Stomping out a fire

When the sun began to set that would be Noster's cue to begin his task. I was waiting just outside the docks watching the lighthouse. Eventually the fire went out and I moved. I ran over over to Jaree-Ra. 

I breathed in talking in between breathes. "Jaree-Ra The job is done. I'll meet you there, right?"

He looked over, "Friend! Haha! Very nice, You meet my sister there Deeja. She will take care of the rest. I will make sure we are... secure."

I nodded and gave a thumbs up. "Okay, I'll wait for the time then."

I saw Bolgier and Belrand moving out of the docks. As soon as they saw me they began moving. My thumbs up was the signal after all. I made my way through the docks towards the city. I took the shortcut though and existed back around near the lighthouse. I began running towards Broken Oar Grotto.

I slid down a bunch of rocks and fell face first into the snow. I brushed it off and got up. Thankfully it seems my fall made it easy for Sorex and Ahtar to call out to me. "Hey, Over here!"

I snuck over to where they were hiding. It seemed Broken Oar Grotto was changed a bit. The entrance was still a cave. However a wrecked ship covered the entrance. The only indication of the cave was the tide.

It seemed the Black bloods tried to make the Cave in more natural. One of the many reasons they weren't caught yet. The cave they used was hidden. I looked at the two men, "Nice hiding spot."

Sorex laughed, "Best we could find that had an open view of the sea."

We were hiding in a different destroyed boat jus behind a stack of small boats. "Hey, what the name of these? They aren't just called small boats right?"

Ahtar shrugged, and it was Sorex who had the answer. "I believe its either a canoe or a skiff."

Heh, Skiff. Ahtar shushed us, "Shhh you hear that?"

We all went silent as the sound of boots broke through snow. A scratchy voice of a woman called out. That was Deeja's voice. "Grab the skiffs! We are moving. Jaree-Ra got someone to put out the lighthouse. The fool will be meeting us at the wreckage."

A black blood marauder spoke up as he grabbed one of the smaller boats from the stack. "If the fool is meeting us at the wreck, why do we always leave on boats?"

Deeja made a sound of disapproval, "Shut up Bord, I feel like I lose brain cells every time you open your mouth."

A few more boats were grabbed and we watched them sail out into the water. Once they were gone Ahtar spoke, "I didn't expect them to linger."

I shrugged, "Gives more time for Bolgier and Belrand to get to the Ice Runner and warn them before they crash."

Sorex nodded, "Now we just wait for Noster to re-light the lighthouse. I brought some cards wanna play?"

I looked at Ahtar and he shrugged, we both answered. "Sure, lay them out."

We played cards while we waited. Every so often we checked the direction of the light house. Eventually when it was my turn to check I saw it burning again. "The lighthouse is up. We move!"

Sorex nodded and grabbed the cards, "Ah man, I would've lost."

Ahtar pulled his axe from his back. While Sorex pulled out his sword. Ahtar looked at us, "How are we doing this."

I told them, "I'll sneak in first."

I snuck into the cave. The water made it slightly difficult however I saw the two Black Blood guards near the entrance. "Deeja left a little while ago, Shouldn't Jaree-Ra be here by now?"

"How should I know? Maybe he was held up by something. Why do you think he got some sucker to put the lighthouse out anyway?"

I slowly made my way up the makeshift staircase. I waited for the two guards to stop talking to each other. However they just continued I sighed and just threw my knife into the neck of the one facing me. "Kugh! Inkr-"

I grabbed the sword of the guard facing away and plunged it threw his side. The one with the knife tied to get awy, however I stabbed my new sword in his back. Sorex walked up, "Damn, that was impressive."

Ahtar gave a nod, "Indeed, I think we continue like this. We don't know if there is another entrance."

I gave a nod and picked up a bow and some arrows from one of the two men. Sorex paused, "Are we just killing them all or?"

Ahtar shook his head, "We kill most of them. Arrest the captain and any survivors with him."

Sorex nodded, "This is exciting, but I've never killed anyone so don't expect me to."

I nodded, "No problem."

Ahtar gave a nod of his own, "Yeah, if you don't need to take a life, don't. Now let's get a move on."

I nodded and moved forward. I took the left side and Ahtar and Sorex to the right. Just near a drawbridge sat only one guy. So I moved up behind him and stabbed the man in the throat with my dagger.

I kicked the lever on the drawbridge. Once I crossed over, Sorex spoke, "A draw bridge. It looks like it was made from a ship mast and deck."

