Who doesn't like quests?

I bought some amor for Viree from the blacksmith. Though the place was busy with imperial armor requests we had to get it tailored at the radiant raiment. It was just some basic leather armor. I wasn't shelling out extra cash for Viree. I mean she was a werewolf and the likelihood of finding better armor on an adventure was pretty high. 

Once her amor was tailored, I took us to the bard's college. I wanted to acquire the King Olaf's verse quest. Not too mention check up on Lurbuk who I wanted to originally use as a follower for said quest.

Viree paused, "You hear that?"

I did, and I knew where it was coming from. I opened the bard's college. Viarmo the master of the bard's college shook his head. "Play it again from the top. You are off key."

Lurbuk was about to play again, but he saw me. "Vek! Over here!"

I smiled as Viarmo looked me over. "You are the person who told Lurbuk about the bards college?"

I nodded, "I did, yeah. I'm actually an aspiring bard myself. Though I much prefer writing than singing. "

Viree looked at me and I rolled my eyes, Viarmo though nodded. "The effort of writing a good song is always harder than the effort of learning to play an instrument."

Lurbuk smiled, "Writing a song is incredibly satisfying!"

Viarmo ignored Lurbuk, "Speaking of writing songs... A festival that is normally held by the bards college has been cancelled by the Jarl. I can understand the reason behind her response, however the festival is tradition and should be a time of happiness. If we are able to acquire the original King Olaf's Verse..."

Lurbuk's face lit up, "King Olaf's Verse! Oh man! How amazing would it be to sing that."

I nodded, "I assume you are gonna ask us to aquire the Verse?"

Viarmo smirked, "Ah ha! What can I say. I heard about you from Lisette, who well... Heard about you from Sorex and the Winking Skeever."

I smiled, "Well, I certainly wouldn't mind helping."

Lurbuk pumped his fist, "I would lo-"

Viarmo clicked his tongue. "No, you need practice. We need a lot of work with you."

Viarmo looked at me, "Well, make your way to Dead Men's Respite."

Really? Did I just get my purposefully acquired minion stolen from me? Viarmo was also kind of a dick. Bro was sending me off alone too. I turned to leave, but Viree interrupted. "Wait we are just gonna go do that? Without them helping us?"

I looked at her, and turned to Viarmo. "How much would you be paying. How much recognition would I get for the Verse and finally how much profit would one make during the festival?"

Viarmo paused doing the math. "The bard would pay you about 3000 septims. Though I imagine you would get a reward from the Blue Palace as well. I don't know if that would be gold, but telling you are making a name for yourself in Solitude I imagine it could be a title or land deed. I can't really answer the recognition question well, but... I'd say for the last question most stalls triple their profits during festivals."

I continued, "Let me rephrase a little bit of my questions. If let's say I wanted to create a information guild. How useful would the recognition I would get for collecting the verse for the bards college be?"

Viarmo smiled, "Well I'd say that would be super easy. Most bards would actively help you. Even without pay, most bards trade information anyway. Either for song making, travel safety or just gossip."

I looked at Viree and smirked. "Rewards come in many forms. The best reward is usually something that gives gold, reputation, and information."

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever, let's just go then."

I wanted to be able to gather all the information I ever would need. After all at this point 20 other players could be out there. Getting information on them was key. They were by far the most dangerous things I could face. I'm proof of that claim as I have already killed one other player. Strange that didn't count as a common achievement. 

With Viree following along she tried to make some small talk. "So you want to make an information guild?"

I nodded, "Everyone wants something. Information is the medium in which people acquire those somethings. Like let's say a cure for lycanthropy. With the right channels you can learn a cure. In fact I know exactly where that information could possibly be acquired. However I don't have the respect or reputation to be given that info. So I only have speculation and guess work."

She nodded, "So you know who might have a cure for lycanthropy, but the person who has the possible cure doesn't know or respect you enough to give you that information?"

Well I did, know the cure. However that was also very much the truth. "Yup, I could join their faction and work my way up their ranks. However obviously that excludes a lot of additional things. Much easier to establish myself as reputable and get that info in a trade or favor of some kind."

Viree nodded, "Once you establish yourself... What then?"

I looked at her slightly confused. She elaborated, "I find most are greedy. How do you think I ended up where I am now? My father wanted too much, its why I don't care that you killed him. I wasn't the first werewolf held down in the sewers, you know."

I see, I shrugged, "The standard stuff. Money, women, power. Perhaps a little adventure."

Viree smirked, "The standard stuff, eh?"

I opened the door to the Winking Skeever. I waved to Sorex, "Pirate adventure?"

Sorex looked up, "Haha! Let me get my things. I bought some supplies."

I stopped him, "Before that, this is Viree. She is my pet dog."

She held up a middle finger. "Fuck you."

I smiled and Sorex laughed, "Nice to meet you Viree. I assume you were hired by Vek as a body guard?"

Viree nodded, "Something like that."

Viree certainly looked the part of a bodyguard. Despite her time down in the sewers imprisoned. She was rather toned. With a little work she could have abs. She certainly received good genetics. Telling that her father was balding, I'd say she got lucky on that part.

When Sorex left to grab his stuff Viree looked at me. "Pirate adventure?"

I shrugged, "I'll explain on the road. It should be fun."