Chapter 398: Surprise and Tension... 

Chapter 399: Surprise and Tension... 


At exactly 8:30 a.m., Lucy, Abigail, and Emily alighted from the carriage, following Nathaniel. Looking at their surroundings, they were surprised to see that they were at the flying corpse base.

The gigantic skybirds ascending and descending from the sky with gentle winds made their hearts palpitate.

This was their first time seeing the real deal—the magical birds that swiftly allowed the Eternal Kingdom to unite the continent, the birds that made all eternal subjects experience what it means to fly freely in the sky.

The Skybirds, symbolizing freedom, shaped the Eternal Kingdom into what it is today. 

Lucy, Abigail, and Emily held their breath, savoring the majestic cries of joy from the skybirds.

The perfect harmony between human and beast.