A money making plan

I was in a bed at the Inn in dawnstar. Canary had paid for all the rooms. I had destroyed the Thalmor cave? Factory? I had destroyed their base of operations by using Splinter and Harvest on the mountain. It broke the structure down and the whole mountain sunk in on itself. Thankfully it didn't cause an avalanche or something.

On a different note, I pulled out my physical journal to make a new documentation on my abilities. I made it much neater and compact this time. I also updated my notes on the spells I had created or discovered new uses for.

[Vek Frostwane

Legend Skills: Speechcraft

Passive effects: Hircine's surprise, An Acrobat's Danger Sense, General Frost Resistance:135%, Atmora Native, Atmora Inheritance, Ancient Race, Better Vision, Flesh of Oak, Balance, Splintered focus, Sure-footed, Diversity, Harmony, Steed Stone, Frozen Death, Potema's Master, Lich Slayer, Soul strength, Soul power, Celestial Dew,

Belt Effects: Valdr's Crits, Vile's Guile 

Powers: Hircine's Menagerie, Hircine's hunt, Living Blizzard, Contract Making

Alteration: Detect, Magelight and Candlelight, Dark Vision, Alert, Oakflesh, Ebonyflesh: A stronger Oakflesh, Reinforcement, Splinter, Harvest, Lock: can lock magics in place, Grant Frost resistance, Equilibrium, Detect undead, Ghostly Hand, Camouflage, Texture: Changes the texture of an object.(created from Camouflage and Oakflesh) Broken Texture: Can replace an objects texture without making the object look any different.(created from Camouflage and Ebonyflesh)

Illusion: Senior Discount, Muffle, Chameleon: A stronger invisibility.(Too bad its Expert)

Conjuration: Banish Dremora, Soul Trap, Summon Wolf Queen, Summon Astral Phantom, Soul Extract, Necromantic Ritual, Flaming Familiar, Freezing Familiar, Familiar(Created from Soul Extract and Flaming Familiar.)

Destruction: Libra, Vampiric drain, Frost shock: A beam of ice that freezes things in ice, Night Terrors, Dream Siphon, 

Restoration: Adversity, Lich's bane, Soul Healing: A Novice level healing spell that costs no mana, it doesn't seem to heal things.(Created from Soul Extract and Adversity.)

Current equipment: Vek's Stalhrim Helmet, Vek's Stalhrim Chestplate, Vek's Stalhrim Gauntlets, Vek's Stalhrim Greaves, The Amulet of the Hearth, Vampiric ring, Hircine's ring, The Pale Blade, The Belt of Effects(Stored: Circlet of Clavicus Vile, Valdr's lucky dagger, Skull of Corruption)

Inventory Extras: Bolar's Oathblade, Wabbajack, The Star Prison(Potema's Soul...I guess?), All parts of Mehrunes' Razor, Draconic Dictionary, Movarth's Boots, Snow Elf Initiate's Robe

Follower items: Pendulum(Viree), Viree's Custom Armor, Viree's Puppy Harness

Collectibles and Gold: Scroll about Konahrik, Pelagius Hip Bone, Meridia's Beacon ,4866 Golden Atmoras, 51k Imperial Septims.]

I made sure to document all recent events as well. Planning in case the failure of the system was certainly paranoia. However I didn't care, I would be prepared for anything. Right now I had a list of 3 things I needed to do. Investigate the Star Prison and Summon Potema stuff. Make some more money. Finally go to the Olaf Festival.

I wanted to relax a bit. Stressing over quests wasn't good for my sleep. No sleep prevented me using perk-points. Speaking of however, I maxed out Speechcraft. Legendary rank was... interesting. It worked similarly to the past, but not at the same time. It remained at 100, gained a new perk above the skill tree, and gave me a quest.

The quest was to complete the skill tree and put perk points into all the perks. As well as complete a challenge of speechcraft. Said challenge didn't matter as long as it was something required the maximum use of my speechcraft. The thing that irked me was the new perk. It was labeled, Speechcraft. No description, no explanation, nothing at all.

I decided to just distribute my perk points as I wish ignoring the Speechcraft Perk. I almost maxed out all the speechcraft perks. I was only missing two. Pretty sure I could talk my way out of combat with bandits. It should complete my Speechcraft 101 Quest as well. I'll do that later though.

I flipped to a new page of my physical journal. I needed to make some money. The question was how? I needed a lot of funding for many endeavors. The first idea was doing some Bardic play, Speechcraft leveling did give me the ability for that after all.

I think it was about time to use some of those skill to my advantage. From my guess we should arrive back at Solitude in the middle of the Olaf Festival. That was one change I've noticed I was glad for. The Festival would last for two weeks.

I could likely make some money during that time. It might not be the astronomical amount I actually need. Eventually I'll start making tons through Sleeping Tree Sap. I had accidentally taken the tree that produces it. So I might as well monopolize it. The catch there was I couldn't sell the stuff in solitude. That was number one far to dangerous and two, just poor business practice. You never sell in your home, that's how you get caught.

Solitude guards don't care about the Skooma trade in Riften because its not in Solitude. However the guards in Riften do care about the Skooma trade.... In more than one way. Truth be told they likely care more about the ability to profit off it.

As I tapped my journal in thought, Viree entered the room. Canary had skimped on us and bought a shared room for me and Viree. I paused as I watched Viree. She looked at me, "What? Something on my face?"

She had taken a bath. I had forgotten about baths... I sniffed myself. I needed a cleaning spell. Had to be one in existence. On the note of bathing though. A Sauna wouldn't be half bad idea. Wouldn't be hard for players to put it together, magic could improve it. Winterhold would be a good place for it. I made a note of a project to rebuild Winterhold with a Sauna. Sadly that would be far future perhaps and I would need whoever decided to enter the college to be friendly. Winterhold was stormcloak. Wouldn't be hard to replace the Jarl with the Archmage... 

I looked at Viree again, and raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

She looked at me, "What? It's hot wearing only armor. Not like you gave me any normal clothes."

Why did I have to give her normal clothes? I gave her an allowance. Did she not buy any? She was sitting in her bed across the room in her underwear and she paused. "Do you like what you see?"

I blinked, "Are you trying to seduce me?"

She stuttered, "Wh-What? Why w-would I! I just want to be comfortable."

I shook my head, "It's early morning, you just took a bath, and you stripped down despite us leaving Dawnstar in about an hour or two."

She clicked her tongue, "Just... Shut up." She mumbled under her breath. "You fucking limp-dick bastard."

I felt my eye twitch, I tried not to let her get under my skin. Viree was attractive, but I didn't want whatever might come with acting on that attraction. At least not yet, I paused however, "Do you want some reading lessons? Normally people read a book during a time like this."

Viree blinked and then smiled, "Great! Let's do that."