Demonic Nun Pt5

In a dark room, in the mist of the Western Holy Church, a meeting was held. 7 Individuals were sitting around a round table. They were clothed in a robe matching the style of the Church's clothes. Normally they would hide their faces but not in that meeting. after all, no one besides them would enter this room besides their Goddess Luminous.

The Seven Days Clergy, a group of Enlightened Humans that were granted Luiminous's blessing and longevity in exchange for their loyalty. They are the highest Consultants after the inner core of the Church.

Not only that but they are in charge of raising the people's faith in Luminism and training new knights that would later follow the doctrine's of the church; murdering everything that is marked as evil blindly.

After receiving Luminous's blessing, they have seen her as the Goddess Luminous, ignoring the fact that she is indeed a Monster, if not long forgotten about it. After all in their long lives, most of them if not all just want one thing.

Their Goddess attention... hearing her smooth voice and being accepted as her best and most loyal subordinates. In the past they have trained many Heroes and did their best but Luminous's attention slowly faded.

"Just what should we do, Gran? That female knight Hinata is being trained by a Demon and not us!" Dina, one of the members, asked Gran, the leader of the Seven Days Clergy.

"..." Gran folded his fingers, thinking about the recent developments in the Church.

"Dina is right, we should do something! We could have used that female knight to gain our Goddess attention, we all know that Luminous-sama has her eyes on that sly human." Ars said and was with that on Dina's side.

"You are both right... that Hinata must have used her body and some sly tactics... tsk even I couldn't satisfy Luminous-sama with my body" Vina said.

"Hmm..." Gran still was silent, thinking about what they had said just now.

"Let us not waste our time on that human - we have a way bigger problem. The Demon that was summoned by our Goddess has even received a name" Meris mentioned.

"Meris is right , we should lure someone from the 10 Great Saints into the third circle and use him as a scapegoat when we eliminate that filthy demon who is trying to charm our Goddess!" Salun said and raised his voice.

"I've been seeing that Demon sitting around in the Night Garden.. a place where even we aren't allowed inside! I demand to send her back to the Demon Realm or eliminate her completely with [Trinity Disintegration]" Zaus shouted

With that every member of the Seven Days Clergy had spoken.. only their Leader Gran not he was still thinking 'I can't risk to get on Luminous's bad side right now' Gran thought and then spoke up.

"We need to be carefull, we shouldn't overstep lines that could get us our Goddess's wrath upon us. The scapegoat.. are you sure it would work out for us?" Gran asked

"Let's send Dina and Vina; they are good in hiding their presence and it isn't hard for us to smuggle in a single knight right ?" Zaus said, determined.

"Mhh..." Gran wasn't sure if he should allow such steps.

"How about we use the Captain of the 10 Great Saints, he always wanted to meet our Goddess and is a faithful follower of us we trained him after all. He would follow our orders with blind eyes" Meris said.

"Tsk... then make sure to kill that Demon Vina and Dina. If you fail at least don't get your identity released. But first let us spread some rumors about a demon in the Church," Gran said, closing this meeting.


"Lady Sophie" I heard a voice through my door, most likleylikely it's Gunther who had knocked on my door.

"Come in," I said simply, I was still lying in my bed.

"My Queen has-" Gunther suddenly stopped as he looked at me

"Ara~ Gunther, shouldn't you continue what you have to say?" I said to him smiling

"Ehem... I am sorry my Lady Sophie she wishes to see you," He said looking away, what an old geezer, no fun at all.

"Alright, just let me get dressed," I said and he left my room. Just what does she want? Is it tea time already? No it shouldn't be that.

I clothed myself as usual and then left my room, to my surprise there wasn't Gunther waiting for me but Hinata. What a shame I would have liked to see her face if she would've entered my room and not that old geezer.

"Hinata, long time not seen. I see that you got a bit stronger, what are you doing here?" I asked her, smiling.

"I-I am not here to accompany you at all! I just have to talk with Luminous too," She said while looking like a real tsundere... ha I love to live in a manga world.

"Ara~ why aren't you on your way to Luminous then?" I asked smiling.

"I was and then Gunther tasked me to walk with you, yep it was like that" Hinata explained and I could tell she was lying.

I don't know why I am so interested in Hinata. She is not my ideal type, I would like to bring down Luminous more than her, but I can smell the plot armor hanging on her body. She looks Japanese, is a holy knight and hates monsters. Perfect for someone who would go against our slime.

'Hmmm..' A smile appeared on my face 'Maybe I should make Hinata mine tonight?' I thought and then started walking "Don't fall behind Hinata."

