Monster Inside You

[ADAM] Eve screamed causing him to instinctively grab his head in shock.

[Stop panicking]

All right, thanks. Adam replied calmly.

Unfortunately, the others didn't have someone like him and they kept panicking. Some quickly ran out of the classroom in search of rescue or escape to safety. Born leaders began to gather in small groups, hoping that there was strength in the numbers. Still, others froze in place in fear of what might happen.

Everyone brought out their best qualities in difficult times. Or at worst during a fight for life. In the end, everyone could only count on themselves.

The teacher was one of the latter, he was old enough to remember the story of his parents telling him what had happened at that time. They witnessed the situation and he also remembered the chaos when he was a small child.

And he also knew that he had no chance of surviving if what happened before happened again. That chance doesn't come around twice.

He didn't want to be in his shoes, Adam thought after Eve had told him his teacher status. He was even weaker than the worst student in the class and he is a pure scientist with no fighting skills. He has no chance of survival, all he can do is wait for death or run away in the hope that someone will save him. He chose to be trying to keep the last dignity.

[Adam, stop thinking, just start acting, we don't have time] Ewa criticized the boy again in the last few minutes.

Stimulated to action, Adam got up from the chair, ran to William who was in the same state as he was a moment ago, and slap him in the face.

Thanks, William said after coming to his senses.

Adam took William with him and left the classroom to find their families.

He turned his head at the last moment and began to look at those who were left thinking I might never see them again in my life.

Wasting no more time, he kept walking, not turning back until he was in a safe place.

The boys made their way through the panicked students until they finally came out of the school.

They chose the shortest route and parted only after Adam's domain. Along the way, they were attacked by strange people trying to rob them or, worse, murder them. Riots began, and people began to steal everything that could be useful, even rob innocent passers-by of everything they had.

Unfortunately for them, Adama was a powerful fighter and William a decent mage, so the thugs had no chance against them. None of the boys even held back, the law no longer stopped them from doing too much harm, and they had bigger things to worry about.

When they parted, Adam finally heard Eve's voice, who didn't want to confuse him earlier during the fight.

[You know, I expected it from William, it looks like it to me, but you didn't even care. Are you aware that they may have sustained permanent damage and some even died from the wounds you inflicted on them?] Eve said, mentioning the earlier thugs.

[I knew you were good with a sword but I guess you're just as good at fighting without a weapon] She commented admiringly on his earlier fight.

Even if one of them died, it wouldn't be my first kill. Adam answered her indifferently, standing in front of the door of the house.

And William, it's complicated... When we were kids... I'll tell you about it sometime when you remind me. He said after a momentary hesitation.


He then opened the door and saw his mother expecting him back. She knew it would show up sooner or later.

Look, I know you want answers, but I think you'll agree that this isn't the best time to be having these conversations. The woman started the conversation after a minute of staring at each other.

I promise that when it's all over, we'll sit down at the table and explain everything to each other and we'll go back to how it used to be. What do you say, son? his mother asked him, looking at him pleadingly.

Fine managed to choke out Adam, looking anywhere but at his mother. He had a soft spot for her beautiful pleading sapphire eyes. He always couldn't resist her for long, so he came to his senses and immediately capitulated without a fight.

They had little time and he didn't want to be the cause of their loss.

I have something for you, said the woman, pulling a huge present from behind her and handing it to him gently with one hand.

When he took it in his hand, he quickly had to catch it in both hands so that he wouldn't fall to the ground by mistake.

Its length and weight could only indicate one thing, Adam guessed, and then he began to smile like a small child for candy.

Unable to hold back any longer, he began tearing open the package.

When he was finished and all the contents were visible he managed to shout only one word in excitement. Not knowing how else to describe what lies ahead.


In his hands, he held a two-handed greatsword. Acquiring black color and was filled with runes along its entire length of unknown material. It had a hilt curled up but grouped enough and well made to protect his hands when attacking or parrying. It also had a serrated edge in some places on the blade, great for tearing apart muscle when I pierced someone with it. He was just perfect.

