Summoning of Lust

Sunstreaks falling on the ground build from the finest granite that you could find in the cardinal world. Those bringing a minimum amount of light into the dark and cold room. A few stairs could be seen at the end of the Room and those showed us the way to the throne.

Not just any kind of throne but the one occupied by the highest being in the Western Holy Church located in the midst of the Holy Empire Ruberios. An Empire that is said to be a place where everyone smiles.

A place that had been gifted the grace of the God and the home of those who oppose the very existence of Monsters. The Holy Knights which are fighting on god's will.

One of the Pillars of Humanity as the Empire is called .. who would know that it is just a facade ? Built up over many years it's function is to rescue an endangered race.

Under the Holy Empire Ruberios built an underground empire even better then Ruberios itself making it clear that they do not care for humans one bit. Besides one thing they would always consume

Human blood, the food for the Vampire race that is living under the ground as result of the Storm Dragon Veldora's rampage in Night Rose in the past nearly obliterating the Vampire race and so they are forced to live in the shadows.

Ruled by their Queen .. the one that sits at the very top of the Church .. the Vampire Queen Luminous Valentine.


I sat on my throne, relaxing from the usual stress I have. Observing and ordering my subordinates Roy , Louis and Gunther all three of them Vampires that I personally trained so they would not jump at any Human here out of instinct.

I had a book with me after all I planned to take my time today and so I did laid back in my throne I began to read the title

"Hmm? So a book about demon summoning ? Why do we have something like that anyways .. not that I ever will have to summon a demon" I said to myself as I read the first few sites of the book.

It was a complex book not only that but it even described the different ranks of them as well as lineage and their behavior when they are summoned. They probably researched on this for many many years.

Negotiable : Can be negotiated with and are probably the best bet when it comes to contracting with a Demon while keeping the risks at a minimum.

Unnegotiable: It is unlikely for any contract to be formed, at worst the summoner might even be tricked into a wicked contract that they end up regretting, which is why it's strongly discouraged to summon any Demons from this type of Lineage. The only practical use for them would be to trick someone into summoning a Demon of this kind within an enemy nation.

Whimsical: The result of summoning Demons of these Lineages can vary and the chances of success for establishing a contract are random. These Demons can be reckless and are subject to mood-swings. The eccentric nature of these Demons makes them more likely to possess proficiency in areas that other Lineages do not possess. There is a risk associated with summoning them, but it's still safer than summoning Unnegotiable ones.

Lineage Red - Unnegotiable

Lineage White - Negotiable

Lineage Blue and Green - Negotiable

Lineage Black - Whimsical

Lineage Violet - Whimsical

Lineage Yellow - Unnegotiable

'Indeed interesting.. so Guy that idiot's Lineage is non negotiable hmm? Is that based on what happened afterwards ? That he killed everyone who summoned him ?'

I thought

The evolutions of Demons are not entirely known but we believe that they start as lesser demons evolving into greater demons and then finally arch demons where they seem to have their bottleneck of evolution with a few exceptions. There can also be variations of the evolutionary stages based on the type of vessel a Demon uses.

'I see .. so they are probably talking about the Primordial Demons when they talk about those exceptions just like Guy' I thought and I was now interested in those demons even when I hate Guy ..

In that moment the gate to my throne room opened and Roy came running to me "My Queen an emergency it seems like one of the holy knights has discovered the truth!" he shouted

I gave him a sharp gaze "Tsk.. calm down you useless vampire .. and now explain the matter further" I said closing the book

"The female Holy Knight named Hinata is fighting Louis at the moment, my Queen , it seems like she wants to break into the throne room. She also screamed phrases like I'll clean up all Monsters and such things" Roy said

A smile grew on my face as I heard what he said and asked Roy "What are you thinking about that Roy ? Will she be able to kill Louis ?" I asked him even when Louis would die as long as I am here I can use my Unique Skill [Lust] to revive him.

"It seems that Louis is slightly stronger then the knight Hinata but he seemed to have some troubles" Roy said and then added "I think she wants to kill Monsters .. what she had done her whole live"

"Kufufu Roy .. the fact that she is alone and didn't bring anyone with her means that she wants to challenge me .. how dare she fufu I'll let her feel despair" I said planning on taking her on showing her real desperation and then playing around with her.

I licked my lips in excitement "But my Queen .. a human is not worth to waste your precious time and efforts" Roy said

'Mhh .. he is right even when she is beautiful .. she still is just a human plaything for me. Should I try summoning a demon to humiliate her even more ? Showing her that even a Demon summoned by me is enough to take her on' I thought while I looked at he book in my hands

"Roy brought her and Louis here .. make sure to stop their useless fight" I said opening the book once again 'shit where was it ?' I thought while Roy was on his way to accomplish my order.

Late Modern Species (Chevalier, Age between 0-30 Years)

Modern Species (Baronet, Age between 30-100 Years)

↳Most likely to be summoned, they can operate up to the Arch Demon stage. At best they can barely reach a Special A ranking based on Free Guild evaluation.

