Morthal! PT.1

In the dreamscape I tapped my foot. Two new things have been added. The first were the achievements. So I could see it here too. I actually had a new common achievement. The achievement was Awaken a sleeping Hist Tree. It didn't mean much to me. After all it gave no additional benefits.

The second thing that was added was actually a skill tree. Though completely useless to me though. It was the Werebeast Skill Tree. It had its own perk points that shined above the skill tree as a glowing number. The number was zero, so it was useless to me.

With that however, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I instantly selected the passive effect Hircine's surprise. With conversion it didn't turn into a spell, but instead a power. One usable like the one given by Hircine's ring. The power was called Hircine's hunt. The power was, actually wonderful. Hircine's hunt tracked my 'prey' for a period of 4 days.

It seemed to have many limitations. It was nonetheless great! I had something else I wanted to test. The passive effect I got from the other player Morth. He had danger sense and I was given that effect. I converted it to a spell. I was left a little disappointed, but at the same time happy. I received the spell Detect.

It was a master level spell. Meaning I couldn't use the damn thing. It burned 345 mana per second! So fuck all useless. However it didn't just detect the living, it detected the undead, constructs, and magical entities. 

I thought for a second. I tried to select the power given to me by the ring. I jumped when a notification appeared. 

{Unable to convert!}

So I was left a little saddened. Could I not convert item abilities? Perhaps I didn't have enough dream mana? I gave a shrug. I was left to disturbed some perk points. I had three of them. So I chucked them into the Speechcraft.

Once that was done. For once I decided to just exit through the door. I snapped away the moment I left through the door. In fact I actually felt pretty good. Except for the fact Morthal was truly and awful place. Swamps were already terrible, an artic swamp was even worse. I guess its actually a marsh. Waking up in the Inn, I felt sticky, I felt a little cold. It was awful.

I checked my profile and sure enough I had a new passive effect. It was a temporary one though called Restful sleep. It lasted 10 hours and for those 10 hours I would have increased experience gain.

I got up and entered the main portion of the Inn. Jonna waved ,"Good afternoon sleepy head!"

I waved, "Good afternoon."

Jonna gave me a room free. So I tried to be extra friendly. We made a deal for my room. I just had to get rid of Lurbuk. I needed to pass the time until the night. So I walked over to an Orc man cleaning a flute. "You are Lurbuk?"

He looked up, his face brightened. "A new face! Such a welcome sight in dreary old Morthal. Welcome friend, welcome! You have something to say?"

I rubbed my neck, Lurbuk was incredible optimistic and upbeat Orc. In fact he is incredibly different from normal Orcs. I new most of his background as you eventually kill him in the dark brotherhood. "I don't wish to be rude, but I believe you should go to the bard's college in Solitude. You are... A terrible bard."

Lurbuk sighed, "Not you too! Ah, yeah. I try my best to practice on my own. However I just can't seemed to please anyone."

I nodded, "You uh, aren't like most orcs either are you? Exiled?"

Lurbuk looked down, "Uh, yes. I d-"

I grabbed his shoulder, "I get it man. Look, as a traveler I hear a lot of rumors. Your is Lurbuk gro-Dushnikh, right"

His eyes widened, "I, uh... Look I don't know that name."

I gave a more serious look. "Lurbuk, I heard a rumor. Not a good one. A rumor about an Orc Burguk gro-Dushnikh preforming the black sacrament. Do you understand what I am saying Lurbuk."

He blink, "Father... He..." Lurbuk sighed, "He would." Lurbuk looked at me and studied my face. "Wh-what would you suggest? You are the one telling me this after all."

I nodded, "You know how to fight as an Orc right?"

Lurbuk nodded, "Yes, I was trained from a child. Just like every Orc from a stronghold."

I gave a look of understanding. "Look Lurbuk, Go to Solitude. Learn from the bards college. If you want to truly become a good bard. That's the place to become one in skyrim. If they don't accept you. Ask them about lost instruments. More than a few of those bards have traveled across Skyrim and have lost a instrument or two. If you can fight, use that ability to impress them and learn from them."

Lurbuk nodded, "Right. That would... That would work. Thank you! H-however that doesn't solve the..."

When he paused in thought I responded. "You think the dark brotherhood will hunt you across skyrim? They are barely willing to go to Solitude thanks to the war. The dark brotherhood may have a contract on you. However they are weak in skyrim, and you can survive if you are careful and smart. Live long enough... and maybe they will die out."

I gave him a big grin. He smile back, "Thanks, uh..."

"Vek Frostwane."

He smiled, "Thank you, Vek! I will follow what you say, truth be told I suspect people here in Morthal do not like me."

With hat he got up, "Jonna I'll be packing up! Wish me luck!"

Jonna's eyes widened she gave a big smile to me and Lurbuk. "No problem! I'll see you out Lurbuk!"

With that I left the Inn. Watching as I got a notification.

{Speech craft 41}

I even leveled up. I needed more perk points though...