He wanted to check its sharpness, but as soon as he ran his finger along its edge, he quickly stopped when he saw that the finger was starting to bleed. The blade quickly cut through the entire skin, reaching almost to the very muscles. If it wasn't for the blood, he wouldn't even know he'd cut himself because he didn't feel any pain.

It has a few runic charms built into it, like not feeling pain, but you've probably noticed that already. She laughed at his stupid behavior.

Waving it a few times, it was perfectly balanced for him. He couldn't think of a better weapon or a better gift, especially at a time like this.

I was going to give it to you later for your birthday, but I think you might find it more useful now. His mother said to him smiling.

It will be harder with armor, but you should be able to deal with weaker opponents without taking damage. I'll take the stronger ones. If I start losing or we get overwhelmed outnumbered, run, and don't look back. I'll manage somehow. When she began to speak, she took out a sword hidden behind the wall, similar in size to the one the boy had. The use of heavy swords seems to run in their family.

Then she began to change into the leather armor of piercing with metal in the important parts of the body, which she used in her work. Not caring about her partial nudity shown in front of her offspring.

Thanks for the gift, do you have a plan of action? The embarrassed boy managed to choke out. He tried not to look at his mother's naked skin, but every once in a while he couldn't help but peek out of the corner of his eye.

[Pervert] Eve repeated in his head every time he glanced.

That's what my mom said when she finished changing. She took a backpack containing all the things they might need on the way or if her plan didn't work.

When she checked that everything was ready, she opened the door and began to explain everything to her son on the way as they were heading to their destination.

If we're being honest with ourselves, she started talking to his mothers. I don't know what to do, I've been fighting all my life and I'm not ready for the end of the world. I can use a sword, spear, axe, and any other weapon moderately, and I'm a decent commander and know my way around paperwork. But what am I to do about tearing the continent apart? Can any of us? She asked him a rhetorical question at the end.

The plan is very simple you and I walk a straight line to the local Guild branch my working place. Defeating all the humans attacking us along the way and anything else that might attack us.

That's it? Nothing more? he asked surprised.

Yes, I know many people there who have not let me down and I can trust them with my life. And in the strength group, we have no idea what the apocalypse will look like, whether it will repeat itself or will be something new. There are smarter people than me out there and I'm sure they're up to something.

So you have to react regularly and I'm not sure if I can keep you safe on my own.

So am I a burden? Asked the boy sad but at the same time happy that his mother began to share with him what she thinks.

No...Yes...Yes and No. You see it's hard to explain. I know you are strong for your age, even very strong.

At her words, the boy smiled proudly at what he had achieved.

But at the same time, you are weak, you have no chance against the strongest people on the continent, including me.

Now he grew sad, only strengthening his desire to defeat his mother in battle.

Don't worry about it though, you may be a light burden for now, but you'll prove to be a great asset to our group in the future.

Most of my friends and I are approaching an age where we are starting to lose our strength. We will rather not be stronger and you will only grow stronger with each month and no one knows how long this apocalypse will last. Time plays only in your favor.

Also, when we get there, try not to lean out. No challenging strong people, understand?

Yes, mother, he replied, depressed.

At least until it stabilizes. These old men could use some old bones to shake once in a while, and any reason would be good for them to start doing something.

And one more thing.


If you get in trouble and we both know you will. Suffice it to say you're my son because I don't know if I can be around you to protect you from trouble.

They'll probably assign me an assignment right away, and we won't see each other for a while.

Also, don't overdo it because I am respected by the rest, but not everyone cares about me. For example, the Guild Master, no matter what, don't annoy him, you understand?


It's good. It remains to say only one thing. I love you my son and I am glad to have you. From then until reaching the destination, no conversation.

I love you too, mother, but I have one important question about the plan. Adam asked after consulting Eve.

