The death of an arrogant genius

'Raina, if Chen Fan is seriously injured and I kill him. Will I earn the quest reward?'

'Yeah. As long as you are the one who kills him, it doesn't matter if he was previously injured' Raina already knew what Vlad had in mind.

"Viktoria, I accept that it was my fault to end our relationship because I fell in love with another woman, but that does not give you the liberty to sell the weapons that I lend you."

This man didn't just want to steal Viktoria's weapons. He also wanted to tarnish her reputation.

'Chen Fan, I did not look for you, but you came to me. I wanted to kill you with my own hands, but since you speak ill of my woman. I cannot allow you to continue living,' Vlad thought.

The redhead sent a voice transmission.

'Fazio attacks Chen Fan's soul, don't kill him. I will give him the final blow. He suppresses the men behind him. I'm sure they will try to save him.

'Yes, Master.'

Suddenly, Chen Fan felt so much pain that he was about to lose consciousness. His soul began to crack, and blood came from all his orifices. Fazio not only attacked his soul but his internal organs were also damaged. The difference in their cultivations was too great.

Everything happened very fast, and nobody noticed the attack.

Chen Fan wanted to shout for help, but his soul and body were injured. It was at that moment that he knew these people were too powerful. They didn't care that he was the emperor's son-in-law. Possibly, no one will be able to avenge his death. At that moment, there was no space for regret.

Vlad slowly walked towards him and, with a clean cut, decapitated him. A powerful golden fire flew out of his hand, completely burning his corpse and wounded soul.

Just as Vlad predicted, the guardians tried to save Chen Fan. But they were suppressed by immense pressure.

They all spat blood and looked in horror at the old man in front of them. They had never felt such terrifying pressure.

The Guardians fell to their knees and begged.

"Please, senior, we were wrong."

"Elder. Chen Fan deceived the emperor. He said that those weapons were his."

"Yes, senior, thank you for doing justice."

Vlad chuckled internally.

"You have interrupted the auction and must pay the price." The old man (Vlad) answered.

"Senior, I am willing to put down my storage ring."

All the guardians nodded and handed their storage ring to Viktoria.

Vlad smiled and said. "These rings are a part of the compensation, leave one of your arms and then get out."

The hooded ones hesitated. No one was willing to lose an arm. Their strength would drop a lot if this happened. However, Vlad didn't give them many options.

"Your arm or life, decide, or I will decide for you."


Inside a luxuriously decorated room.

A man lay on the bed while a woman slept in his arms.

Suddenly his communication talisman flashed.

"Patriarch, come quickly to Mrs. Viktoria's shop. Something big has happened."

Qin Jun had a bad feeling.

"Take it easy. Tell me what happened?".

"Chen Fan arrived at the auction and attempted to snatch the Grade 5 Heavenly Weapons. After a brief discussion, Madam Viktoria's guardian killed him."

"What? Did he dare to kill him?

'That means that the force that supports Viktoria does not fear the emperor. Where do these people come from?'


"Chen Fan is such an idiot to provoke someone in his own house," Qin Jun spat.

"He didn't come alone. Ten empire guardians accompanied him. But they were all suppressed by the old man."

"10 guardians of the empire. Are you sure? Those are cultivators at the Celestial King realm," Qin Jun asked in disbelief.

The supreme elder's voice trembled as he told the patriarch everything that had happened just moments ago.

After speaking with the supreme elder, Qin Jun got out of bed. His heart was restless, but he did his best to calm down. A few minutes later, he walked towards the store.

'Things are about to change in the Thousand Swords empire. I should approach Viktoria and give her my support.'

Inside the auction room.

"Time is up," said the old man Huang Feng (Vlad).

The guardians cut off one of his arms while their hearts were bleeding. The word regret was not enough to describe everything they felt.

Vlad nodded, satisfied.

"Get out. You have one day for Emperor Aurek to send compensation for the trouble you caused today. Let me warn you. Some funny idea will only lead to destruction."

(Note: Vlad asked for a second compensation. Not writer's error)

The men left the room with their heads down, they were supposed to snatch two grade 5 heavenly weapons today, but instead, they found an enemy they should not provoke. Furthermore, they lost the treasures they had accumulated over the years. All his wealth was lost in seconds.

