Chapter 8. She's Beautiful But Stupid

Katherine's POV

It was on a Tuesday morning, the whole school had to gather in the hall for a talk about ongoing midterm test and the sport competition which was taking place tomorrow. We're having our final subjects test today, Mathematics and Economics. Students trotted out of the hall as soon as Mr Joel finished addressing us. Assembly didn't take place outside but in the hall cause it was drizzling.

"I'm feeling cold" Temi said as we moved out of the hall. She didn't have a sweater on like me and Elena. I already knew the rain was going to fall so I came with my school sweater tied around my neck.

"Even with your jacket you're still feeling cold" Elena said

"Don't mind me. But you know I don't Like cold weather. I hate this type of weather" Temi grumbled

"So you like heat?" I asked

"Not really just normal temperature works fine with my body" Temi replied

"This one cannot live in America" Elena laughed

"Thank you o Miss America" Temi mocked jokingly. And we laughed again.

Then we heard someone calling Temi's name. We stopped and turned towards the direction of the voice. It was Jones. He had a sweater in his hands as he raced towards us. I heard Temi mumble a thankful note before he got to us.

"Hey babe" he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead

Babe?! And the kiss?! Are they dating?!

"I just felt you might need this.." He gave her the sweater

"Oh thanks! I didn't come with mine!" She collected it with a bright smile on her lips.

Elena cleared her throat.

"I go love o" she sang loudly

"Come on Elena" Jones hit her upper arm gently

"I'll go ahead now" he said and raced off

Then we resumed walking to our lockers.

"Is he your boyfriend?" I questioned

Oh my gosh! Why did I spill that out?!

Elena and Temi exchanged glances.

"Yes.. Jones is my boyfriend" Temi said

"Wow! So virtually everyone is in relationship in this school!" I said

"No" Elena muttered

She sounded sad.. Kind of.

I looked at her. She wasn't in a relationship.. Like me!

"Oh so.. you are not.. Dating anyone?" I asked to confirm

She sighed loudly

"Well no one want to date a plus size girl" Elena said as she fiddled with her fingers.

Temi rolled her eyes and placed her hand around Elena's shoulder. Temi was a short girl too but a bit taller than Elena.

"Don't feel bad about Your size" Temi said

"With this wide mouth, bowed legs and plump chest?" Elena pin pointed

"It doesn't matter" Temi encouraged her

I listened and thought of what to say to Elena to make her happy. I think Elena was having problem accepting her appearance. She wasn't that bad herself. I mean she's still cool, her face is beautiful if not too pretty and Elena is one of the nicest girl I've encountered. Elena only needs to learn to accept her body features.

"I'm so silly looking.. Just take a look at you girls. You're beautiful and kate is the prettiest girl in the school now, not even in senior Class but the whole school"

I rasied my eyebrows

"Who told you I'm the prettiest in the whole school?"

I asked with a confused look

"Everyone knows you're the prettiest girl in our school" Temi replied

"Have you forgotten Angella Benson?" I asked

Yeah! I was told Angella was the Queen of Beauty!

"Just for senior class..but you? The whole school"

Temi said.

I wanted it to end so I said

"You know what Elena?"


"I agree with Temi, it doesn't matter how you look outwardly. And my mom used to say, as a girl your inner beauty speaks. And also you are nice and kind, I think that's the type of woman any man need in his life. So just forget about the features and focus in your inner beauty"

Temi nodded in agreement

"You are only saying this to make me happy" Temi said

I rolled my eyes

"Can't you see Angella? She's beautiful but stupid, rude, mean and bad. It doesn't make any sense" Temi added

"And about not been in a relationship yet..You don't have to feel left out. Take a look at me, I don't have a boyfriend too" I said


They both stopped on track

" Don't have a boyfriend?!" Temi asked with a wide eye

"Are you serious?!" Elena said.

I rolled my eyes again

"Is that a requirement to getting some certain things in this world?" I asked

And slowly we continued walking again

"No.. No.. It's not -" Temi replied

"But.. why? I mean you're beautiful and boys are dying to be with you" Elena said

Yeah! She was right! And I'm sick and tired of getting to my locker every morning only to find love notes attached on it and roses. I don't acknowledge them!

"I don't want to go into any relationship yet. I'm bent on passing my WAEC. That's the main purpose on mind"

"Same here" Elena said

"Me too" Temi said with a nod

"So can you see we are in the same league?" we both laughed

"Yeah League Of Single Girls!" Elena said with a smile now.

We were almost at our lockers. Well luckily for me Temi and Elena's lockers were close to mine.

"No.. No.. I don't agree o" Temi countered

"Ah! Why?! You're jealous abi?" Elena joked with her

"You're different even though you are both single" Temi replied


"How?" I asked

"Elena is single but in love and you're single.. Except if you're in love too"

I looked at Elena.

I'm not in love with anyone. I said to myself.

"You're in love?" I asked as she opened her locker.


"Yes! Say the truth!" Temi said

"Bad belle" Elena muttered

"She's in love with -" Elena covered Temi's mouth quickly

"You're too garrulous" she said

Temi struggled to free herself

"You don't want me to know right?"

Elena looked at me and Temi stopped fighting.

"Ahmm.. I think.. Someone left.. You.. A note again" she pointed to my locker. My gaze fell on it and a pink note was there.

And it reads: "My heartbeat for you everytime"

I looked back at the girls. These boys never get tired of writing silly love notes! Elena avoided my gaze as she picked something from her locker.

She was in love with someone?

