First Date

In the Yaoyorozu Manor, Yuuichi was rifling through his closet.

Pulling out outfit after outfit, muttering things like "Too casual" or "Too formal" before putting them back and starting the process all over again until finally, he settled on an outfit.

Looking at himself in the mirror wearing black jeans, a white tee, and an open dark purple long-sleeve, Yuuichi couldn't help but flex, causing his muscular physique to peek through the clothes, making him feel a lot better about his outfit choice.

Yuuichi usually wasn't one to be picky or conscientious about his clothes, usually opting for comfort over fashion, but when the activity at hand was a date, even he put in some effort.

While Yuuichi was doing one final run-through of his look and his hygiene, someone knocked on his door.

"Nii-chan, can I come in?" asked Momo from outside his room.

"Come in." said Yuuichi.

Hearing her brother give her permission to enter, something she had learned to ask after accidentally barging into her mother and father wrestling on the bed, Momo entered the room.

"Can you help me train my qui-" said Momo but stopped seeing that Yuuichi looked to be going out somewhere.

"Sorry, Momo, I have something to do today." said Yuuichi.

"Where are you going? Can I go?" she asked with excitement, never one to give up an opportunity to go somewhere with her brother who tended to spoil her.

"Not this time, Momo. Your brother has a date."

"A date? With who? You don't have any friends that are girls. You only hang out with Kunio-nii and Oni-nii." she said, looking at Yuuichi suspiciously, thinking that he might be lying about the date.

"Haha, she's a childhood friend of mine. You never met her because she moved before you were born." said Yuuichi.

"How convenient."

"You think I'm lying to you to get out of training with you? Or do you think I'm lying to you because it's almost your birthday and you think I'm buying your present?"

"Are you?"

"Buying your present? No. I already bought it."

"Oh really." she said, a mischievous smile appearing on her face.

"Haha, it's not in the house, so don't bother looking for it." he said, rubbing her hair as he exited his room and went downstairs.

"Nii-chan! It takes me a while to do my hair." she said, fixing her hair as she followed him downstairs.

As they descended the stairs, Ren and Kiyomi entered the manor, arm in arm and acting like two teenagers in love.

"Ew, Mommy, and Daddy are kissing again." said Momo, covering her eyes while Ren and Kiyomi chuckled at her antics before noticing that Yuuichi was dressed up.

"Are you going somewhere?" asked Ren.

"Nii-chan is going on a date! With a girl!" said Momo, beating Yuuichi to the punch.

"Oh? With w-?" asked Ren before being cut off by his wife.

"Don't tell me you're cheating on Rumi. We didn't raise you that way." said Kiyomi who had always been secretly, and not so secretly, rooting for Yuuichi and Rumi to end up together.

"I can't cheat on Rumi if we aren't dating to begin with." said Yuuichi.

"Momo, who's he going on a date with?"

"A friend from before I was born. She moved away."



"Yes!" said Kiyomi, celebrating that her ship may come true, " But wait, I didn't know you two were back in touch. I thought you had made that little promise of yours?"

"I ran into her while in Osaka and let's just say some stuff happened and now we're going on a date." explained Yuuichi, a small smile appearing when thinking about that moonlit night.

"What kind of stuff? Don't tell me you-" said Ren before glancing at Momo and deciding to be more subtle, "You know?"

"Ren!" said Kiyomi, slapping her husband on the arm while Momo just looked confused, since even though she had walked in on her parents wrestling, they told her they were just exercising and she still knew nothing about the birds and the bees.

"Haha! No, not that. We kissed." said Yuuichi.

"Oh, okay then. Well, good luck with your date. Be respectful, open the door for her, pay for the date, and compliment her on her appearance." said Ren.

"Thanks, Dad. I'll see you guys later." said Yuuichi, opening the door to leave but was stopped by Ren who leaned in to whisper.

"And wear protection if you're going to do it. Your Mom and I are still too young to have grandchildren." he said, winking at his son before patting him on the back and ushering him out.


After a train ride to Osaka, where Yuuichi and Rumi had decided to have their date since it was the best choice of a city that was nearly equidistant from Shizuoka and Hiroshima, Yuuichi waited outside the train station. And after a few minutes of waiting, he saw the woman of the hour approaching him.

Rumi, much like Yuuichi, had settled on more casual clothes which consisted of a white long-sleeve tee, blue jeans with a belt, and white ankle-high boots.

"You look good." said Yuuichi.

"Hehe, thanks. You don't look too shabby either. Not as good as me, but still, not bad." she said, clearly teasing him.

"Well, I couldn't go all out either. Too many people would stare." he said, causing her to snort laugh.

"That's new."

"Bring it up again and I'll punch you." she said, embarrassed at her snorting.

"Wow, I'm surprised you can even get embarrassed." said Yuuichi to which Rumi responded with a punch that Yuuichi dodged.

"Haha, alright, let's go." said Yuuichi as the two of them started walking.

"What are we doing today?" asked Rumi.

"A little bit of this, a little bit of that."


"You're not worried I don't have a plan and am just winging it as I go?"

"If you don't have a plan, I'll just kick your ass, and I think you know that." she said with a smile as she grabbed his hand and interlocked it with hers.


