Readiness and Detours

I ate a late breakfast at the bar while writing down my notes. Everyone in the Bannered Mare had begun their day. It seemed the quietest time at the Inn was noon. It made sense, people had to do errands, do chores, or simply exist.

I had asked Hulda about Canary and Viree and learned that both of them had left in the morning. Viree went to speak with the companions again. While Canary was visiting the nobles of the city. I shuttered at the thought of Nazeem! In the old game of skyrim Nazeem 'lived' in the cloud district. However size constraints removed his manor from the game.

The current Whiterun was triple, maybe quadruple the size? Nazeem likely had a manor in the Cloud district now. Though if I remember correctly Whiterun only had 7 noble families. It seemed like a lot, however in the expanded Solitude there was 19 noble families.

I dropped my charcoal stick on the bar. What I wouldn't do for a ball point pen. Perhaps there was a daedric pen that I could acquire! I laughed at my own joke. I was a tad daedric obsessed, it was just the rewards were too good!

 I picked the charcoal stick back up and finished writing my updated profile on myself. 

[Vek Frostwane

Legend Skills: Speechcraft, Smithing

Passive effects: Hircine's surprise, An Acrobat's Danger Sense, General Frost Resistance:135%, Atmora Native, Atmora Inheritance, Ancient Race, Better Vision, Flesh of Oak, Balance, Splintered focus, Sure-footed, Diversity, Harmony, Steed Stone, Frozen Death, Potema's Master, Lich Slayer, Soul strength, Soul power, Celestial Dew, Wisdom of the Hist, Hist-Argonian Arts, Alchemic Shift, Magic Dreams, Maiden's Kiss, Escalating Fete

Belt Effects: Valdr's Crits, Vile's Guile, Poacher's Assault

Powers: Hircine's Menagerie, Hircine's hunt, Living Blizzard, Contract Making, Umbrelic-Hist Blessing, A Wardrobe's Theater, Memory Form(Spell Cast any Magic from Memory, Costs?)

Alteration: Detect, Magelight and Candlelight, Dark Vision, Alert, Oakflesh, Ebonyflesh, Reinforcement, Splinter, Harvest, Lock, Grant Frost resistance, Equilibrium, Detect undead, Ghostly Hand, Camouflage, Texture, Broken Texture, Detect Player, Detect Life, Mending, Dilated Restoration, Zoonotic Shift, Transmute, Alchemic Shift, Fortify

Illusion: Senior Discount, Muffle, Chameleon, Composition Check, Temporal Judgement, Form Solidity Judgement, Nightmare's gate, Dream's gate, Delusion(dual Alteration), Shadowblend

Conjuration: Banish Dremora, Soul Trap, Summon Wolf Queen, Summon Astral Phantom, Soul Extract, Necromantic Ritual, Flaming Familiar, Freezing Familiar, Familiar, Raise Zombie, Reanimate Corpse, Bound Sword, Bound Dagger, Tide Bell

Destruction: Libra, Frost shock, Flames, Shock, Frostbite, Sleepless night, Maiden's Embrace, Frost-Flesh(Dual Alteration), Earthen Strike

Restoration: Adversity, Lich's bane, Soul Healing, Healing, Fast Healing, Healing Hands, Mind Ward, Psionic Ward, Grave Cure, Stitch Limb, Shed Scales, Root Meditation, Sync Minds

Current equipment: Sable Wave, Vek's Stalhrim Helmet, Vek's Stalhrim Chestplate, Vek's Stalhrim Gauntlets, Vek's Stalhrim Greaves, The Amulet of the Hearth, Hircine's ring, Death Dealer's Fete, The Belt of Effects(Stored: Circlet of Clavicus Vile, Valdr's lucky dagger, Amalgamate's Deception, Poacher's Axe, Staff of Panoply)

Inventory Extras: Bolar's Oathblade, Wabbajack, The Star Prison(Potema's Soul), All parts of Mehrunes' Razor(With Sybille for study), Draconic Dictionary, Movarth's Boots, Snow Elf Initiate's Robe, The Pale Blade(Broken)

Follower items: Pendulum(Viree), Viree's Custom Armor, Viree's Puppy Harness

Collectibles and Gold: Scroll about Konahrik, Pelagius Hip Bone, 4866 Golden Atmoras, 76k Imperial Septims.]

For now I would keep the Poacher's Axe and the Staff of Panoply in the belt. I got the direct enchantment from the Poacher's Axe so I was almost tempted to keep it in there forever. However I would eventually either disenchant it to learn the enchantment or reforge the axe eventually.

I changed pages of my notebook. I felt keeping documentation was very important. Which led me to my next step. I began mapping out my planned detours. I had a long list of them. Canary wanted to head to Helgen first so I began with that. 

From Helgen I routed us toward Orphan Rock. I would grab the related quest and any bounties for killing the witch coven as well. Nettlebane was useless, however the gildergreen sanctuary was a better reward. Sometimes the reward is just scenery and I wanted to see the supposed beautiful sanctuary. 

I did route us past Haemar's Shame, but I doubted I would get anything else from there. After that was the Alchemist's shack. It wouldn't have much either, maybe a collectible. The Bug in jars were rather mysterious. I wondered if they still existed. 

The Ruins of Bthalft couldn't be accessed unless I figured out the mechanism. Sadly I doubted my intelligence on that. The nearby Autumnwatch was accessible and it should even have a dragon. Could I kill a dragon? Well, I would certainly try. I knew wouldn't be able to kill it, but its scales, blood, and bone would be harvestable. 

I paused as I remembered Froki's Shack. Should I do his quest? It was rather long and despite its low difficulty its challenge would be horrifying as its spread across skyrim. Kyne's Token the reward however reduced damage from all creatures including daedra. It was a bonus I really wanted. I sighed, I would activate the quest. Hmm actually maybe I wouldn't need to. Froki's bow is near Whiterun. I'll do that by tonight, I could perhaps bribe him in some way using his old bow. 

The more important locations came up soon after Froki's shack however. Angarvunde had a radiant quest. I didn't remember the woman's name, but she wanted Angarvunde's treasure. It wasn't much, but treasure is good. I would have to skip Avanchnzel as you need the lexicon to complete it. I would get it from From-Deepest-Fathoms who hopefully I would recruit into my business operations.

As I mapped the path I realized there was a lot along the planned route. Including another Daedric quest, the cursed Tribe. Becoming blood-kin to the orc tribes was actually really good. I would need to complete this quest. I would also end up with Volendrung. I added it to the list as I really wanted the Blood-Kin status.

Thankfully the next location had no additional requirements or time invested quests. Darklight tower, one of the more important places as it included Illia. A witch who betrays her coven, who was a powerful mage. The quest would also acquire me a unique staff that I might just use. It was a staff of fire wall which was exceedingly useful.

Crystaldrift cave was the last location on my route. It didn't have much was a simple animal den. It did have a unique dead guy with a unique staff. Gadnor's Staff of Charming was a frenzy staff made by a mage apprentice who wanted to tame animals. The staff was well, shit. However it was unique and may be useful as a bribe or something. 

Finally after all that we would arrive at Riften. Which I would need to do multiple things. For now I closed my notebook. I needed to head toward White River Watch for Froki's bow! i got up and left the Bannered Mare.