"I'm coming," Hinata said and then caught up to me, walking beside me "You really don't mind it?" She suddenly asked.

I was confused and thought about what she could mean "I don't understand what you want to say Hinata" I said simply

"You haven't heard about those rumors?" Hinata asked surprised.

"Well you are still living under the other knights while I am simply living here in the 3rd circle and why should I care about some rumors of ants" I said simply

"I guess... after all you are-" Hinata said but then was interrupted by someone shouting.

"So it's you Hinata, and here I even invited you into the 10 Great Saints. You traitor, is that why you declined?" A man in the armor of the Holy Knights said standing in front of us.

'Hoo? How did he get in these hallways? The 3rd Circle is forbidden for Humans to enter. Mhh... but Hinata did the same as I was summoned. Guess I should talk about that with Lumi-chan' I thought.

"Do you know him, Hinata ?" I asked simply

"To be friends with a demon, you really should die together with that demon," the knight shouted.

"Tsk.. Vex you wanna know why I turned down your offer? It's because I want your position!" Hinata said and charged at him with her rapier.

I was happy to see at least some action. After all, I was living a lazy life here with Lumi-chan together but this whole Situation is suspicious.

First rumors about me then suddenly a Holy Knight infiltrates the 3rd circle knowing that I am a demon. Someone must have pulled the strings in the background. I can feel that there are two more... but I can't sense where they are.


Dina and Vina hid their presence as good as they could, following Vex, the current captain of the 10 Great Saints, through the hallways. Until they finally found the demon there was only one problem and this problem was named Hinata.

"Tsk... Dina this isn't what we have planned, what should we do?" Vina asked angered

"Indeed it isn't the best situation we are in right now, Trinity Desintegration has only a limited range and it looks like that demon doesn't want to take action herself," Dina answered a bit concerned.

"But does she really think Hinata can beat Vex alone?" Vina said smiling

"She does seem stronger thean the time she went into the 3rd Circle on her own." Dina answered while analyzing their fight.

Meanwhile Vex and Hinata had a harsh fight, Hinata's speciality is her speed. It uses the flexibility to confuse the enemies eyes and makes it hard to react to incoming attacks.

But Vex was a experienced holy knight, he slayed more monsters and humans with his longsword then anyone else. Needless to say that he could see through Hinata's Swordsmanship with ease after a few exchanges.

"This is all you can do Hinata? After using forbidden races as training partners he?" Vex said, mocking Hinata while their swords met, creating sparks and a high metallic sound.

"Don't think you are anyone special Vex" Hinata said smiling then she had long copied and understood his Unique Skill [Fort] with her own Unique Skill [Usurper].

Hinata builds up some distance between her and Vex "Hoo already going into defense? Then let me show you real strength now!" Vex said as he infused his Longsword with Holy Magic, you could say a weaker or not completed form of [Melt Slash]

Hinata seeing this couldn't hold back her emotions and a slight smile could be seen on her face as she then shouted "This is your own fault Vex, don't resent me after your death! [Melt Slash]!"

Hinata dashed forward stronger and faster than before, borrowing the strength of her Spirits and Holy Magic , she was 100% sure that this was her win because his Unique Skill [Fort] would only activate while being in the defense and now that he is attacking he has no protection.

But then suddenly she was stopped, not only her but Vex too. Not by the clashing of their Swords but by another person.

Sophie used her [Spatial Travel] to teleport between them releasing her [Arch Demon Aura] was enough to stop both of their movements forcing them to stand still. Her aura was filled with fear and destruction making it difficult to breath

"Why ? Why did you stopped us?" Hinata asked, surprised and a bit angered

"I still have a few questions for this idiot here so I cannot afford to let him die by your Sword and you don't want to paint your sword with Human blood either do you?" Sophie said in a sharp tone.

"What are you talking abou demon i wouldn't have lost against someone like h-"

"I don't care about your useless pride human, tell me who had sent you here ?" Sophie said in a deep threatening voice

"Why should I tell someone of your dirty race such th-"

Sophie teleported in front of him, touching his forehead while her eyes turned red "I'll make sure you'll talk [Drain]!" she said and slowly absorbed his soul energy.

While Vex was shouting and crying under the pain he was experiencing in those few seconds, Dina and Vina saw their chance and came out of their hiding spot.

"By the God's will we demand your death, demon. Holy [Trinity Disintegration]!" Both of them shouted while stretching out their hands, creating the Holy Magic Circles that appeared above Hinata, Vex and Sophia.

"Say goodbye demon hahah!"