Lights out! Planning...

I don't know who decided to build Solitude on a mountain with multiple hills, but I do know I hate them I sighed as I finally got to the Castle Dour and the training grounds. I looked around and saw the bulletin board that Guard mentioned first. I moved over to it and looked at the pieces of paper. It seemed to be mostly fetch or delivery quests. I found a note that asked for any information on the operations of the black blood marauders. Though not much else caught my eye.

Wait! No, here was something interesting. Investigate the Solitude Underground. The sewer system of Solitude is built into the mountain and is dangerous to traverse. It is unknown what is happening down there. However Many have reported strange noises and rarely seen glowing lights.

I took the note and a quest was added to my journal. Now I guess I should look for Captain Aldis for the lights out quest. I looked around and found Captain Aldis supervising some guards training.

I called out, "Captain Aldis! Sir! Can I have a moment of your time?"

He looked me over studying me. "Sure, I remember you entering Solitude just after Roggvir's execution."

I nodded, "Indeed, however Jaree-Ra was guiding me into the city. You see I am new to skyrim and Solitude as I come from over seas."

Captain Aldis nodded wondering what I wanted clearly. As he asked just that, "What does this have to do with me?"

I nodded, and held out the note I just pulled from the bulletin board. "The black blood marauders are a pirate group I had an encounter with during my travels here to skyrim."

Why couldn't I expand upon my backstory? I continued with my explanation as he started to pick up on what I was here for. "Said pirate group was driven off by the sailors that harbored me as we had a few mages. Now that is just backstory for the rest of what I wish to talk about."

His eyebrows raised, "Oh?" He thought for a moment and smiled, "Does this perhaps related to Jaree-Ra and his siblings?"

I couldn't help, but give the man some genuine respect. I had only mentioned Jaree-Ra as my guide into the city. So I continued to explain, "When I got off the ship I came here on I was obviously confused, slightly in awe of Solitude and ultimately clearly lost. Jaree-Ra then approached me asking if I was looking for work. Saying something about he and his sister scavenge things and sell things that wouldn't be missed."

Captain Aldis rubbed his beard. "He often tries to convince Sorex from the Winking Skeever to do some work with him. I've overheard he say things like that before and tired to arrest him for it. However I could never tie him to anything."

I nodded, "Well, sadly I don't have physical evidence of any connection either. However I have a plan. You see he asked me to put out the Solitude Lighthouse Fire."

Captain Aldis eyes showed a hint of realization. "They are after the Ice Runner! That ship has supplies for the war effort. Hmm, I assume you have a plan?"

He looked at me with a smiled. "I do, If we put out the Lighthouse fire it is possible to predict where the Ice Runner will crash. From there we catch the the Black bloods and likely one of the siblings in the act. From there we learn their hideout and we preform a raid. The only catch is if anyone can be spared for the effort due to the recent changes here in skyrim."

He nodded, "It is a good plan, but you are right. it is currently hard to spare the soldiers. We had to send a few to the reach recent do to the forsworn. That already stretched us thin... I want to catch those siblings though and get rid of the black bloods for good. Though we still have no evidence that they are working together."

That was the problem. We had no evidence and the moving of soldiers would be difficult to justify. Captain Aldis rubbed his beard again. "How good are you with a blade?"

I shrugged, "Better with a bow."

He nodded, "get a bow from over there and shoot some arrows."

I paused wondering what he was thinking. However I picked up a bow and grabbed a few arrows. He pointed to the targets and I pulled back the bow and shot an arrow into the bullseye. Shooting the bow and arrow came naturally surprisingly. I hit the target in the inner ring. 

Captain Aldis nodded, and pointed at the target dummy instead. "Can you hit the head?"

I pulled back the bow and shot it in the neck instead of the head. "Not well."

He looked at the dummy, "We go with the plan. I want to end all these raids. General Tullius is breathing down my neck about the supplies. So I want to get this done. However it will be just us. Sound like a plan?"

I thought for a second. "Then I will put out the fire. You will wait on the coast where the Ice Runner. I will tip off Jaree-Ra that the fire is out. I will then meet you at the coast."

He nodded, "Sounds like a plan. I'll see if I can get a few extra hands on board. Try to do the same when you have time." He looked at the Sunsetting. "It's late, i suggest you get a place to sleep tonight."

I nodded and he walked toward the guards practicing. Speaking of practice, I needed to level up. for some skill points... I sighed, Let's head to the winking skeever first. I got a few ideas I can put into practice there.