Early Modern Species (Baron, Age between 100-400 Years)

↳Considered Special A, but possess far more strength than Chavaliers and Baronets.

Medieval Species (Viscount, Age between 400-1000 Years)

↳A genuine Calamity-Class. Despite having the same ranking as the younger Demons, Viscounts are far superior to the Barons. At this rank, the Demons reach their Magicule limit.

Ancient Species (Count, Age above 1000 years)

↳Able to disguise their strength. If they manage to break their Magicule limit, their power becomes natural.

Pre-historic Species (Marquis, Age above 3000 Years)

Pre-historic Species (Duke, Age above 3000 Years)

Pre-historic Species (Arch Duke, Age above 3000 Years)

↳Incarnated Pre-historic Demons easily break through their Magicule limit.

Primordial of Demons (Born during the dawn of the time before the creation of heaven and earth)

↳Apex of Demons.

'Shit .. this is the wrong page .. where was it ? Just where was it ?' I thought and skipped through the sites.

Demons will only answer a summoning if there is a so-called 'gift' dead bodies and a satisfying amount of Magicules. They will devour the dead bodies to gain power, some will be able to build a body of their own if the quality of those bodies are satisfying enough for the Demon.

After you've activated the demon summoning a summoning circle will be created on the ground if you were successful in chanting the summoning.

If a summoning is successful relies on the users compatibility and personal chanting sentence.

If you notice that your body gets more sleepy and magicules leave your body then a Demon answers your call .. then the last part is making a contract with the demon.

"Ah here it is .. Gunther!" I said to Gunther, the oldest Vampire alive at the moment even older than I am and my butler.

"Yes my Queen what can this old man do to serve you" Gunther said and bowed respectfully

"Go and collect the 10 .. no 50 oldest Vampires of the ones sitting at the prison for going against me their Queen" I ordered him

A few moments later 50 Vampires could be seen kneeling on the cold granite floor in front of the throne.. I looked at all of them in their shackless infused with Holy Magic. They all looked at me with disgust and hatred.

"Ara~ It's already over 1000 years .. and you guys still hate me so much? Shouldn't you be grateful that you are alive ?" I said looking at them smiling

"Tsk you ungrateful bitch!"

"Yeah .. we will never acknowledge someone who kills her own Father!" Another one said

They were his last words as I used [Spatial Travel] and appeared in front of him, in my hand I held my Sword Night Rose, a Mythical Grade Sword cutting off his head. His blood stained my ground.

"Ara~ .. seems like I acted to rash after all .. the Demon needs to be satisfied with your bodies" I said

"Demon?" Is what they would have said if it weren't for fear taking over their minds.

A Vampire's body is much better than a Human one .. not to talk about those who lived at least two thousand years.

Then I heard footsteps coming towards my direction followed by the metallic sound of an armor. I smiled as I felt the presence of Roy and Louis as well as that Holy Knight.

"We have brought the Holy Knight my Queen" Roy said, not questioning the weird Situation they were in right now.

"You must be the leader of these Monsters .. I'll fight you till death!" Hinata declared pointing her sword at me

I couldn't help but start to laugh "... you what ? You Hinata .. do you really think you have the strength to do so ?" I said smiling and walked around the 49 Vampires.

"Look at this Hinata ... What you see here is a bunch of Vampires. I'll kill them all right now, would you be willing to serve under me ?" I asked her knowing she wouldn't accept

"I only came here to kill you and I'll leave and drink a cup of tea if I finished you off for good" Hinata said

"Then have a good look at this .. little human !" I said and raised my hands

"O Demons of the Seven Hells, heed my call! I summon thee, with an abundance of sacrifices for thou to consume! Enter my realm and serve myself as your master, to clash with enemies of mine! Your offering offered, your contract contracted, rise into this realm!"

As I said this a summoning circle was created. It had a color of red but a second later it changed and shined purple. I could see that the one dead body vanished just like he was never there to begin with.

Then something emerged from it .. I could only see a silhouette in the form of a person out of Magicules. In the next moment I was overwhelmed by the pressure it had released.

Then out of the Shadows around the throne room several spear like weapons were created and swiftly killed the remaining 49 Vampire Elders staining my throne room in red .. then they vanished and a body was created.

The body took on the form of a young Woman with white hair and blue shining eyes and a .. sexy body. I seriously needed to control myself here.

Then clothes were created. They had the same style as mine which surprised me a bit although she had several pieces of silk around her legs .. I didn't really know why they were there but it looked sexy.

Her eyes stared directly into mine "So then .. I'll consider this body as a gift and your chance to talk to me , you who summoned me" she said

I could tell that this Situation wouldn't be as simple as I had imagined too .. but I can just kill her right ?

At that moment I realized that quite a lot of my Magicules were consumed by only summoning her. And this bitch of Holy knight is still here... no she passed out because of the pressure.

"Tell me .. what do you want ?" I asked the demon

She smiled at me "The question is .." she licked her lips "what can you give me?" Her blue eyes and aura letting me know that this .. was no simple demon.