The murmur of all the people who attended the auction could be heard.

"Despite killing Chen Fan and cutting off the guardians' arms, he wants the emperor to make it up to him. I had never met such an authoritative person."

"If you have the strength, wouldn't you be just like him?"

"New forces arise every day while others come to an end.

Suppressing 10 Celestial King realm cultivators simultaneously is somewhat difficult, even for a Heavenly Emperor."

The people were making hasty guesses.


Thousand Swords Palace, the throne room.

A beautiful young woman was crying uncontrollably.

*bawww* *waah*

"Father, what happened to Chen Fan? *waa…* "Father, his life jade is broken."

This woman was the princess of the empire, Reila Relish, the wife of Chen Fan.

"The people I sent with him are alive. They're coming back, so we'll soon know what happened."

After a few minutes, the guardians returned. They came quickly thanks to the spatial formation in the Royal palace that connects to all the main cities of the empire.

One of the guards spoke.

"I'm so sorry, princess. We were unable to protect young Chan Fan."

"Where is his body?" asked the emperor.

"Viktoria's protector decapitated him and then burned his corpse. Not even his soul survived," said one of the elders.

"Nooo… what happened? Damn, useless. You are empire-bred dogs, we spend so many resources on you, and you can't protect someone in a low-level city. Waaaaahhh," Reila strongly scolded the guardians.

They could only lower their heads and endure the rebuke.

"HOW DARE THEY!! Aurek's fury spiraled out of control, and the entire palace trembled.

"Emperor, calm down. They are too strong. They are stronger than you. Only one of his men made a move, and it was enough to suppress us all. Also, I think that person was hiding his strength."

"Am I supposed to stay calm after this humiliation? NO ONE WILL RESPECT THE ROYAL FAMILY." Aurek roared in a fury.

One of the guards knelt and said.

"Emperor, they asked us to pay compensation, or we will be annihilated."

"Perhaps they believe that we have no one."

Aurek took out his communication talisman and sent a message.

"Ancestor. I'm Aurek. Can I meet you?"

"It is urgent?" a hoarse voice answered.

"Yes, ancestor."

"Come to my palace."

The ancestor Aurelius Relish was the strongest person in the royal family. He was an old monster who lived tens of thousands of years, and his lifespan was coming to an end. That's why he remained in seclusion. No one could bother him unless the empire were in danger.

Ever since Aurelius became a Celestial Emperor, the royal family never had another cultivator in that realm again.

Aurek had been stuck at the peak Celestial King realm for 2,000 years, and there was no chance for him to break through unless he experienced a chance encounter.

Aurek disappeared from the room. When he returned, he appeared outside a small, gloomy-looking palace.

The same voice came from inside.


Aurek entered the palace, knelt, and said.

"Ancestor, what happened is that Chen Fan…." Aurek explained everything that happened without skipping any details. Besides, he did not dare lie to the Royal family's ancestors.

"You provoked someone so powerful just because of your ambition. Grade 5 Heavenly Weapons? Do we need it? What a good ruler you are, Aurek".

The emperor trembled. "Ancestor, I'm sorry. Please punish me."


Aurek was a ruthless man who always achieved what he set his mind to, regardless of the means. Despite that, his body did not stop trembling under the old ancestor's pressure.

"Prepare the compensation. I want the fifth princess to accompany me."

"Ancestor you…"

"BE QUIET. I will go and test the strength of these people. If they are weaker than me, I will kill them mercilessly. If they are stronger, it is better to reconcile with them."

"Ancestor, one of them was able to subdue 10 Heavenly Kings. I know you can do it too, but according to the guardians, that guy still didn't show his true strength." Aurek sweated rivers as he spoke.

"Maybe they used a formation to increase their strength. There are many possibilities. I have to see them with my own eyes," answered Aurelius.

"The ancestor is wise."

"I don't need your flattery. The compensation will come out of your storage ring. I don't want you to touch the empire's treasury." Aurelius snorted.

Of course, this annoyed Aurek greatly, but he didn't dare contradict his ancestor.


Vlad's subordinates:

Leah, Sarah, Fazio, and Dax >>> Celestial Sovereign Realm.

Magda and Olvia >>> Celestial King Realm.


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I know this may not be your favorite story, but please don't stop supporting me with your power stones. Thank you!!