While Yuuichi was not a man who was well versed in romance, in his first or current life, he did enough research to come up with a solid date idea. In addition to research, he also asked Kunio, who by the way was very happy to hear that his two childhood friends had kissed and were going on a date, and Kentaro for ideas, not that they were much help since neither of them had been on a date either.

So the date that Yuuichi had come up with was food, fun, and window-shopping. He would take Rumi to a tasty restaurant that he had found after looking online, then they would go to the arcade and have some fun, and then they would just walk around and do whatever interested them.

And it turned out well.

Rumi enjoyed the food and had a lot of fun at the arcade, where she spent a lot of time and money trying to get a limited-edition Usagi Chan stuffed doll, which had been bought out by the Yaoyorozu Conglomerate and turned into somewhat of a mascot at the behest of Yuuichi.

After finally getting the Usagi Chan doll, the two of them just walked around the shopping center and would enter whatever store they were interested in. It only amounted to entering a few stores since neither of them was much too interested in shopping, but they still had fun before they went to a nearby park.

"Thank you." said Yuuichi to the worker as he grabbed the two ice creams and walked over to the bench where Rumi was waiting.

"Here, chocolate and vanilla, just like you like it." said Yuuichi handing her the ice cream while sitting down next to her.

"Yum." she said as she started to eat the ice cream.

"Careful, it might drip on th-" said Yuuichi, unable to finish his sentence before his warning came true and the ice cream dripped onto the stuffed rabbit on Rumi's lap.

"Crap." said Rumi, getting a napkin and trying to clean up the ice cream before it could stain the Usagi Chan Doll.

"It's vanilla, even if it stains it should be fine. They're both white." said Yuuichi.

"Not the point. I don't want it dirty at all." she said, as she finished cleaning the stuffed doll and saw that there was still a tiny stain.

"Damn it."

"It might come off with a wash."

"Sigh, I hope so." she said, caressing the doll.

"So, on a scale of 1 to 10, what do you rate this date?" asked Yuuichi as he ate his matcha ice cream, preferring a not-so-sweet flavor since he eats candy almost all the time.


"Not a 10?"

"Nope." she said eating her ice cream with a smile.


"If you can guess why, I'll bump up the rating to a 9." she said, causing Yuuichi to fall into thought, racking his brain for why the date wasn't a 10 before coming to a very simple conclusion.

"Hahahaha!" laughed Yuuichi, "That's not something I can control."

"Not my fault. And you could have asked for an assignment."

"Fine, fine. On our next date, we'll fight some Villains." said Yuuichi, shaking his head in amusement.

"That better be a promise." she said.

"Well, I'll try my best." said Yuuichi before noticing that Rumi's rabbit ears began to twitch and a smile that only appeared when she was about to fight showed up.

"What directi-" said Yuuichi but before he could finish, an explosion in the distance answered for him.

"Let's go!" said Rumi, bolting in the direction of the explosion while Yuuichi constructed a Solar Nimbus and followed right behind her.

A short distance later and the two of them saw that the explosion came from a bank robbery in progress. The thieves were four people, a man with goop coming out of his nose, a man with a lot of body hair, a man with a long mustache, and a woman with long eyelashes.

The four thieves were inside the bank putting all the contents of the vault inside burlap sacks while the civilians around them ran away.

"Yo-" said Yuuichi, about to tell Rumi to go for two while when went for the other two.

"I got this!" she said, bolting straight into the bank, intent on taking down all four of them herself.

"Incoming!" said the man with goop coming out of his nose as soon as he saw Rumi enter the bank.

"Stop her! We're almost done!" said the man with body hair.

"Come on!" said Rumi, jumping off the floor before using the ceiling to bounce off toward the snot man with an outstretched foot aimed at his face.

But before the kick could land, the snot man blew his nose and created a bubble of snot which Rumi sunk into before being shot back out, popping the snot bubble as a result and surprising the snot man.

"Hurry! She's strong! I won't last long!" said the snot man as he blew his nose and got the goop into his hands before throwing it at Rumi who easily dodged it.

"Almost done!" said the woman with long eyelashes.

"Finally, some fun!" said Rumi, cracking her neck.

One second Rumi was standing there cracking her neck and the next she had her foot in the snot man's face, kicking him hard enough to lodge him into the wall.

"Who's next?" she said looking at the three thieves.

"Me." said the man with body hair as he handed the burlap sacks to his other two accomplices.

"Gross." said Rumi, rushing the man with body hair and kicking him right in the chest.

But instead of the scene of him being sent flying, he took the hit to his chest with little difficulty.

"Hmph, my hair is like titanium, little girl." said the man, grabbing Rumi's leg before swinging her up and bringing her down into the ground.

Before she could be slammed into the ground, however, Rumi twisted her body using her locked foot as a pivot and put all her strength into her free leg, kicking the man right in the head, and knocking him out.

"Good to know." she said about to start fighting the other two thieves until she saw that they were surrendering.

"We give up." said the two, hands up in the air and shaking in trepidation.

"You sure you two don't want to try to lull me into a false sense of security before attacking me?" she asked.

"No!" they said, adamantly shaking their heads in denial.

"Aw man." she said, disappointed.

"Nice job." said Yuuichi, entering the bank after having seen that Rumi was done.

"Thanks. It was fun but too bad it was too short."

"So, what's your rating now?"

"10." she said, a big smile on her face.