I thought.

I tried to think again cause I felt something was missing. I knew I had once seen that look of love in her eyes.

"Will you be at the court tomorrow?" Temi asked

I looked at her

"I'm -" I paused

Suddenly it struck me!

The basketball? The players?

I opened my locker and picked my note. I closed it and looked at Elena. I recalled the whole drama at the court and I found my answers.

She was in love with Joseph James!

I reopened my locker to pick a pencil

"Unrequited Love" I said loudly

And I closed the locker with a slam. Elena loves Joseph but he was dating Angella. She must have fallen in love with him even before he started dating Angella cause she told me they grew up together.

"What.. do you mean.. by unrequited love?" Elena stuttered

We started walking to class

"You love -" I stopped to think

If Elena doesn't want me to know then its fine to pretend or act as if I don't know she has feelings for Joseph.

"It means when you love someone who is also in love with another person. An unanswered love.. That's unrequited love" I said

They were silent. No one said anything until we got to class. Mr Danny came in seconds after we settled down.


Angella's POV

I said down with my girls in the school cafeteria. I balled my fist as I watched Kate at the far end of the room. She sat with Temi and Elena but soon Jamal, Lawal and Cullen joined their table.

"Bitch.. " I whispered

"No.. I think she's amazing" Caroline said with a bright smile. I glare at her and she turned serious.

"Sorry" she apologized

"She's really getting on my nerves these days" I gritted

"But.. But she didn't do anything" Caroline Said

Elizabeth looked up from her food

"I hate her" I folded the tissues on the table angrily. Laughter erupted from their table. Kate threw her head back in a funny way.

"Wow! I like her smile" Caroline complimented

"Shut up!" I silenced her

"Sorry" she apologized

And readjusted her eyeglasses.

"What's so special about her smile?" I asked looking straight at her.

"Oops! What's he doing there?" Elizabeth said

I glanced at their table Joseph was there with his stupid bestfriend Emeka. I don't like that boy! And many times I've tried to tell Joseph to stay away from him. He was a bad influence to Joseph. Always suggesting parties at his home, inviting girls from other schools to party with him. He has never suggested reading weekends. That fool almost caused Joseph to break up with me. He hooked up Joseph with another girl at his party though they never knew I was going to show up because I'd said I wasn't interested in partying at Emeka's place. It was a lie. I just wanted to know if Joseph was indeed Faithful like he claimed.

That day, Gosh! I met him talking to one Ss1 girl that just joined our school back then. She was beautiful and she was the main talk of the school. I knew Joseph had his eyes on her but he denied it. I never cared to know what they were discussing, somehow I ruined the party and fought with the girl. Even Joseph couldn't defend her. He tried to explain but I didn't listen to him. My revenge on that girl didn't end at the party cause she was stubborn. She threatened to take him away and right there In front of me she kissed him and asked Joseph to give her a call anytime he was ready to see her again.

A mere junior student! I was so angry at Joseph for returning the kiss. And i knew he'd done it intentionally to make me Jealous. He yelled at me and called me names. He defended Adesewa right in front of everyone (Students from other schools). I was so embarrassed! So I ended up slapping Joseph that day. He was stunned and he broke up that very day. I promised to make Adesewa pay for ruining my relationship. So with my girls, I locked her up in the boys toilet. You know being the most popular girl I have boys wrapped around my fingers. So they worked with to ruin Adesewa's reputation around the school. She was accused of spying on the boys dicks. A girl in a boys toilet was considered an offense and same for the the boys too. Ever since, Adesewa never dared to look at me. I laughed.

She became the most gentle girl at school after some teachers brought her back to school. Only few of us knew the truth about the incident and she never dared to tell Principal Joel the truth because Adesewa knew it would cause her more trouble. Joseph and I avoided each other for weeks until I couldn't take it anymore. I begged him for days until he accepted mg apologies. I even feigned sickness for two days before he reconsidered me. And I promised to never slap him again and be a good girlfriend.

Now there's Katherine Adebowale trying to be better than me. And Joseph had his eyes on her too. I can't sit back and watch her steal him away from him.

What in hell was he doing at their table?

Can he see that am here?

I clenched my fists when his hand went around Elena's shoulder. Lawal the headboy went to him and removed his hands. I knew Lawal was in love with Elena but that Pumpkin can't tell his feelings towards her. And that's because she was in love with Joseph but she was hiding her feelings to protect their friendship. Good for her! She better find her type and keep her feelings under her skirt.

"Oh boy! Wetin na! Look Angella dey that side! Go and meet her!" Lawal said loudly

"Where she dey?" Joseph asked.

Lawal pointed.

He stood up to find me in the room. Our gaze met and his expression changed.

"Ehn! Go and meet your Queen o before she'll come and bundle you" Temi said mockingly.

And they all laughed except Katherine.

Joseph started towards my table.

"Hi babe" He leaned over to kiss my forehead but I stopped him.

He shot me a confused look

"What's wrong?" He asked before looking at my girls

"Why didn't you find me before going to their table?"


"You heard me Joseph"

I stood up, And we stood face to chest

"You wanted to see her right?" I pointed to Kate

He placed his hands on his waist

"Tell me you feel something for her don't you?"

"Ella.. "

"You've changed" I pointed to him

"Joseph don't make me do what you won't like" I tapped his chest before walking away.

My girls followed me. I already warned him. If he listens good for him and if he doesnt.. Well someone has to pay for his disobedience. And in case you don't know me, this is a hint about me. Angella never runs out of plans.