was beaming with pride as he said those words. What an obnoxious snob! Todo thought to himself. "It's a pity that you're this child's father. "

"I can't help it. Having Kind so close to me brings out this version of me and I quite like it."

"So did he top you as you'd so desperately wished?" Todo wanted to pierce that pride of his just enough to simmer Wale down and when he hesitated, he gently sat down, making sure not to wake up the sleeping baby.

"He did on several occasions...though it's not the way I had wanted. Kind seems...hesitant..."

"Or maybe you wouldn't make a worthy bottom."

"What do you mean worthy? My primary mission has always been to please K and nothing else!"

Todo smiled at Wale's insecurities. He seemed like a child who wanted everything yet couldn't have it. Looking at him now, there was no way Wale was a bottom, not to mention he'd just recently become gay. Even if he was willing to please Kind as he claims, he should know that any top that left Kind in the state he was proudly publicly declaring, was selfish, obnoxious and inconsiderate. Wale was neither a good top nor a bottom in his opinion.

"If you badly want to be a bottom then tell Kind about your interests though I highly doubt he'll agree to it since you don't look like one. Secondly, you should know the state you left him in is the same one he'll leave you in. Are you up for that?"

Wale suddenly beamed with excitement. "I'd love that! Anything that would make K excited turns me on automatically!"

"It's not about just him Wale but both of you. I don't believe Kind would enjoy topping you if you didn't like it. Besides, if your intention is primarily to please him, then just accept that you're a top. If you wish to further spice things up, I can share my secret stash with you. My new partner and I are into roleplaying. We incorporate toys and everything else. I bought a lot that I didn't use since he came prepared with his own. I can have my butler send them over since none of them has been unpacked."

"You must send them!"

Todo jerked at Wale's increasing excitement and felt baby Kai move. Looking down, he found her eyes wide open. She neither cried nor whimpered. She only stared and this melted his heart. He must love her to want to extend his time with her.

Smiling, he looked back at Wale who'd also noticed the baby's awakening and reached to hold her but Todo moved away. His movement surprised him just as much as it did Wale who looked as if he was about to tease him.

"Ah...let me...hold her a little longer..." Todo whispered, embarrassed at his possessiveness.

"Okay," Wale responded in a whisper. So Todo can be possessive too? He thought to himself. He didn't mind either. Wale knew he could use a break. Todo must tell him how he managed to easily calm baby Kai down so efficiently without lifting a finger. Oftentimes, she'd scream as soon as she woke up it was hard to tell whether she was hungry or needed a diaper change.

"Three more days. That's all I'm asking for. Three more days to stay here with Kind and you can spend as much time as you want with baby Kai."

Todo chuckled at Wale's desperation. What a ridiculous offer. It was one-sided, after all, Wale was the one winning here. He'd get to be with Kind longer, and have someone spend time with his infant daughter for a while. Though, looking back at baby Kai who was still staring at him blankly, the decision was already made.

"I want to be Kai's godfather."