Walpurgis 3

A fight started, to be exact the fight between me and Clayman even when Shion was the one to fight / play with him while I was busy holding back Milim who was still in control of that bastard Clayman.

<...> Raphael still seemed to be mad at me but she still helped me out a lot.

'Seriously how can someone be so strong, but I need to save my bestie' I thought as I was dodging her attacks one after another while something told me that she was more playing around than anything else

Raphael showed me future attacks to some points but soon was too slow for Milim. I couldn't know at that time that because she didn't sense any killing intent from Milim, decided this matter as not threatening and was working on something completely different.

And that something was the person standing next to Demon Lord Valentine as his maid.

"Shit… I can't avoid that!" I said to myself after Milim played a simple feint as I used [Gluttony King: Beelzebub] to drain her strength/magicules down a bit. I don't know why but at that moment I simply thought.

'Those two sure are another league'

<> Raphael said simply and as I closed my eyes from the incoming attack… I felt nothing?

"Huh?" I let out a surprised sound as I opened my eyes again

"Owowowow!! That hurt!" I could hear Veldora's voice and indeed he was floating in front of me in his usual human form as he got smacked by Milim.

"Eh- Veldora?" I asked

"Yo Rimuru! How could you be so cruel huh? I thought we were friends!!" Veldora claimed, flying around me with an angered face.

'Eh?! What the hell is he saying… oh is that the manga I gave him today? I pulled a prank with that but after getting hit by Milim that's what he is worried about?!?!' I thought

"Hehe.. well did you like my surprise?" I asked laughing awkwardly

Clayman who saw this scene was utterly bewildered. How could someone survive milim's fist even when it was nothing serious? He was sure only Guy would be able to take it as it is

"You dare get distracted while fighting me?" It was Shion's voice that made Clayman look away surprised by the incoming attack which sent him flying. Shion didn't stop there, it seems like she finished playing and was angered.

She proceeded with a fast sword attack which cutted off all those things that came out of him as he evolved, forced by Raphael and my plan. It seems like an evolution does not exactly mean to get massively stronger.

Things seemed to progress faster than I thought as Veldora was exchanging a few fists with Milim and they finally talked together as she blew off her play. Seriously she got me there, I should have known better that controlling Milim was something impossible for such an ant named Clayman.

Guy stood up and applauded as if he would have seen something truly exciting. Others simply nodded with their heads as if they expected this outcome while that one dude still was sleeping.

"So it seems that no one h-"

"It seemed like this farce is over Guy, could we proceed faster as I am bored already" Demon Lord Valentine said

<> Raphael said

<> I asked

<> She answered

"Now Now Valentine we don't need to rush things don't we" Guy answered

"You are right Guy, but seeing Clayman losing to one of his subordinate maid me feel disgusted, we all know that he was just putting up some lies" Valentine answered

"Oi Raminas don't you want to stop this subordinate of yours already" Veldora said flying over there

"Veldora!" Ramiris shouted surprised as if she wanted to warn him about something

"Raminas ? I don't know what you mean" Valentine answered

"No no not you I mean that maid over there" Veldora said

I could see that the maid was angered by Veldora's remarks, I guess she is the real Demon Lord then?

"Pssst! Veldora! You can't just call her Ruminas you know?! She is currently hiding her existence for the new Demon Lords and let's her subordinate play the role of a Demon Lord" Milim said

'EHH?! You just spitted it out Milim?!' I thought surprised

"Luminious! It's Luminous you goddamn Lizards at least remember my name correctly" Luminous said she and was clearly pissed of as she changed her clothes

'Wait if her name is like that, does she have something to do with the Church and their religion called Luminism? Haa what am I thinking right now there is no way haha!' I thought and then Guy began to clap again

"Well seems like we finished so then let's get down to business shall we" Guy said and we proceeded with deciding the territorial rights.

While we were at it and Clayman's territory got added to Milim's, that pseudo Demon Lord left and only the Demon Lord Luminous and her maid stayed back… why can't I take off that person…

"Rimuru I guess you'll declare the whole Great Jura Forest under your protection" Guy said and smiled at me as he suddenly got close and I mean super close! "What a daring move as a new Demon Lord" he whispered into my ear

"Guy I would have an announcement to do" It was Carrion who said this what a lifesaver! I will never forget this Carrion!

Guy walked back to his seat sitting down calmly "Then go ahead Carrion, what is it that you wish to tell us?"

