call it love

As I left the guy hanging, I gone back to reading my messages, since today was Sunday it was really difficult to get a grocery store opened at this time, I walked until I got one, got myself some drinks and snacks and was all set to return back to hostel, eat, rest for a while then meet my friend and go to the birthday party.

as I was returning back, I was still on my phone. I needed to cross the road to the other side so it was time to stop with my phone and cross.

just as I lift my head and looked straight ahead, there he was, someone who became a remembering memory.

just as I lift my head and looked straight ahead, I met eyes with him. he was on the other side of the road.

when I met his eyes, truth to be told he didn't impress me I had a lot of complains about him inside my head.

just as I saw him, my mind started criticising him.

"why is that guy looking at me? although he looks handsome, look at what he is wearing walking down the streets"

he worn a yellow polo shirt and a very short blue..... shorts

"if it was a woman, they would have talked about it but since it's a man no one is talking. hmm hypocrites"

I crossed the roads and he was infront of me but there was a very huge gap between the two of us. I saw him turn his head towards my direction again and I also turned to see what he was looking at but I saw nothing, he turned forward and started walking and I slowed down my pace and continued criticising him.

"he seems to be from the market, so why would he wear this to the market, is it because he is fair and has a lot of hairs on his body hmm show off, why am I even talking about him? is it because I am not in a good mood today. when have I cared about what others do and besides he's matured and actually he's a man and there might actually be nothing wrong ooh stop it and just focus on your life''

and with that I went back to my phone and read my messages, whilst walking on a slow pace.

as l was almost close to street leading to my hostel. I heard from afar, a very soothing sound

"lady! hello"

at first I thought it wasn't me so I didn't turn but I heard it again.

" lady!"

I turned and it was him, the guy I met on the other side of the road....