New Things


"Good. Keep it up." said Yamamoto who was overseeing Yuuichi's training at the moment.

Yamamoto had come back two months after Rumi left and was a little sad to have not seen Rumi off, but had no choice in the matter. A villain had attacked the temple looking for secret martial arts and treasure but all he found were fists. Still, Yamamoto was asked to return to safeguard the monastery just in case the villain had friends but nothing happened. Then he returned to train Yuuichi and even trained Kunio on the very rare occasion he went over to Yuuichi's house.

But at the moment, Yamamoto was not overseeing Yuuichi's usual training but was helping him out with his quirk training. After he made that promise with Rumi, Yuuichi started to train his quirk even harder. One way he did that was to incorporate his constructs with his martial arts, which he was eventually going to do, but decided to start earlier.

He would fight an imaginary foe and would use his constructs while fighting to make himself able to keep the constructed image focused under any circumstance while also being able to focus on other things.

This is one way he would train his focus, the other was to have Yamamoto play blaring rock music while Yuuichi ran an obstacle course while also being hit by balls that Yamamoto threw at him all while keeping an intricate yet small Buddha constructed. All in all, it was a good way to train himself to keep the focus. Yuuichi felt like eventually, he would develop parallel processing that would allow him to focus on one thing while also being able to hold a construct without a problem.


"Damn." said Yuuichi as his construct dissipated after losing his focus for a nanosecond.

"Slow progress is still progress, Young Master." said Yamamoto.

"I know, thanks, Yamamoto. It's just a little frustrating is all." he said as he picked up a towel and wiped his sweat off.

"It's normal to be frustrated when there is nothing to compare yourself to. But if you were to compare your progress to that of your peers, you would be miles ahead. They spend their time playing while you spend much of your free time training. But you also must remember slow success builds character, fast success builds ego." said Yamamoto.

"Too late on the ego part." joked Yuuichi with a smile.

"Haha, indeed." laughed Yamamoto.

"I think that's enough for today."

"Good. Remember to free your mind of its burdens. A clear mind and clear space allow you to think and act with purpose."

"You mean lay down and stare at the sky? Not a problem." said Yuuichi with a grin.

"I suppose not. I'll see you in a few days, Young Master." said Yamamoto before leaving while Yuuichi lay down on the floor after opening up the roof.

'Now to train my container.' thought Yuuichi.

After training to keep his focus, Yuuichi would then train his container's capacity, his energy-gathering speed, and his construct building speed. For the capacity, each day he would carefully add more energy until he felt bloated before stopping. Every day he would do the same which caused his capacity to slowly grow.

He would train the speed at which he gathered energy by bringing it to his container but not letting it enter and doing that over and over. As for training the speed at which he created his constructs, he would train by creating constructs over and over again. Not the most complicated training methods by any means, but they got the job done.

'Now that I think about it, why haven't I tried to compress the energy in my container? That would create denser energy that in turn allows for more room and higher-quality energy. If it works, that is. What the hell, let me give it a go.' thought Yuuichi.

Feeling the energy within the container, he began to make it compress. Naturally, there was some resistance, but Yuuichi kept at it. And slowly it felt like the energy was becoming more compact until eventually, it stopped compressing further. Taking a minute to make sure it wouldn't go back to the way it was, Yuuichi was very happy with the results.

'Compressing the energy gave me a whole another 1/5 of space. Let me try to make a construct to feel the difference.' thought Yuuichi before creating a palm.

'That took less energy. If my container was digitized with 100 being full, a palm would take 2.5. The bigger, stronger, and more intricate I make it or the longer I keep it around, the more it takes. But the baseline is 2.5. If I had to compare the two, it felt like it took 2. A 20% quality increase. That's very good. Now I have another path to train. Man am I glad I read those cultivation novels.' thought Yuuichi before starting to fill up the rest of the container.

As Yuuichi was filling up his container with Lunar and Stellar energy, the doors to the training hall were slammed open.

"Hmm? Dad? What's up?" asked Yuuichi seeing his dad at the door with a big smile on his face.

"Your mother has some news, come! Hurry!" he said, running off leaving Yuuichi confused before following him at a slightly slower pace.

"Ah, Yuuichi, you're here." said his mom with his dad standing next to her smiling with excitement.

"What's going on?" asked Yuuichi.

"Tell him! Come on tell him!" said his dad.

"I'm pregnant." she said with a big smile.

"She's pregnant! Hahaha!" shouted his dad before picking her up and twirling her around.

"Really?!" said Yuuichi, excited at the prospect of being an older brother.

"Yes. I went to the hospital to confirm. You're going to be an older brother." she said hugging him.

"I'm going to be an older brother. Sweet." said Yuuichi with a smile.

"But just because we're going to have another child, doesn't mean we're going to love you any less. Even if you're not our biological child, you are our child, no matter what." said his mom seriously as she grabbed his face to look him in the eyes.

"She's right. You are our child, and our heir." said his dad, just as seriously.

"I know. But if my younger sibling wants to be the heir, I won't stop them." he said.

"Leave all that talk for when they're born and old enough to know what they want. Right now you are our heir, whether you like it or not. We don't force it on you because it's counterproductive but we would like it if you at least tried to learn the business." said his mom.

"Sigh, fine. Once a week." said Yuuichi.

"Good. Now let's come up with names for the baby, whether boy or girl." said his mom, releasing his face.

