
Going to use the parents' names now instead of Yuuichi's mom/dad when they're talking, let me know what you think.


In the study of a mansion, a man lecturing his son was taking place.

"Understand?" asked Ren Yaoyorozu as he looked at his son, Yuuichi who looked bored out of his mind.

"Yes." he said, yawning.

"Sigh, I wish you were more interested in the business but fine." said Ren, as he took off his glasses which he only used when lecturing Yuuichi about the business because he felt it gave him more authority, and put down the chalk which he preferred over a screen, also only when lecturing Yuuichi.

"Are we done? Is it finally over?" asked Yuuichi, life back in him.

"Haha, yes, we're done." said Ren, sitting down in the chair.

"Finally, I was about to fall asleep." said Yuuichi, standing up to stretch.

"A little disheartening to hear that from my own son." joked Ren.

"It's not that you're not a good teacher, it's just what you're teaching is boring. To me anyway." said Yuuichi.

"That wasn't much better."

"Haha, sorry."

"So, have you settled on an internship yet?" asked Ren, moving on from business to bonding with his son.

"One definitely caught my attention, so I think I'm going with that one." said Yuuichi, sitting back down.

"What agency?"

"Not an agency. A solo hero."

"Solo-hero? Not many of those around anymore." said Ren, surprised.

"She's definitely a dying breed."

"So, a woman and a solo hero in Japan. Even fewer of those around." he said before thinking for a second.

"Ice Queen?"




"Lady Nagant?"


"Lady Nagant? Why her? I think Ice Queen would've been a much better choice than her considering the Lunar aspect of your quirk." asked Ren, eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"She piqued my curiosity. She "saved" me from a runaway villain right when I was contemplating what offer to accept. Don't you think the stars aligned too perfectly there?" explained Yuuichi.

"You think she has an ulterior motive?" asked Ren, getting more serious at the prospect of someone scheming against his son.

"Don't know, but I intend to find out. I don't like to be a pawn in someone else's game." said Yuuichi.

"Mm. Be careful. And if anything happens, you have us to support you."

"Thanks, pops." said Yuuichi, smiling at the love and support from his parents.

"So, any girls you're interested in?" he asked, with a teasing smile.

"I think that's enough talking for today." said Yuuichi, standing up.

"Haha, I'm joking. Sit down." he said laughing as Yuuichi sat back down.

"Besides I know you like Rumi."

"And I'm out."

"Hahaha! Come back we need to talk about the birds and the bees! Hahaha!" laughed Ren while Yuuichi left the study, leaving the doors open for a curious visitor.

"Daddy, what are the birds and the bees?" asked Momo.

"Uhh. Ask your brother." he said, trying to shirk all responsibility.

"Okay. Nii-chan! Daddy said to ask you what the birds and the bees are!" she shouted as she ran off.

"Wait!" said Ren, going after her before Kiyomi heard.

"What?!" shouted Kiyomi.


In Class 1-A, the students were waiting for their homeroom to start, where they would then hand Claw their internship decisions.

"Lady Nagant?" asked Kunio, surprised at Yuuichi's decision.

"Yeah. I saw her in action and she specializes in villain apprehension so I decided to go with her. She seemed easy-going too." explained Yuuichi, hiding his real reason for choosing her.

"I was sure you would go with Endeavor. You know cause of how hot your constructs get. And because he's a high-rated hero." said Kunio.

"Nah, don't really like that guy. Something off about him, you know?"


"Well, it's just a feeling I have. Anyway, what about you two? Who'd you go with?"

"Gang Orca." said Kentaro.

"Gang Orca? Why?" asked Yuuichi.

"Claw-sensei recommended it. He said Gang Orca is calm and focused which is what I need to work on. And he also has a mutant-type quirk like me."

"Makes sense. Kunio?"

"Well, I didn't get as many offers as the two of you did, but I decided to go with Fish Hero: Tuna Fish Man. He's a great chef and a great hero who feeds people during disasters. Couldn't think of a better fit."

"Nice, get me an autograph will you?" said Yuuichi.

"You're a fan of Tuna Fish Man?" asked Kunio, surprised.

"Nah, he looks cool, but my sister is a big fan. She thinks he looks cute."

"Ah, that makes way more sense then. Sis-con." teased Kunio.

"Hey, I'm not a sis-con. That has a strong implication of something gross. I just love my sister."

"Right. Way different."

"Sis-con, heh." chuckled Kentaro.

"You just don't get it because you don't have a sister. When you have one then we can talk." said Yuuichi.

"I have a sister." said Kunio.


"I have three sisters and two brothers." said Kentaro.



A few days after turning in his internship forms, Yuuichi was getting ready to head out for his internship with Lady Nagant, but there was something holding him back.

"No! Stay! You said you would take me to the park today!" said Momo who was currently clinging onto Yuuichi's leg like a koala.

"It's just for two days, Momo. I'll be back before you know it. And when I come back we can go to the aquarium." bartered Yuuichi.

