Chapter 10. Joseph The Planner

Joseph's POV

"Winner o, Winner

Empire you don win again o

Winner, you will always win forever!"

Empire High School Students sang loudly in the basketball Hall! We won against Kingsley Academy! Even though they were first to hit the net. Kingsley players were skilled but they lack operation. One of their player was determine to take all the glory but he ended up disgracing his team.

Jones,Job and I scored and brought glory to Empire. We took back our cup as the host.

My eyes searched the hall again as my team carried me high up in the air. They'd done the same with Jones and Job. Now it was my turn, other students rushed to the court to lift me. Song of Victory echoed in the room. I saw Elena and Temi before the game started but Kate wasn't with them.

Where did she go?

My plans to impress her was ruined. She didn't watch me play today. And I wasn't happy.

And where in hell was Emeka?

I didn't see him even before the game started. Emeka would have visited the locker room to wish me goodluck before the game. Even if it was just practice. Emeka wasn't in the team but he was always there to cheer me up in every game. I noticed he was acting differently too. Emeka didn't reply my greeting when we met in the hallway this morning. Perhaps is Emeka with Kate right now?

I thought

Fury crashed over me as I pictured Emeka talking to Kate. He said he was going to make his move on her. That made me angrier so I told him to try another girl.

Why Kate?

I can't let him have her. I want Kate too and it doesn't matter if I'm in a relationship with Angella Benson. I'm planning on ending things with her anytime soon.

They dropped me.

"Joseph" Coach Femi called. Some students exited the hall after Coach Femi blew his whistle. I went to him. Kingsley Coach was with him.

"Yes Coach" I said

"Joseph, he wants to talk to you" Coach Femi Said

"I'm Mr Justin" Kingsley Coach Said

"Nice to meet you Sir" I shook hands with him.

"I'll leave you two to discuss. I need to get the students out of the hall"

"I love the way you and your team played in the game" He said

"Oh thank you Sir"

"You're good but I don't know if you want to choose a career in Basketball. I mean.. Do you want to be a basketball player?" I stared at him.

"I have been searching for a player like you. My students are not serious about Basketball"

"Ehmm Sir I haven't considered basketball playing as a career"

I just love basketball but I never dreamt of becoming a basketball player. I wanted to be an Engineer. The man leaned in closely.

"I can make you Famous internationally. I have some links that can help you" He said

My dad would ground me for life if I tell him I want to be a basketball player.

"You can start from the locals. Milo Basketball Competition is coming up soon" he said again

"Joseph I really want you to work on it. We can work together and build our own team" He whispered

I glanced around the room. It was empty. I couldn't find Mr Femi in the room. it was just Me and Mr Justin.

"You don't have to give me a Yes now. Go and think about it"

He gave me a card.

"Give me a call" He said

I nodded in response. And he made his way out of the room. I stared at the the card in my hand.

"Coach Justin Sporting"

Should I accept his offer and convince my dad?

My mom would be happy to see me play in Milo competition. I've always wanted to play in the competition. And many times they sent invitation to our school so we could play with other schools but dad never acknowledged the invitation. And I found the reason from my mom.

"They would definitely put their eyes on Joseph, you know he's good in basketball and so they would select him to play the higher levels. And I don't want him to chose basketball playing as a career" he had said to mom after i pressured her to question him. Mr femi wasn't happy when my dad announced that he was declining Milo invitation two years ago.

"Joseph" i heard Angella's voice. I looked up at her and made an attempt to hide the card.

"What are you hiding?" She asked

"Nothing.. Serious" I replied

She moved closer and stopped in front me. We stood face to chest.

"Can I see it?" She asked

I showed her the card.

"Is there a short story behind this card?"

"Kingsley Coach gave me. He wants me to consider a career in basketball" I explained to her.

She covered the inch between us and placed her hand on my chest.

"So do you want to do it?"

"Dad won't allow it. And I don't want to be a basketball player" I said sincerely

"You want to be an Engineer"

I hummed a response. She grabbed my hands and placed it on her waist.

"But you've always wanted to participate in the Milo Competition"


"This is your chance so why don't you just talk to your dad about it"

"I can't.."


"Babe, its pointless trying to convince him when I know his response will be NO" I answered

"So what are your plans?"

"I'll call Coach Justin and tell him No. But I can fix him up with Job"

"Job? Why Job?"

"He wants to be a basketball player. That's his dream and this is a chance to achieve those dream"

Job was a good player too. He just need intensive training and then he would be the best. And Job was ready to be a famous Basketball Player"

"Okay" she said

"So why are you here?"

"I'm pretty mad at you?" She said

"What is my offence?" I asked

"Yesterday at the Cafeteria?"

I closed my eyes

"We have an unsettled business" she said

"Babe, there's nothing going on between I and Kate"

"I don't want to see you with her. Joseph, you know I can't stand it whenever I see you with another girl"

"Yeah I know but what do you mean by don't make me do what you won't like?" He quoted

"I don't want what happened to Adesewa to repeat itself"

She said sternly.

My gaze fell on her lips. I wondered if Angella will treat Kate the same way she did to Adesewa. I can't let her hurt Katherine!

What do I do to assure Angella that I won't meet Kate even though its the other way round. I'll do it in a secretive way. She would never suspect anything.

"Joseph, promise me that you won't fall in love with Kate"

And I have no idea why my mind was so determined to get Kate.

"You don't trust me.. "

"I love you but you have to -"

My lips crashed on hers, cutting off her intended statement. I wasn't interested in making silly promises.

"I felt it, i knew I was in love with Kate now. Angella hands went round my neck to deepen the kiss.

Oh! No! We can't do that here!

Kissing at school - anyone could could walk in. I broke the kiss.

"We're in school" I said

I placed another Kiss on her forehead. I watched her tongue move over her lips seductively.

"Babe We're at school" I reminded her again

"You have any plans for this break?"

Well I planned to ask Kate to meet up so we could study together at the public library not far to our home. I wasn't Sure if she would accept it. A Yes! From Kate would put a huge smile on my face.

"Ah! Yes" Her smile faded

"Dad is insisting that he wants to teach me Maths this break" I lied

"So you're occupied for this break?"

"Yes Babe" Then she turned serious and folded her arms

"You've changed -"

"What do you mean?"

"This isn't the same Joseph I fell in with or the guy who confessed that he loves me and is willing to make out time to me. You know we used to go on a date during midterm breaks"

"Yes I know but its different now"


"We're in our final year Angella, we have to prepare for exams"

"Well you are right but we should Atleast have fun too. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"

"Okay. How about we meet up on Saturday?"

Her face brightened

"Good but am going to miss you My Love"

She hugged me

"Thursday, Friday.. Arggg! Two long days without seeing you seems like two years"

"I'll give you a call Babe"

"Okay let's go and get our report Cards" she Said

"I need to change back to my uniform"

"Will you drive me home? My car broke down yesterday"

I rolled my eyes

"How did you get to school today?"

"I took the taxi"

I can't drive her home. I need to talk to Kate. And I don't want Angella to see me with Kate.

"I'm sorry Babe"

She pulled away from me.

"I need to help dad clean his office before leaving school" I said

"Ahnnn! That's unfair" she pouted

"I'm Sorry" I kissed her quickly

"Okay" she held my hand.

Our hands locked and we made our way out of the room.

"Send me a text when you get home so we can chat" she said

"Sure.. "

"I'll go home with Lizzy and Caro" she said


Angella walked to class while i entered the locker room to change.