After listening to Jack, Mai curled up next to him, while rubbing her head against Jack's chest. Seeing her like that, Jack laughed and stroked her head. Miyuki who saw this sighed and spoke.

"So, what are you going to be with Ai," asked Miyuki with eyes closed.

"Well, I told her to think if she wants to be with me and she said yes, she was going to talk to Akio and she was going to talk to him and try to end it with him in a good way," said Jack with a smile.

"Heh, in a good way I don't think it will be in a good way when he finds out it was you, you already stole Mai now Ai, wait, Mai, Ai, kind of sounds half the same," said Nao who put a finger to her chin in thought.

"Well, I don't think he'll find out it was me; Ai didn't tell him that she was dating someone, she probably thought he didn't care or didn't want to disturb his work, and the similar names thing I thought so too, it sounds almost the same" (Jack).

Miyuki who was listening was also thinking and speaking.

"Don't tell me..." said Miyuki looking at Jack.

"I thought about that too, I think it could be that," said Jack nodding towards Miyuki.

Mio who was next to him got doubted what they were talking about and asked.

"Hey what's up," asked Mio with a doubtful face.

"Well, what's up is that Mai and Ai sound almost the same and maybe he married Ai because he had something just like Mai," said Nao who was next to him.

Mai and Mio who listening were surprised and opened their eyes and said.

"It can't be," said Mio covering her mouth with her hands.

"That scum wouldn't do that no, poor girl," said Mai angrily.

"Ya ya, that's an assumption, it might not be true," said Jack patting both girls' heads.

"Hmph, if you find out it's true you tell me and I'll look for him myself to teach him a lesson," said Mai with anger flashing in her eyes.

"Hahaha, don't be mad," said Jack pinching her cheeks.

"Mooo~," said Mai who saw that her husband didn't take her seriously.

Time passed and Jack had lunch with them, in the afternoon he had to compensate since yesterday he didn't stay for the night and the girls wanted his meat and he had to sacrifice himself, after finishing they took a bath and went to watch an anime that was on the air.

It was 8 p.m, Jack and the girls were listening to the anime ending and suddenly Jack's cell phone rang it was Ai, Jack seeing it apologized to the girls, who were on top of him, and answered.

"Hi Ai all good" (Jack).

"Jack~ I already talked to Akio he came home today and we had an argument when I said I wanted to break up with him and not keep arguing I left the house and now I'm going to a hotel to stay until tomorrow," said Ai who by her voice you could tell she was tired.

"Hey, don't go to a hotel, I'll look for you and you spend the night here" (Jack).

"No need Jack I don't want to be a bother," said Ai but deep down she was happy that he cared about her.

"No bother at all, send me the location and I'll pick you up," said Jack as he walked towards the exit to put on his slipper.

"Are you sure Jack? I don't want to inconvenience your wives," said Ai in fear that Jack's wives would reject her.

"Ai pass me the location," said Jack in a serious tone that would not accept denial.

Ai hearing Jack's voice knew she had to do it and spoke.

"Ok, now I'll cut and send you the location," said Ai a little reluctantly, but deep down she felt warm for Jack's treatment.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit" (Jack).

"mm~ see you" Ai said, cut the call, and sent the location to Jack.

"Girls I'm going to go out and look for Ai and she's going to stay here until tomorrow," said Jack who was about to leave.

The girls who were listening to Jack's conversation with Ai gave a thumbs-up.

"Well, be careful" (Miyuki).

"Go get her champ," said Mio with a sign of motivation, Jack looked at her and laughed.

"Come back soon" (Nao)

"Go, but be careful" (Mai).

Jack looked at his wives, smiled waved his hand, and said.

"Well, I'm going, I'll be back soon" (Jack).

Jack had arrived at the location that Ai had sent him and it was at a bus stop. Ai was sitting with a small suitcase, she saw the car in front of her and recognized that it was Jack, so she smiled and came closer, Jack got out of the car and went in front of Ai and hugged her and kissed her, Ai who saw what Jack wanted to do didn't resist and responded to his kiss.

After 1 min of hugging they separated, Jack grabbed the suitcase and put it in the trunk. Then they both got into the car and Jack asked Ai.

"Tell me he didn't do anything to you did he?" asked Jack with a serious face.

"No, no, he didn't do anything to me he just couldn't believe I wanted to break up with him," said Ai who could tell she was tired by her heavy voice.

"I see, so did you tell him about us or not yet" (Jack).

"I still didn't tell him, when I tried to tell him he started yelling and I couldn't, then as I saw that he didn't calm down, I already had the suitcase ready and just left, he tried to stop me, but I told him we would talk when he was calmer," said Ai sighing.

"Don't tell him anything and if he wants to talk to you let him come and do it, don't look for him. Besides, the way he reacted he thinks that he has nothing to do with it, that you are the problem" said Jack, but inside he felt like humiliating Akio, Jack had a slight feeling that he was going to meet Akio in the future.

Ai who heard Jack's words, at first didn't agree and wanted to say things right, but then she thought it was true, Akio didn't have any thoughts that he was also the problem that their relationship ended this way, then she sighed and said.

"It's okay, I won't look for it" Ai said smiling at Jack.

Jack who looked at her also smiled and started the car to go home.

[Here is chapter 16, I hope you like it].

[5 days to the world cup, I want it to start, I don't know who was the smart one who put several games tomorrow with 5 days to go, I want to shoot him xD].

[Thank you very much for reading]