"No!" she said, burying her head into his leg.


Looking up to see what that noise was, Yuuichi saw his mom standing there with a camera and a smile on her face, while his father was trying not to laugh.

"Mom." said Yuuichi, requesting help from his mom since he was helpless when it came to his sister.

"Momo, your brother is doing this so he can become a hero. You want him to be a hero don't you?" she asked.

"Yes." she said, softly.

"Then he has to go do this, so let him go. He'll be back soon."

"Promise?" she said, looking up at Yuuichi.

"When have I ever broken a promise with you?"


"There you go then. I promise." he said smiling and sticking his pinky out which Momo wrapped with her pinky before letting go of his leg.

"So, you have everything you need?" asked Ren, who had finished laughing.

"Yup." said Yuuichi, patting his duffle bag.

"Alright then, be careful out there." he said before hugging him.

"I will."

"Don't do anything you're not supposed to. And listen to what your mentor says." said Kiyomi, hugging him as well.

"And be careful of any schemes." she whispered.

"I know."

"Good, then go. We'll see you in a few days." she said, releasing him from the hug.



One short train ride later, Yuuichi was at the meetup point which was in front of the station.

'Don't see her around. I'll let her know I'm here.' he thought, about to text her of his arrival before his danger senses went on full alert, exactly like the time when he was protecting Momo. And just like that time, his eyes changed into blue lilies, still unbeknownst to him.

Looking in the direction of where he felt the danger coming from, Yuuichi could see a blue and pink bullet with a piece of metal on it headed right for him.

That's when Yuuichi realized that this had to be a test because there was no way Lady Nagant would kill Yuuichi in broad daylight in front of a busy station.

'She wants to test my senses and my reaction time. Even though she's already seen the latter.' thought Yuuichi before he realized something.

'This is the same thing that happened when I protected Momo. I thought it was just my imagination but it looks like it's an ability of mine or something.' thought Yuuichi before noticing that the bullet was slowly moving.

'Though it seems time's not frozen, it's just slowed by a lot. But my head and eyes are starting to hurt which means this has a time limit or I'm not strong enough to use it yet. Better get out of this before it gets any worse.'

Finished with his train of thought, Yuuichi decided that the best course of action would be to block the bullet by conjuring a small buckler to make it veer off course. Even though he might get in trouble with the authorities for improper use of his quirk, Lady Nagant was the one that caused it all so he would throw all the blame on her.


Looking at the bullet that had been deflected, he then looked up at the building it came from and saw Lady Nagant.

Unfortunately, he could not see her face because of how far away she was, but if he could he would be smiling because of the complete look of shock that was present. She was shocked because he was able to sense the danger he was in and block the bullet. But also because she saw his eyes change for a split second before going back to normal.

"Interesting." she mumbled.

Being the experienced hero she was, she quickly snapped out of it before making a mental note of what had transpired.

And it has to be said that she wasn't actually trying to harm him. The bullet was only meant to graze his arm, as a reminder to always be aware of your surroundings.


"Can you hear me?"

"So it was speaker/microphone." said Yuuichi, hearing her voice come from the metal thing on the bullet.

"Yes. I'll be there shortly." she said before the voice got cut off.

'Now to wait.' thought Yuuichi, leaning up against a pole and eating a lollipop before closing his eyes.

But, his rest was short-lived.

"Excuse me, did you use your quirk?" asked a male voice.

Opening his eyes to see who was asking him a question, Yuuichi saw a police officer.


"I'm sorry officer, are you talking to me?"

"Yes, I am."

"Then no, I did not."

"I saw you use it from across the street." he said.

"Then yes I did. But for a good reason."

"And what is that?"

"I asked him to." said Lady Nagant as she approached from behind the officer.

"Lady Nagant?!"

"Sorry about that officer. He starts his internship with me today and I wanted to test him which resulted in him using his quirk." she explained.

"Oh, I see. That's fine then, but be careful." he said.

"Of course, thank you, and sorry to bother you." she said before the officer left. And now that the officer had left, she went over to pick up the deflected bullet before putting it back in her hair.

"Yo." said Yuuichi.

"Hello. Let's go." she said before walking off while Yuuichi followed.

"So. Interesting test." he said, nonchalantly which surprised Nagant.

"You're not mad that I almost killed you?" she asked.

"Not really. I could tell the bullet was only meant to graze me."

"It was."

"And I feel like you could've taken me out if you wanted to. There's no way that's your fastest bullet."

"It's not."

"Thought so. Obviously, I'd prefer if you didn't do anything like that again, but I get it."

"Still, sorry."

"No problem, teach."


"You are my teacher are you not?"


"Then Teach it is. Don't really feel like saying your hero name all the time. And just saying Nagant doesn't really roll off the tongue for me. So I settled with Teach."

"Okay, but call me Lady Nagant in public."

"You got it, Teach." he said causing her to glare at him.

"Sorry, Lady Nagant."
