We were all sitting down. I got to explaining quickly though, "I'll begin with what I saw. They had a copy of Alduin's Wall."
Canary interrupted, "They found it! That isn't good. Did you find anything about the blades? They were hunting them down along with wall."
Viree asked, "What's Alduin's wall."
I explained, "It is a wall that predicts the return of Alduin. The prophecy isn't much. However the wall is a... anomaly. You don't need the wall, however the wall itself is great importance." I tried to articulate it into words. "The blades are an organization with a few different missions. In skyrim they were dragon slayers. However they fought in the war before the peace treaty. The Thalmor are hunting them down, and a place they would eventually show up if they wish to complete their dragon slaying mission is Alduin's Wall. They are setting a trap there most likely.
I rubbed my head, "That isn't even the half of it. They had a dragon corpse and seemingly studying it. Combine this information with some of the other stuff I saw. I can confidently say they are building something. They have a massive blood red crystal down there they are sacrificing soldiers too. some part of blood and their souls are being used to power it. Honestly i had no idea what to make of it."
Canary nodded, "that explains the bodies. How did they move them did you find out?"
I nodded, "Some kind of teleportation platform. It had set coordinates and everything. Did you find out anything from Anccelmo?"
She tilted her head and sighed, "Some things, nothing great. Did you see a man with almost pure gold robes down there?"
I nodded, I recalled the wizard. He seemed in charge, but I didn't recognize his attire as anything special. Canary however expanded upon what I didn't know. "He is a wizard named Muril. He is the Grand Sage within the Thalmor. He oversees most of the Thalmor wizards and their missions."
I raised an eyebrow, "Does a man named Ancano work for him?"
Canary blinked, "Yes actually. From what i learned he is on a mission within the college of Winterhold."
I got an idea, I just needed to know who it was. I was 100% certain a player was in the college of Winterhold. Perhaps more than one, it was the easiest place to learn magic after all. Viree finally entered the conversation.
"So uh, I don't really understand any of this. Can it be dumbed down? I don't mind working for you Vek, but..."
I paused, Viree had her own thoughts. I was solely thinking about her as an NPC. So far no one I had met seemed like an NPC. I thought for a moment, "So, here is the full story. An ancient prophecy has been set in motion within Skyrim. That is why I came here from Atmora. If things go wrong, the world will end."
Viree blinked and even Canary was a little caught off. However I continued with my manipulated explanation. "Two beings are involved in this prophecy. Alduin the world eater and the Last Dragonborn. My goal is to obviously help the Dragonborn to slay Alduin and save the world. However from what I can put together the Thalmor have... I believe they have 3 goals."
Viree nodded along, while Canary asked. "So? What do you think is being planned?"
The way she worded that means she was still thinking they were trying to make another Numidium. Sadly I didn't believe that was entirely the case. I explained, "To start they are likely creating a contingency plan. This wouldn't be the first time the world has ended after all. We know this thanks to the people of Yokuda. That's a whole can of history I won't get into however to put it simply some of the people of Yokuda are survivors of the previous cycle. I believe the Thalmor are making a plan to... skip into the next cycle."
No great way to phrase that, but that was just the beginning. "Second, I believe the Thalmor are planning to resurrect and kill Talos. He became a god in the eyes of many. However I believe the Thalmor are planning to bring him back to Nirn and seal his soul into the body of a dragon. In doing this action they would be able to disgrace his legacy. After all he was a dragonborn."
Viree didn't understand what I meant, but Canary's eyes went wide. "They resurrect him as a dragon, a being like a god. However thanks to Alduin and the return of the dragons, Talos would be seen as a monster rather than a god. Most nords would still likely pray to him, however in the eyes of the empire and politics... but if they are planning to do that. Why...?"
I laughed, "Why prepare to skip into the next cycle? Simple, that's just the back up plan. They either believe they can kill Alduin or are planning to use the Last Dragonborn to kill Alduin. Once that's done the next great war would likely begin. Skyrim would be worse than ever. Highrock would suffer as a result due to trade exports. While regions close to Hammerfell may strain due to the dragons. Hammerfell is covered in dragon burial mounds just like skyrim and highrock."
Viree asked, "How do the dragons get resurrected anyway?"
Canary also leaned in for the answer. So I explained, "Two ways, They get forcibly awoken by Alduin. The second is they wake up on their own. The exception to this is if they were killed by a dragonborn. Those cannot be resurrected at all."
Canary sighed, "So the third part? what do you think the third possible plan is?"
I held my hands out in a mock shrug. "The obvious, Power. The amount of ancient powers, forgotten legends, and lost technologies in skyrim is monumental. I know at least 4-5 nordic tombs with powerful artifacts."
The list was longer than just 5, but I really hoped they didn't know about every little weapon and armor. Viree asked, "So? What do we do right now?"
Canary thought for a second and looked at me. "Can you give me details?"
I looked between the two women. One was a werewolf who was locked up all her life. Viree I knew I could trust. Canary however was an Ex-Thalmor inquisitor of some kind. Her current employment was a mystery to me other than her helping General Tullius.
The problem was I had yet to complete the Speechcraft leveling I needed for the contract perk. The same perk I pretended to use with Viree. If I make another fake one Canary will know and Viree could find out. I sighed...
I looked Canary in the eyes, "I am gonna put some faith in you. Betray me and I will hunt you down, whether I am dead or alive."
Canary nodded, "I swear by my Lineage."
I nodded back, "When the men of Atmora landed on the continent they found an ancient artifact. The eye of magnus, a simple orb with immense power. It was placed on Nirn by Magnus himself. If everything happens as I suspect. I should meet the person who discovers it eventually. A Thalmor named Ancano is in the vicinity of the Eye."
I paused to see their reactions. Viree had one of uncaring confusion. It made sense, Canary however shown signs of shock and hints of pure horror. It seems she got an understanding of what we had to do.
She spoke, "We need to kill everyone here. Burn the place to the ground and destroy all traces the Thalmor was ever here. If we do it right any other Thalmor Soldiers will believe it was intentional to hide what they were doing."
Me and Viree nodded, and we started moving.
------I just want to say, if this was an actual quest in skyrim. I'd have been half way to stabbing everything whether they were hostile or not.-----