A bastard's ring

It was night. I'd prefer not to travel at night. However, I checked the map. Sure enough the sleeping tree was just ahead. The night would be better for me if I was going there. I looked at Hircine's ring. I looked back at my journal of the new tab I unlocked. Sure enough there was secrets that could be preformed. 

{Achievement! Shocked a Daedric Prince.}

That was the notification I had gotten that unlocked the new tab. Achievements were blank except my new achievement and three sub categories. Achievements, Unique achievements, Fate changing Achievements.

I looked back down at the ring. It gave me the ability I knew it would. I had one free werewolf transformation. However the ring didn't just give a free transformation. The effect it gave me was called Hircine's Menagerie. It gave me the ability to transform into any of Hircine's gifts. Meaning I couldn't just transform into a werewolf. I could become a werebear, a werewolf behemoth, a man-beast. The options were any wereform.

That wasn't the only thing I got though. I also gained the effect Hircine's surprise. All effects are more effective against anyone under Hircine's influence. This would also apply to me as long as I am under the effect of the ring.

If I wanted to go to the sleeping tree I certainly could. I could get there before the end of the night as well. After all I was only thinking about sneaking into the Sleeping Tree Camp. Now however... A werewolf couldn't fight Giants low-level. However a werewolf Behemoth? 

I activated the ring. A glow seemed to shine down on me. I looked up to where it was coming from and I saw the moon. I felt both pain and numbness spread across my body. My vision began glowing red and the whole night sky seemed to light. up. The floor grew further away from me and I could see my fingers grow into claws.

I now realized I had forgot the drawbacks. There was always a catch. From this point on everything became more of a blur. I was running I knew that. It was fun too! I saw an elk running from me and I caught it in a second.

I stopped to loot it however I don't think I looted it. As when I started running again my face felt wet. it wasn't long since I saw the first Giant. It seemed to be swaying back and forth. It jumped in surprise as I lunged at him.

I seemed rather small actually. No wait, I blinked and it seemed he was about the same size as me. Was this a giant? I felt my ears flicker, was that an earthquake? I looked at the noise and saw two mammoths running away. I wonder how they...

I blinked and suddenly they were dead. Wasn't there another giant around here? I looked toward, no past the tree. A cave was behind it and I moved toward it. Looking inside I found the other giant. It seemed to be drinking.

I grabbed its neck and ripped it out. My eyes flickered to a dead orc. He had a note... I paused as I realized I ate him. Right the drawback of the ring. No, maybe it was this form. There was a chest, wait I can't access my inventory. I could just carry the chest with me then. It was small enough. 

I stepped out of the cave with the chest on my back and my eyes focused on the tree. It was a Hist right? No was that just speculation? I couldn't think straight. I moved toward the tree. It didn't look like a normal hist. Maybe it was a baby? No, it was one of the hist from Umbriel in the theory. I swayed as I stared at it.

I blinked and I found myself no longer in the sleeping tree camp. I looked around and I think I followed my plan to go to Morthal. I looked at my hands, I was still in beast form. I felt like my head was filled with cotton though and I was strangely heavy. I paused and realized I must have the chest on my back. I swayed and looked toward the moon. it was beginning its descent. I wanted to make more progress.

I ran toward the mountain it was so close in sight. Suddenly the world began spinning again and my vision just blurred.