The following day I woke up late since I was tired and didn't have any where to go I decided to Sleep a Little more. after getting out of bed I did my everyday morning routine and got back to bed again to check what's trending this morning, I turned on my phone just to see messages from Manuel early in the morning reminding me of my words yesterday to have a walk with him.
it took me a couple of hours to reply to him after making sure that I have done all that needs to be done that allows me to go for the walk.
I called Manuel that am ready and he asked me to give him some time to get ready and get to my place.
indeed in a few hours he came around and we went out
" so where are we going?" I asked
"we are walking"
"I know we are walking but to where?" I asked again
" to wherever our feet will lead us"
" ok you said you wanted to talk"
" yes I did" he said
" Then start talking before something comes up and we have to go to our various places"
"don't worry nothing will come up"
" how can you tell. are you a seer?" I asked
" not really but I have that feeling"
" that's some kind of feelings"
he laughed and continued
" so tell me about yourself"
" what do you want to know?" I asked
" anything just anything"
" my name is Eve and yh I school here and am about to graduate"
" haha you are really funny, why being selective ?"
" you said anything, you said I should just tell you anything and that my dear is "anything" about myself"
" fair point, ok let's start with what you like? he asked.
"I like to watch movies,read, stay indoors and any other things I find interesting"
"although simple but it's fine, tell me what you hate the most"
" people who pretend and don't show who they really are"
and with that the conversation kept on going with him asking me a whole lot of questions
" are you a journalist? I asked
" me?! no! why!"
" what's with this whole question and answer thing"
" ok fine, one last question and I will bring up another interesting topic"
" ok"
" what do you look for in a guy?
" sincerity and discipline, that's what I look for"
he stared at me for a moment and I asked
" why are you staring at me'
" nothing you are exactly how envisioned you to be and I'm glad"
and as he promise he indeed changed the topic and I won't lie I loved every bit of this whole walking thing we did a lot, and it was actually fun.
"so here we are, as promised you are back home safely" he said.
"thank you"
"ok see you around" I added
" wait! so are we friends now"
"I will think about it" I said
" think about what? please!! pretty please let's be friends"
"ok fine' I said
"listen, I want us to be friends but don't think of me as just a friend but as well as a guy pursuing you. before you ask me a question let me explain I want to build a relationship with you where you will be my best friend and any other relationship that holds importance ok. so see you around"
and with that he left.
'he seems to be very into you'
'lets see how long this "into you" will take'