What is going on? The surprised woman asked, thinking she had explained everything.

What if your plan fails? I don't know if they won't accept us or if the Guild will be destroyed.

Then we're screwed. But even for that, I'm ready. I have a few more ideas in stock for any eventuality.

You had to get your paranoia about someone, right? The woman laughed

And when all the plans don't work? Adam asked stupidly

Then... Then we must save ourselves as a last resort.

Last resort?

Yes, we will return to our family.

Families but you said... The boy started the sentence but shut up when he saw his mother's hard gaze fixed on him.

As I said before about the family, we'll talk after the disaster. Do we understand each other? she asked in a commanding voice.

Yes, mother.

Well said, ending their conversation for a long time.

Their journey went well even too well. Not that any of them are complaining.

After all, a few gangs, many armed thugs, and a small group of madmen cannot be considered a problem.

A problem that can be solved with one slash of the sword is not a problem.

Everything was going as Kasandra planned.

The Guild Master easily accepted them. As predicted by his mother, Adam was left in a safe place with the rest of the members' children while she and some of the group set off in search of supplies. Food, drugs, metals, and everything that can be useful.

After all, in the group, they had a blacksmith, a conjurer, an alchemist, and many other professions. So anything could come in handy. Therefore, when the group wandered to a certain place, they took everything they could, leaving only stones. Super strength has even come in handy for moving buildings.

With nothing to do, Adam started practicing with his peers or when they weren't busy with free Guild members. After some time, once almost defeated the weakest member of the Guild due to his inattention.

Even at that time tried to gather as much information as possible about the behavior status and skills of other people so that she could be even more useful to Adam beyond her usual advice.

Though he was already gaining enough from her connection to God. His strength increased noticeably.

Neither of them had heard anything about William or any of his friends. Not that any grown-up would care.

Adam met his mother only a few times. Because due to her skills and physical strength, she was the perfect person for tasks in confined spaces, unlike mages and other people who needed good visibility.

He was causing some trouble for the group but as his mother had told him, he would pick on only those he could, leaving those people giving off a menacing atmosphere and posing a threat to his life before he could even open his mouth.

And as the couple tried to be the most useful for the whole group, time slowly flew inexorably.

Day after day passed. The first month was quiet, nothing happened. Something started to happen only after three months when other groups of people were created in the area who tried to attack their resource-filled base, of course, they didn't have the slightest chance.

After half a year, the governor's army entered the city and began to pacify everyone in turn.

Knowing the international agreement between the Guild and the round table, Governor Kay Blaez himself came out to negotiate with the group.

Negotiations were successful and after a few days, the group disbanded and returned all found items to their place, or at least tried. There was a momentary peace in the county.

All the inhabitants of the city and the surrounding area thought it was a false alarm and people were crazy about the former continental split and that it could happen again.

Adam returned to school after some time and was glad that William was fine. Unfortunately, his family was not so lucky, he was an orphan. The same can be said for the rest of the class, only a handful of the former 30 remain. Everyone changed by the experience of last year from children to adults.

Surprisingly, his former teacher, whom he had seen before the catastrophe, survived. The school staff has shrunk so much that the headmaster decided to create only one big class for each year. Of course, Adam was always first now even in science thanks to Eve's help, but no one suspected anything thinking that this experience could change him.

A whole year passed without any surprises and everyone thought that only humans were to blame for this problem.

Unfortunately, they were wrong, and because the entire Round Table, together with senior officials, decided to hide the new problem that had arisen and the information was not made public.

Because monsters were created, surprising creatures, each different from the other, but that was the smaller problem unknown to most of society so far. The rest will find out how it may be too late for them.

The bigger problem was the system message still hung over the people like the Sword of Damocles.

[Grand Scheme Started Working 2%]

One percent a year, so it turns out that they have 98 years, maybe even less.

This is not a lot, especially for people who have already crossed a hundred years and are still in their prime.

This time they had to be ready for a real disaster and time was running out.

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