"Seeing what happened to this Walpurgis and with the fight Milim and I had… I came to the conclusion that I am not worthy of the Demon Lord Title anymore so I wish to be a subordinate of Demon Lord Milim" Carrion spoke and Guy didn't seem to be to happy hearing this but remained silent

Carrion suddenly looked at the well grown harpy~ ehem.. I mean Demon Lord Frey as if he would be expecting something and the she stood up "I have the same opinion as Carrion on this matter and therefore wish to be a subordinate of Demon Lord Luminous"

I could see Carrion's surprised face. It seemed like they had talked about this beforehand but something happened.

<> Raphael said

<> I asked

<> Raphael said

'That's right… I don't know anything about this energy or skill and they are still Demon Lords. I shouldn't take any steps that could be dangerous for Tempest in the future' I thought and observed the other Demon Lords

Luminous seemed to be surprised but immediately accepted as if she was told to do even Guy had a smile on his face. The others didn't seem to care about it at all.

"Well if that is what you want… I won't stop you. Carrion maybe you can teach Milim some manners after all" Guy said

I was surprised at the sudden remark from Guy but Milim seemed to be in her own childish dimension not even paying attention until Leon said "That means we are now 8 Demon Lords… so do we need a new name?"

The mood suddenly became dark until Veldora said "Kuahaha that's no problem at all my Rimuru is great at giving names, right?" sometimes I feel like he wants to pay me back for using his Magicules to regain my strength after naming my subordinates or is it the Manga prank?

"Well as the one responsible for this Rimuru… I am sure you will find us a good name, right?" Guy said smiling

I leaned back acknowledging my responsibility to find a new name as I spoke with myself "Eight Demon Lords… Eight Stars? … Octagram? Yes!! How about Octagram - The eight Stars?" I said smiling

"As expected of my bestiii!" Milim said

"Fufu Rimuru is the best" Ramiris said flying around me

"Not bad"

"Why not"

"Sounds good"

"Well seems like it is accepted then Octagram shall be our new name" Guy said


I could get a good look at our main character in this story… he sure climbed the ladder as just a slime to be a Demon Lord. After the Banquet was finished all Demon Lords were assigned their own rooms to stay for the rest of the day.

This was the time where Demon Lords would talk personally if they had any business to do or simply go back at any time they want to as for me I was simply sitting next to Luminous now finally back in a comfortable dress and not that maid costume.

In front of us sits the Demon Lord Frey and why? Well… maybe I couldn't fully control my aura hehe… I was just too excited to see Rimuru finally after many many thousands of years.

"Guess I got a new subordinate now? Well I never tasted Harpy Blood" Luminous said a bit annoyed about this Situation but at the same time she was interested "Well Sophie I guess she wants to be your Subordinate and not mine, right?"

"Hehe… you noticed?" I said smiling

"Of course I did! Who wouldn't? The others might have played as if it was nothing but your aura is unique! I could feel all those eyes secretly on you" Luminous said sighing

"I have something to say my Queen" It was Frey who said it surprisingly as she was silent till now

"Talk" Both Luminous and I said at the same time

"As the Church was involved with the war against Tempest and even Hinata Sakaguchi participated in it I believe we should discuss how to handle the new Demon Lord first" Frey said

Luminous seemed to be shocked as she stood up "What?! Roy you go back immediately" she said

"But-" Roy wanted to say something but was instantly cutted of by luminous again "You go back in an instant"

"Yes my Queen" Roy said and instantly teleported away

"Mhh makes sense I was told she headed for the Great Jura Forest and Demon Lord Rimuru has now demanded this Forrest to be his Territory, seems like I didn't pay enough attention to her lately" I said

"Not only that but we still don't really know that Lizards connection to Rimuru, they said to be friends even that connection is enough for Rimuru to use him" Luminous said while looking displeased

"I do believe that a friendly relationship with them is still possible" Frey said

"He went back to Tempest right away, am I right?" I asked

"Indeed my Queen" Frey answered

Look at her so devoted to me even when she isn't trapped in my [Charm World] but only is affected by my Aura… should I use it just in case?

"Anyways Demon Lord Rimuru seemed to be indeed not that kind of Person to wage war against us for such a thing as Hinata's private mission. I should embarrass her even more when we go back" Luminous said

"Well let's get back to Ruberious quickly but before that Luminous Iw ould like to talk to someone so would you be so kind to go without me?" I asked smiling and added "And you Frey should wait for me at my bedroom~"

"Family business?" Luminous asked

"Yes" I answered