Few minutes ago >>> present

Roxanne POV

I'm really confused about my feelings for Chris. I was walking down the stairs when I heard some men talking about Nana sleeping with them and bribing them just to enter the contest. I quickly started recording their conversation. After few minutes, they changed their topic of discussion and I left to the camera room. I was so desperate to disgrace and find out about how she could get in the contest. I greeted the man politely and asked if I could check the footage of the camera that I lost something and I can't recollect where exactly I lost it. He agreed and I checked the footage then I found the footage of her sleeping with the host in his office, how she bribed the people-in-charge and how she seduced Chris. Before the man came back I quickly copied the footage into my flashdrive and left.

I left to my room and took my laptop to watch it again then I decided to go and meet Bella. Instead I slapped Nana and we exchanged words. I was very angry because she called me a bitch.

"I guess you weren't careful. The cameras were active" and I took out my flashdrive and connected it to my laptop to show everyone the video but the teachers already came so I kept it.

I knew I was in trouble for disgracing Nana so I could only be safe if I had evidence. I gave my laptop and flashdrive to my friend Bella. Nana and I were taken to the host office.

Mr Lane POV

I heard Nana and a girl are fighting at the hallway and the students were videoing. It's now a top search on the internet. How is this happening? I ordered security officers to bring the both of them.

"So what caused the problem?" I asked

"She called me a bitch" Nana said looking at him seductively.

"Really? Why would you use such a word Miss? I asked the girl. But she was still silent

"I'm sorry I can't accommodate such a foul language user in our contest. You are disqualified. Go and pack your stuffs and leave....with your partner" Nana smiled and the girl still didn't show any fear. She just walked out. I'm beginning to think she has a motive. I called the man in charge of the CCTV and asked him to send the footage of the fight.

Nana locked the door and walked seductively towards me.

"Oh my God. How can a little girl be this sexy and good?" I said feeling how blood rushed into my manhood.

She touched my lips slightly and said "I'm not a small girl." I smiled and she gave me a quick BJ and left.

Bella POV

I called James as soon as Roxie told me she was disqualified to come and pick her. I asked her what did she want to show everyone at the hallway.

"You'll get to know when the contest is cancelled. I hope James is almost here." She said as she finished packing her stuffs "I guess you are up to something" I said carrying stuffs outside to meet James.

"You know we can still beg this man" I said as James packed our stuffs into the car boot.

"Hell no" Roxie said.

James POV

"What really happened?" I asked them after I helped them with their bags into Roxie's room.

"She got into a fight with Nana and we got disqualified" Bella explained

"Really! But why will you fight with her, Roxie?" I asked her.

"She is a flirt that's all" she said laying on the bed.

"A flirt??" Bella and I shouted in unison.

"Yeah" she said

"Why did you call her that? Did she flirt your boyfriend or your friend?" Bella asked Roxanne

"You shouldn't worry about that" Roxie said.

We drove Roxie's house silently

"Okay girls. We are home and Bella lets talk" I said

Roxanne got off the car and went to the boot to take their bags and I was left with Bella in the car.

"What is wrong exactly?" She asked after my third sigh.

"Baby I'm going to travel out of the country tomorrow" I said looking straight into her eyes to see her expression. She was damn shocked.

"What do you mean you are traveling out of the country tomorrow?" She said with teary eyes

"Baby I'm sorry I just got a message from my dad saying I must come and take over his company" I said feeling sad.

"It's fine. You can go" Bella said and got down the car immediately. I got down immediately to catch up with her. I held her hand as she was about to open the door to enter inside the house and I hugged her making her bury her face in my chest. I consoled her as she was crying.

" So you planned to play with my heart and abscond. You planned to walk away after I thought I had you already. You wouldn't have told me if we were not disqualified, right?" she said suddenly.

"No I was planning to call you tonight." I said feeling heartbroken

"Thanks for being my first boyfriend. I guess we are done Goodbye." She said and tiptoed to peck my lips "I love you" she said and ran inside. I was so shocked and that was even our first kiss. I couldn't hold her from running inside. I saw Roxie's aunty coming out from a corner. I guess she saw all what happened. She walked up to me and said "explain to her. She'll definitely come back to you" she patted my shoulder and went inside.

Bella POV

I was so shocked when James said he was traveling out of the country. Not even in two weeks time or maybe just two days time, by tomorrow he'll leave me here and start seeing those sexy girls. ' Aaaahhhhhhhh' I screamed and aunty came inside.

"Any problem, Bella?" She asked and I told her I was having headache.

"Oh really. It's almost lunch time. You should take drug after lunch and rest maybe it's the stress" she said and I walked inside Roxie's room.

I explained what happened with James to Roxie.

"Babe he loves you that is why he did not leave without a goodbye" she said after my narration

"You're dumb. I feel like you like James than I do. You are even taking his side when he's planning to leave me alone" I said and hit her head with my phone.

"Ouch you should not break up with him. Try distance relationship.... might work out for you" she said rubbing her head where I hit her with the phone.

"Shut your mouth or I'll tell Chris you like him" I said and she used her hand to indicate she zipped her mouth already. I chuckled and we went to the dining table.

Bethany POV

I know that Bella and James really love each other so I'll like to help them build their relationship. So I invited James for dinner after Bella went inside. I asked him to stay in the balcony till I call him inside.

I was setting the table when I saw the girls walking to the table.

"Why are you setting the table for four?" Roxanne asked.

"My friend is coming over for lunch" I answered remembering how James told me Bella won't let him in if she knows he would be the third person.

"Aunt see where you put the plate. What were you thinking?" Bella said and I smiled

"Nothing actually I just remembered something"

"Can you share?" Roxanne asked smiling

"Shut up and you haven't told me why you guys are home when the contest is yet to start" I said looking more serious. There was silence till I finished dishing the food.

"It's all over the internet how you fought the heiress of your school" I said "heiress??" they both said shocked "I saw the video of you insulting her. You can be sued you know. Was that how you were brought up? You neglected your home training. You need to be punished. Your punishment begins tomorrow" I said without stopping.

"Aunt please don't be too hard on me" Roxanne begged

"I have too cause you seem to lack home training.

1. You are grounded.

2. No social media

3. No friends.

For five days only" I said and Bella screamed.

James ran inside immediately and said "what happened baby?"

Roxanne POV

I hate when aunt punishes me. No going out. No phone or internet. No friends. This is hell. "I feel like dying" I said and Bella screamed. Someone ran inside immediately with a worried look "what happened baby?" The person said. Bella and I looked at ourselves and screamed.

"It's me James " the person said

"James??" We said in unison and looked at him