watching mom

Yuri left the throne room, he couldn't help so he didn't want to disturb

Geovana looking at her son's back made up her mind

"Shandow, send a message to Gustaf, I want to see him here" Geovana

A shadow came out from behind her

"Yes majesty" shadow


Shortly thereafter, a fat man with a mustache entered the royal hall.

Gustaf a noble merchant from the kingdom of Polaris

"Majesty" Gustaf did not kneel he was staring at Geovana's legs

Geovana contained her disgust

"Gustaf, the deal I accept, if the kingdom of Polaris sends troops to suppress North Cecilia, my kingdom is willing to be loyal to polaris" Geovana

Gustaf smiled

"Unfortunately your majesty, this agreement is no longer valid, North Cecilia has already acquired 60% of the border fortresses, they are preparing the logistics of a new great invasion, I believe that your kingdom will not survive the winter" Gustaf

Geovana got angry, her white fingers tightened on the throne

"70%, this is the amount we are willing to pay in taxes to Polaris as a subordinate kingdom" Geovana

"70%? sounds good, but you know my family has a lot of decision-making power, if I say good things it can facilitate the agreement" Gustaf

"how much gold do you want!" Geovana

"Gold? with all due respect majesty, but I'm richer than your whole kingdom hahahahah" Gusta

'So what' Geovana

"You, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, have sex with me and I'll guarantee that deal" Gustaf

Geovana got hate, her aura overflowed

"Don't be angry, what's the use? Are you a widow anyway, or is the queen too noble to sacrifice her body for the kingdom?" Gustaf

Geovana calmed down

"Okay" Geovana

'Forgive me husband, wherever you are I do this for the kingdom and our son' Geovana

She got up, and lowered her dress

Her huge white breasts bulged out, her perfect pink nipples made Gustaf full of lust.

Gustaf walked over to her, his fat mouth soon started sucking on those tits


Yuri walked slowly, he was sad

*Ding..system detects that your mother is naked in front of another man, Ntr mom system active*

Yuri was startled by the notification

"system? my mother is naked what?" Yuri

*mission received, go spy on your mother in the throne room, reward = Aura unlocked +Haki from advanced weaponry*

Yuri didn't understand, but seeing the rewards, he ran away


Geovana was naked on her knees on the floor, Gustaf started pulling down his pants

Geovana soon saw a big fat dick close to her face

"It's big isn't it?" Gustaf smiled

Geovana watched, though with disgust she couldn't deny it.

"Don't want to talk? It's okay, then open your mouth" Gustafl

Geovana opened her mouth and soon Gustaf put his dick in her

At that moment, Yuri finally hung out of one of the windows and saw

He looked at his nude and felt a strong erection, the old Yuri's feelings merged with his when he came to this world so he loves Geovana like me

however seeing her naked today, Yuri felt a huge lust

"Suck Bitch" Gustaf

Geovana had tears in her eyes, but she started sucking

Yuri watched this, with hate and lust

*Ding, mission done, get the rewards*

Yuri suddenly felt a force, without control he ended up breaking the glass and falling into the throne room

"Ahhh" Yuri Geovana and Gustaf got scared

"My son" Geovana got up and ran to him

Yuri wasn't hurt, his skin was black, his haki was activated

Yuri felt that he had become a beginner's iron warrior

"Damn, prince of shit because it interferes..... that, you have an erection? yes hahahaha" Gustaf

he saw Yuri's pants up, his erection was obvious

Geovana is not a fool and had understood everything, but she still felt hate when her son was laughed at.

"Stop laughing damn" her aura overflowed

"You bitch did you forget our deal? either suck my dick now or I'll leave and your country is destroyed' Gustaf

Yuri wanted to get up and punch this fat guy when his system kicked in.

*Mission received, sit back and watch your mom suck Gustaf, reward= you and your mom get special Tier SS physique*