"How about Momo if they're a girl?" said Yuuichi.

"Momo, I like that. What do you think dear?"

"I like it. And if they're a boy, Akihiko."

"I like it, too. Good. It's decided then. Momo if they're a girl, Akihiko if they're a boy." said his mom as she rubbed her stomach.

"Are you going to find out as soon as possible or are you going to wait until they're born?" asked Yuuichi.

"I want it to be a surprise. And no going behind my back to find out." she said to her husband.

"No promises. I can't go that long not knowing."

"If I'm going to carry a child in my body for 9 months, I think you can hold out on finding out whether it's a boy or a girl."

"Sigh, yes dear." said his dad causing Yuuichi to laugh.

"You think that's funny, eh? Come on, let's start your business lessons." said his dad before dragging away Yuuichi.

"Hehe, I can't wait for you to meet everyone." whispered Yuuichi's mom as she rubbed her stomach.


Over the next nine months, life got a little busier for the entire Yaoyorozu family. As they were expecting a new baby soon, Yuuichi's parents had to leave the company in a perfect state so they would be able to take the time off to take care of the new baby.

As for Yuuichi, his training continued with the added one-day-a-week training in business courtesy of his dad. At first, Yuuichi hated it and now nine months later, he still did. Not because he wasn't good at it, no rather he was good at it, he just found it boring.

He couldn't see himself running a company for the rest of his life when instead he could spend it being a hero. But his dad convinced him to take it seriously because pro heroes have agencies that are essentially companies. To which Yuuichi retorted by saying that there are people to take care of all that. Still, he was a little convinced so he started to take it a bit more seriously.

On the baby front, his mother was re-reading all the parenting books she had bought when they adopted Yuuichi, just to get a refresher. She also started baby-proofing the house, even though it wouldn't be necessary to do so until a year or two after the baby is born. Still, she insisted on doing so because she didn't want to take any chances.

As for Yuucihi's mom physically, she started going through the typical pregnancy changes any mother goes through. Nausea, swollen feet, weird cravings, mood swings, etc. The most notable moment of this is when one minute she was crying while watching a commercial about a lost pencil that ends up making its way back to its owner and the next she threw the remote at the TV. Then she started crying again because she broke the TV before getting up to eat an entire tub of ice cream. All the while, Yuuichi, and his dad just stared at her in disbelief.

That was only one of many moments where her pregnancy changes made both boys stare at her in disbelief. But of course, neither of them said anything because how could they say something to the woman who was carrying life? Also because they had been yelled at after telling her something once, and they never wanted to experience that again.


Today was the expected due date so the entire family was nervous and making sure they had everything they needed before they made their way to the hospital.

"Do you have the overnight bag?" asked Yuuichi's mom who looked like a balloon ready to pop.

"Check." said his dad showing her two bags.


"Check." said Yuuichi who was recording everything with a prototype camera that the company had developed for hero work. The camera could fly around and be controlled via a small control pad like a drone, but much more advanced.

"Is that the camera our R&D division has been working on?" she asked.

"Yeah, I borrowed it." said Yuuichi.

"Good. Make sure to record everything, but close your eyes and ears during the birth."

"Way ahead of you, Mom. I'm not taking any chances so I'm using these bad boys." said Yuuichi before taking out sound nullifiers and vision blockers that were used for villain transport.

"Do you have another pair?" asked his dad.

"What?! You want to block out the sight and sound of your wife giving birth?!"

"What?! No, no, of course not! I'm just worried that those might be faulty. I'm worried for him." said his dad.

"Nice save." said Yuuichi with a grin.

"That's what you better have meant. Okay, let's go. It's almost time to meet our new family member." she said with a big smile.


'Wonder if it's over.' thought Yuuichi as he was currently sitting down with the sound nullifiers and vision blockers on.

They had been in the hospital for a few hours when his mother's water broke. After that, they had to wait until she was dilated enough for the baby to be birthed which took a few more hours. During that time his mother had been screaming and had almost crushed both his and his father's hands. Of course, they had been recording the whole thing at her insistence.

When the time finally came that she was ready, Yuuichi handed over the controls of the camera to his father before sitting on a chair and putting on the sight and sound-blocking apparatuses.

Since then, it had been about an hour, and Yuuichi was wondering if everything was going okay. Thankfully, he didn't have to worry for much longer.

'Oh, Dad's shaking me.' thought Yuuichi as he took off his blindfolds and headphones to see his tired-looking dad with a big smile on his face.

"She's okay?" asked Yuuichi, worried about his mother.

"Your mom? She's fine. Come meet your sibling." said his dad as they made their way to the bed where Yuuichi saw his tired mom holding a baby.

"Yuuichi, this is Momo, your little sister." she said with a smile.

"Can I hold her?"

"Of course. Here. Careful. Hold her head." she said as she handed her over to him.

As Yuuichi looked down to see his younger sister, he saw her open her big black eyes and look up at him. Touching her cheeks gently with his finger, she lightly grabbed it with her tiny hand and smiled. At this, Yuuichi started tearing up with tears of joy.

"I'm your big brother, Yuuichi. And I promise that I'll protect you no matter what. Even if it means going against the world." he said before kissing her forehead.

"Hey, I'm supposed to say that to her." said his dad with a teasing grin.

"Seems like he's going to be an overprotective big brother." said his mom with a teasing grin as well.

"I guess I am." he said as he continued to stare at his sister.