Ahtar nodded, "They've been here a while. Vek you go around this side. Me and Sorex will take the men out sleeping. Sorex can you tie a knot?"

He nodded and the two men entered the small passage. So I followed the path to yet another drawbridge. This one didn't have a lever, at least not on this side. I sighed and want around back to the passage. I found Ahtar and Sorex tying the men up inside a couple of sleeping bags. "Clever."

They looked over, "Dead end?"

I nodded, "Drawbridge without a lever. I counted the people I could see though. At least 8 people. One is on a overhang. We take him out silently and then charge in using the path on the left to take them down."

They nodded, and we snuck up the overhang. Ahtar grabbed the man and slammed his head into the wall. Sorex passed him some rope and Ahtar tied him up. Sorex looked to me and whispered, "How do we start all that." He pointed down at the small makeshift home.

I shrugged, and looked over to Ahtar. "How much loot do you think we need to recover from over there?"

Ahtar gave a confused look, "I don't know. Some of it is likely from the East Empire Company and some of is from the war effort. So I couldn't say for sure."

I nodded and plucked a torch of the wall, "You think that's alcohol he's mopping up?"

Ahtar and Sorex looked down at a man mopping up a large spill. A shiny liquid covered the deck. Sorex nodded, "I've spilled a lot of drinks in my time as an Innkeeper. I'd say that's Firebrand Wine that is sold by the East Empire Company."

I smirked and then tossed the torch down and onto the spilled liquid. The couple of men near the liquid looked at the sound. Their eyes widened as the liquid caught fire. They yelled, "Oh shit!" The mopping man however screamed as he legs caught fire as well.

We nodded to each other and the three of us rushed across the path. On the way a man was chopping wood he had stopped to see what happened down below him. Unfortunately he did see Ahtar's axe come down on his head. 

I pulled out the bow I picked up and shot the man near the makeshift forge. An arrow went straight into his shoulder and he made a sound of surprise. I shot another arrow and this time it went into his skull. 

A couple of men ran up a staircase that led up to the forge. Sorex kicked them back down and the all fell on each other. Captain Hargar stumbled out of a ship turned into a building. "What in th- Ahtar! What the hell are ou doing here!"

Ahtar turned, "Ha! I told you, your head will be under my axe! I got Hargar, you guys get the rest."

We both nodded and i jumped down the stair case. I landed on a guy and Sorex ran down the stairs. He grabbed one of the men and quickly bound his hands. Another marauder swung a sword at Sorex However I blocked it with a sword of my own.

"No you don't!" I then kicked the man in the knee and he stumbled back. I drove my sword into his neck.

Sorex laughed, "Whoa! that was a close one." I gave a thumbs up and the rest of the marauders were tied up easily enough. Me and Sorex came back up to Ahtar. He heard him fighting Hargar. However telling that Hargar never came down to kill us, we knew Ahtar won.

However as we found him, Ahtar was looking over his broken axe. He waved at us, "You guys good?"

Sorex nodded, "A close call, but Vek is really good at fighting apparently?"

I shrugged, "I just aim at people's weak spots, plus a little luck." Truth be told I had no idea how I was so smooth at fighting. I think it was the effect of Atmora Native. Me having that was 100% luck telling that it came from my backstory.

I looked at Hargar his head wasn't missing, but he didn't seem dead. "he alive?"

Ahtar nodded, "Yup. When he broke my axe i punched him. He fell back and his head slammed into that. Weapon rack, I think the warhammer there specifically."

Sorex smiled, "Lucky, and I assume he his going to the block then."

Ahtar nodded, "This time he won't have anyone help him escape."

I paused, "Ahtar, remind me or someone to inspect the prison cells. I bet 20 gold there is a hidden passage or weakened wall in one of the cells."

Ahtar nodded, "That is a good bet." 

I looked over at Hargar and searched his pockets. I ended up finding a key, "Of course he has a hidden chest."

I tossed the key to Sorex, "Want to do some treasure hunting? He likely has it someone where in the water."

Ahtar looked over the edge. "It is likely in the broken up ship down there."

Sorex laughed, That watr is freezing though."

Ahtar smirked, "There's a fire." He pointed at the fire that was burning out. He then paused, "We should pull the people out of that actually."

I waved, "Good luck with that, I need to go do the signal flare."

Sorex shook his head, "Lucky bastard."

As I left I looked at the my skills. I clicked my tongue, my sneak skill literally only required a little more. I did some crouching walking. Until it leveled up or I left the Cave.